Saturday, August 31, 2019
Isaac Newton and Sigmund Freud Essay
Birth order is defined as a person’s or child rank/position by age among his/her sibling. Everybody has a birth order including ones family members, teachers, co workers and friends in school. Birth order is a unique phenomenon that is said to shape the personality of an individual. While there are factors like race, age, gender and age help shape the personality of an individual, birth order is considered one of the determinants of an individual character. Empathy refers to the ability of an individual to understand another person’s feelings and emotions and to be in a position to share the feelings with other people. It’s the ability of considering another person’s feelings and considering them as important as one’s own feelings also. Empathy is often associated with birth order because every child born often enters into a different environment different form the previous child. Because empathy involves understanding the feelings of others, it can also mean recognizing the emotions of another person and the way they are characterized (Zajonc and Gregory 79). This is because since emotions are normally the combination of beliefs and ideas, then getting this concept is more essential to empathy. The human capacity to identify the body feelings of the other are related to the birth order in several ways. People believe that emphatic personality traits that children possess depend on the birth rank of the child. First borns are considered the most intelligent, responsible, obedient, the least emotional and least creative. Middle children are considered envious. Last borns are seen as creative, emotional, disobedient, irresponsible and talkative. This can make some children to feel not loved. First borns are exposed to only adult language while later borns are exposed to adult language but also to the less mature vocalizations of their older siblings. This affects the verbal environment of the later born. This dilution becomes more pronounced for each additional child born. This differential exposure to mature language may be the reason for later borns reduced performance on verbal, vocabulary and reading comprehension tests as compared to first borns. Birth order explains the different personalities that siblings often have. When a child first becomes aware of the environment, he first identifies his niche. This issue brings competitions that exist in the siblings for the parental resources and as this competition sprouts up, the last borns develop counter strategies and the whole thing looks like a race for the best in the family. It’s this competition that causes the different personalities in an individual (Sulloway, Frank J. 38). Since the later borns often learn from the first borns, the later borns are often are more empathic than the first borns. This is because the later borns expand their language development by learning from the older siblings. They can be in a position to understand the behaviours and emotions and their causes. Later borns are therefore said to use a positive social behaviour. Development of empathy has over the years been seen as a cognitive issue while others refer to it as a primary effective process. The cognitive development of a child is different in different children in the birth order. Firstborns are considered assertive and very anxious because they develop their cognitive processes by observing this development in their parents. The later born on the other hand often learn from their older siblings and therefore their character is often less assertive. Since the older borns are wiser, older and more powerful, the later borns often are diverse in their interest and they therefore are open in most of their relationship. Good examples that explain the nature of first borns being assertive are scientist’s nature like Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and Sigmund Freud. Latter borns are said to only follow the first borns decision as is evident in the supporters of these scientists (Hoff-Ginsberg 625). The effect of birth order on a child’s behaviour is normally considered overrated. There are other variables in the family that are said to also affect the personality in a child and they include the spacing between the siblings, the age of the first borns and the size of the family. Certain characteristics of the child therefore are associated with the family size. If an individual did not develop in his younger years in the emotion of empathy there is likelihood that at the older years, the child will have diverse effects. The behaviours at old age often show differences between the siblings who are the first borns and those who are the last borns. Often those who are first borns will develop a less emphatic behaviour because they did not get a closer relationship from their parents, the later borns on the other hand will love challenging the status quo and getting attention and also creative in their work. This explains the importance of birth order in getting along with friends, family and fellow workers at job, and often feeling for them. Research has also shown that birth order affects romantic relationships and personality, the first borns said to be lees emphatic on their spouses and therefore are so hard to maintain peaceful relationships while the later borns are more emphatic and therefore form good relationships. In conclusion, birth order is considered an important aspect in the development of empathy in a child. Often the child will develop different characteristics depending on the position of his birth. It’s important for parents to learn the characteristics of a child by considering the birth order so that it will help predict the behaviour and personality of the next child. Work cited: Hoff-Ginsberg, E. The Relation of Birth Order and Socioeconomic Status to Children’s Language Experience and Language Development: Applied Psycholinguistics 19 1998:603-629. Sulloway, Frank J. Born to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics, and Creative Lives, New York: Pantheon, 1996: 28-42 Zajonc, R and Gregory B. Birth Order and Intellectual Development, Psychological Review 82, No. 1, 1975:74-88.
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Consumer Complaint Behavior
The consumer complaint behavior, CCB in short, is an area of research which deals with the identification and analysis of all the aspects involved in the consumer reaction to a product or a service failure and the consequent perceived dissatisfaction. A growing interest for CCB starts appearing toward the middle of the '60s as a particular aspect of a general attention for consumer behaviors and attitudes. Consumer satisfaction, dissatisfaction and consumer complaint behavior, in particular, are three distinct, but highly correlated subjects investigated by marketing and consumer studies.Real marketing problems can be considered at the origin of these studies. The growing competition in the market, the developing consumerism, the importance given to quality, performance and satisfaction, the emphasis given to customers, considered at the Centre of a product or of a service, bring researchers to inquiry about the complex mechanisms which determine customer satisfactions or dissatisfac tion and what are the consequent consumer behaviors.At the same time, as the research is deeply rooted in real life, the findings of the studies are aimed at identifying and suggesting managerial and practical solutions directly applicable to markets or services. As far as CCB research is concerned, the main aspects investigated can be summarized according to the some questions. The proposed list is anything but exhaustive: 1. Why do people complain? 2. Why do people not complain? 3. To whom do people complain? 4. Facing an unsatisfactory product or service, what are the possible reactions available for a customer? . Are there any differences in CCB according to the product or the service investigated? Being a Customer Relationship Manager of a luxurious hotel in Penang I received a mail from Mr. Stanley. He and his family stayed at my hotel last week. He has complained that the quality of food served was not satisfactory, hotel staff very impolite and not helpful and his computer n otebook and some cash was missing from his hotel room. Also he has criticized the hotel staff members that they do not listen to his complaint patiently. Firstly, I will send Mr.Stanley a letter of apologize and tell him about we will take further step even when full resolution is likely to take longer because fast acknowledgment remains very important and this action helps to build rapport with customer, the ? rst step in rebuilding a bruised relationship. In this letter I would not argue with Mr. Stanley and the goal should be to gather facts to reach a mutually acceptable solution, not to win a debate. Arguing gets in the way of listening and seldom diffuses anger. Next, I will show that I understand the problem from his point of view.Seeing situations through his eyes is the only way to understand what he thinks has gone wrong and why he is upset. Service personnel should avoid jumping to conclusions with his interpretations. Besides that, I have to clarify the truth and sort ou t the cause. Mr. Stanley says my hotel staffs are impolite, the food served is not satisfied and hotel members didn’t listen to his complaint, it may result from inefficiency of service, misunderstanding by Mr. Stanley, or the misbehavior of a hotel staff or third party. If I’ve done something wrong, I will apologize immediately. The more Mr.Stanley can forgive me, the less he will expect to be compensated. I would not be defensive because acting defensively may suggest that my hotel has something to hide or is reluctant to explore the situation fully. Furthermore, I will provide Mr. Stanley the bene? t of the doubt because not all customers are truthful and not all complaints are justi? ed. However, he should be treated as though they have a valid complaint until clear evidence to the contrary emerges. Because Mr. Stanley miss some cash money and computer notebook from his hotel room so careful investigation is warranted.Because the amount involved is not small, it ma y be worth haggling over a refund or other compensation. However, it’s still a good idea to check records to see if there is a past history of dubious complaints by the same customer. Propose the steps needed to solve the problem. When instant solutions aren’t possible, I will tell Mr. Stanley how my hotel plans to precede shows that corrective action is being taken. It also sets expectations about the time involved and I should be careful not to overpromise. I have to keep Mr.Stanley informed of progress because nobody likes being left in the dark and it may cause uncertainty breeds anxiety and stress. People tend to be more accepting of disruptions if they know what’s going on and receive periodic progress reports. Moreover, I have to consider compensation. When Mr. Stanley do not receive the service outcomes he believes he has paid for or have suffered serious inconvenience and loss of time and money because the service that hotel provide are failed to delive r to him, I might offer an unconditional money back guarantee and tell Mr.Stanley if at any point during the search process he is unhappy with progress, simply address the fact with us and if we are still not 100 percent satis? ed after that discussion, I will cheerfully and unconditionally refund every cent he has paid as a retainer. No quibble, no hassle, guaranteed period. This type of recovery strategy may also reduce the risk of legal action by an angry customer. Service guarantees often lay out in advance what such compensation will be, and hotel should ensure that all guarantees are met.Whatever is promised in the guarantee must be totally unconditional, and there should not be any element of surprise for the customer. The guarantee has to easy to understand and communicate to Mr. Stanley so that he is clearly aware of the bene? ts that can be gained from the guarantee. Meaningful to Mr. Stanley in that the guarantee is for something important to him and the compensation shou ld be more than adequate to cover the service failure.Guarantee has made must easy to invoke It should be easy for the customer to invoke the guarantee and it also have to easy to collect on because If a service failure occurs, the customer should be able to easily collect on the guarantee without any problems. Lastly, guarantee has to be credible and be believable. Persevere to regain Mr. Stanley goodwill. When Mr. Stanley has been disappointed, one of the biggest challenges is to restore his confidence and preserve the relationship for the future. Perseverance may be required to defuse is anger and to convince him that actions are being taken to avoid a recurrence of the problem.Truly exceptional recovery efforts can be extremely effective in building loyalty and referrals. Also I will check the service delivery system and pursue eminence. Because Mr. Stanley has left, I should check to determine whether the service failure was caused by accidental mistakes or system defects. I ne ed to take advantage of every complaint from Mr. Stanley to perfect the whole service system. Even if the complaint is found to be a result of a misunderstanding by Mr. Stanley, this implies that some part of my communication system is ineffective.But while we discussed the importance of professional complaint handling and service recovery, we have to acknowledge that not all complaints are honest. When ? rms have generous service recovery policies or offer guarantees, there is always the fear that some customers may take advantage. Also, not all complaining customers are right or reasonable in their behavior, and some may actually be the cause of complaints by other customers. We refer to such people as jaycustomers. Every service has its share of jaycustomers. Jaycustomers are undesirable. At best, a ? rm should avoid attracting them in the ? st place, and at worst, a ? rm needs to control or prevent their abusive behavior. Let us ? rst describe the main types of jaycustomers befo re we discuss how to deal with them. De? ning a problem is the ? rst step in resolving it, so let’s start by considering the different types of jaycustomers. I’ve identi? ed seven broad categories. The Cheat – There are many ways in which customers can cheat service ? rms. Cheating ranges from writing compensation letters with the sole purpose of exploiting service recovery policies and cheating on service guarantees, to in? ating or faking insurance claims and â€Å"ward robing†.The Thief – Those customers who always wishes to payless or not to pay, these may be like travelling in public transport freely, or not paying restaurant bills and others – firms to be prevented from such customers use many tips because if company is not taking actions against such people; other customers would also have intentions to behave in such manners. The Rulebreaker – Those customers who don’t obey rules of company or country like breaking traf fic rules – even though it costs them sometimes a lot but they do because they feel pleasure in behaving such manners†¦.Company should ensure that rules are to be followed. The Belligerent – Expresses resentment, use to abuse employees verbally or even physically. It causes demotivation of employees if company doesn't react upon such customers because for everyone in this world SELF RESPECT is most important thing, Guards/Security are their best solutions, Company should also guide their Front line staff to deal with such uncertain circumstances†¦ The Family Feuders – Customers who gets in detailed arguments with other customers about company of any kind.The Vandal – Those customers who always makes hurdle for company like pouring water in ATM, writing on walls, in cybercafes deleting windows files or other software. The Deadbeat – These are not like thief but close to them, these are those who pays the amount but after creating such prob lems for company, like I’ll pay tomorrow, they know that they have to pay but they try to delay as much as they can. Encouraging customer feedback provides an important means of increasing customer satisfaction and retention.It is an opportunity to get into the hearts and minds of the customer. In all but the worst instances, complaining customers are indicating that they want to continue their relationship with the firm, but they are also indicating that all is not well and that they expect the company to make things right. Here, service firms need to develop effective strategies to recover from service failures so they can maintain customer goodwill. That is vital for the long-term success of the company.Having professional and generous service recovery systems does not mean â€Å"the customer is always right†and that the ? rm is open to customer abuse. Rather, it is important for the bene? t of all too effectively deal with jaycustomers. (1782 words) References www . google. com www. wikipidea. org http://deni9ek. blogstudent. mb. ipb. ac. id/files/2011/12/CHAPTER-13-CASE-3. pdf http://www. scribd. com/doc/51888732/Services-Marketing-Lovelock-Wirtz-Chaterjee-Ch-13
Thursday, August 29, 2019
3 quizes about this book Germina zola Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
3 quizes about this book Germina zola - Essay Example In the 19th century, women were viewed in different perspectives compared to the current situation now, and such differences played a cognitive role amongst women who participated in the literary aspects of that time. In Emile Zolas â€Å"Germinal,†women integrated well into three general categories: the first and most essential category is the maternal responsibility of motherly behavior. ‘La Maheude’, one of the main characters depicts maternal influence in the story, and has encompassed both motherly instinct and forte. As an affectionate mother, La Maheude plays a crucial task for providing for her family by establishing and enhancing new sources of income, and shaping up the essence of the subsequent generation in the society. In this perspective, bearing and nurturing children becomes a very essential job (Colin, 48). When they are still young, a mother is liable to mold and influence their behaviors so as to shape-up very hard-working and trust-worthy memb ers of the society. As they finally grow old enough to go to their occupations, their misappropriation of resources from their younger days transforms them into being the bread winners in the family. The second group is that of the woman determined towards pushing for equality amongst men, and Emile Zola has granted them fallout in their incapability of resisting from the featured males counterparts. Catherine and Chaval for instance, have a long-term relationship with a broad sense of male-chauvinism. It is evident from the story that Catherine could not stand firm against sexual advances from Chaval who was constantly abusing her. The final category is that of the working class women who turned out to be mistresses. For example, La Pierronne husband is conversant of his wife’s infidelity but later uses it to his own advantage. It is evident in this perspective that she slept with men whereby his husband was fully aware of having the ability to reimburse increased rent, and obtain some goods in
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Preserving Knowledge for Future Generation Essay
Preserving Knowledge for Future Generation - Essay Example Preserving Knowledge for Future Generation One of the major treasures that have been destroyed in the process of these disasters is intellectual property and information. Information impacts knowledge to the society and carries a lot of power especially given its capability to influence generations as well as providing continuity in a society. In an attempt to secure knowledge, the current generation has widely advanced and used technology to ensure that information of whichever form is preserved and retrieved when required. Electronic sources are now being used to store whatever knowledge is available. However, the information already lost remains irretrievable thereby creating an inconsistency of knowledge over generations. Quite a big chunk of the historic knowledge has been lost through disasters making us deficient of it and unable to decipher what it was all about. Library destruction has been an issue that has denied the current society of the need to link modernity with some historic knowledge. These destructions have been under the influence of human intents based on certain motivations or just by accident. Human-made activities make the bulk of the destroyed books and other knowledge carrying materials. There are key incidences in history that have led to massive destruction of knowledge. Firstly, the destruction of the Library of Alexandria in the ancient Egypt is one of the landmark knowledge losses in the early history. It is reported that the library contained a collection of many works to the extent of attracting the earlier scholars who are said to have converted the library to be their study base. Many papyrus scrolls and books not only had massive information about the early culture but also knowledge based on religion, philosophy, and economics among other areas. Being one of the early centers of civilization and the proximity with Rome and Greece provided a perfect location knowledge sharing and acquisition. It is not clear whether the library was destroyed by fire or several destruc tive events but it was completely ruined with all the knowledge it carried. Closely related to it was the Library of the Serapeum that became the alternative of the early scholars after the one in Alexandria was destroyed. This library was too destroyed by burning and looting of the resources thereof. Some reports have indicated that the destruction of the library was catalyzed by the order given by Theodosius I, making the library to be burnt to ashes. This led to destruction of the books and scrolls that had remained from the destruction of the Library of Alexandria. The cultural knowledge was the main victim of the two incidences in early Egypt. Another ancient incidence that caused destruction of a wealth of resourceful information is the destruction of Nalanda in India around 1193 AD. Nalanda was one the revered religious learning centers in India; highly regarded for the position that it had given Buddhism. It had wealth of knowledge contained in books that attracted people fr om as far as China, Persia, Greece and Tibet. The great library was destroyed in a war by Muslim army from Turkey, they set fire on it and is reported to have destroyed all the documents and books contained therein. The library was so big that it burnt for almost three months. Apart from the loss of the knowledge that was present in the library resources, the culture as well as Buddhism was adversely affected. In addition, religious affiliated
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Management Process Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Management Process - Case Study Example Quoting The Guardian "In spite of the recession, and in contrast to rivals like Marks and Spencer and Debenhams, the company could report a 20% increase in sales to 2.3bn, for the year to the end of September." Primark has been flexible in understanding its customers' needs and offering them the latest at affordable prices. The company has been open to expansions and acquisitions. It has 193 outlets today, all over U.K and Europe, not to mention the parent country of Ireland. When its rival BhS wound up its operations in Ireland, in 1992, Primark was quick to seize the opportunity and set up a 50,000sq ft showroom in the upmarket area of O'Connell Street, Dublin. In 1995, it bought out BhS's One-Up discount chain and in 1999, it acquired 11 stores from Co-Op. In 2005, the company acquired 6 stores from 'Allders'. According to Sarah Segal, Primark is a high street retailer that has a line of brands and focuses on buying, logistics and supply chain management rather than branding, when compared to its peers like TK Maxxx. The buying team from Ireland and U.K travels worldwide to acquaint itself with fashion trends and look for inexpensive suppliers. Computerized customs clearance helps the company achieve speed to market. Dedicated warehousing and distribution facilities also help reduce time and cost for the movement of goods in the supply chain. New fashion trends have been copied quickly and thus products have reached their stores before the competitors. After carefully selecting the new fashion designs that would appeal to the target consumer, the company is quick to add stocks when these items are in high demand. Constantly updated records of daily sale and stock information sent to the warehouses helps in restocking fast selling items immediately. Quality While the company claims itself as a no frills seller, it has never compromised on the quality of the finished product. "Style, quality and affordable prices" are the attributes associated with Primark. Value for money is the idea behind this retailer's success. When a company can grow by leaps and bounds the way Primark has since its inception 1969 and continue to make profits much above the industry average even in times of recession, it speaks volumes about the quality of the products sold. It is hard to imagine that such a huge retailer does not need support through advertising campaigns. Obviously, the quality has to be so good that the company can sell products like hot cakes even during the recession. Cost Primark promises to deliver high fashion clothing at very affordable prices. True to its slogan "Look good, pay less," it offers clothes at very reasonable prices (like jeans for 4). Its success formula in keeping the cost low seems to be it target group: the fashion conscious below the age of 35.Outsourcing the workers from other countries where labour is cheap helps in significantly reducing the production costs. Here is a company that can afford to do away with advertising, thus saving the company billions of s that would otherwise have been spent on advertising. Susan Segal feels that their success is due to the fact that they are positioned clearly at the cheap end of the market, thus avoiding a middle of the bracket position like its
Monday, August 26, 2019
Consumer Market and Consumer Buyer Behavior Essay
Consumer Market and Consumer Buyer Behavior - Essay Example According to Kotler & Armstrong (2010), the provisions allowed global marketing activities for mobile network operators. The company was willing to bring contract manufacturers on-board and develop customized products. On the other hand, Apple Inc. is Telecommunication Company with global dominance headquartered in Cupertino and incorporated in America. The company sells, develops, and designs online services, consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. According to Estelami (2009), Apple is popular for the hardware products like iPad tablet computer, Mac computers, iPhone smartphone, and iPod media player. The firm provides online services such as App Store, iTunes Store, and iCloud. Apple’s consumer software is inclusive of operating systems such as iOS and OS X, the iTunes, and the Safari web browser and iWork creativity and iLife productivity suites. Apple has well-defined marketing policies aimed at enhancing customer values. The goal of such strategic focus includes an allowance for customers to generate confidence on the product profiles. The release of new products brings in debates on the global telecommunication sector. Engraved marketing action plans are utilized in delivering solutions relating to the organizational objectives. The firm bears comprehensive range of models in marketing. Increment of promotions and sales comes from an emphasis on thorough research and development. According to Estelami (2009), outcomes are enablers of meets different customer preferences. The relevance of the Apple Company’s contribution includes increasing impacts of electronic media as well as social media networks’ command. HTC and Apple monitor the marketing initiatives through constant measurement of campaigns ratings. Departments take corrective actions towards improving efficiency and effectiveness for procedural campa igns. According to Hugh (2012), one of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8
Assessment - Essay Example guidance and management of the school principal whose participation influences the level of school efficiency through aligning individual teacher instructions with student achievement. My participation in instructional collaboration would be to intensify my relationship with colleagues, offer my opinion towards a student-centered school, gain proficiency in curriculum goals, raise my expectations and that of other teachers, become part of an aggressive and engaged community of teacher-learners, and reinforces the entire school program. I would hesitate to collaborate to avoid over-dependence on my colleagues, and to gain more confidence my decisions. I would also not collaborate to pursue issues geared towards personal goals that conflict with student-centered learning. In my opinion, successful collaboration must improve my reflective abilities and promote individual professional growth. Additionally, partners have to demonstrate strong self-esteem and motivation, sense of security hence a common goal, shared studying and peer observation, open and rich professional dialogues, instructional variety in teaching, elevated risk taking, planning and preparation, and improved of levels self-confidence. Through increased participation in of teachers curriculum delivery, collaboration makes it possible to evaluate the outcomes of both the teachers and the students. Yes, I have previously participated in instructional collaboration. I engaged in consultation collaboration for a topic I did not know how to deliver effectively. The experience made me to realize that not all teachers feel secure when engaging in collaboration and they would turn you away claiming they are busy. However, most teachers are willing to assist newly employed colleagues in effort to promote consistent student learning. I felt incompetent and did not want to jeopardize the learning of my students. I would look for a partner who is trustworthy and who seeks equitable distribution of
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Best training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Best training - Essay Example Reason for Ranking PNC and BB&T Banks top in Training Indeed, the reason explaining the high-ranking of the PNC and BB&T banks was their ability to embrace technology in training. Precisely, when the PNC bank automated the loan process and adopted the electronic system, they started the program that facilitated online learning (Guerrie, 2008). As a result, the users had to adjust to the new technology through virtual learning. Basically, the system increased the number of trainees, thereby, making the bank an intensive financial training institution. Due to the complex learning, the bank incorporated the experts in formulating the training design (Guerrie, 2008). In reality, the completed training design was in time, very effective and highly successful. In BB&T bank, their intention of developing the transferable and applicable learning technology made them a reputable training institution. In fact, the system was an innovative way of ensuring that the employees achieved excellence through learning. In addition, the technological training would help in integrating the vision, values and the business strategies (Guerrie, 2008). The approach was very creative and intended to make the company outstanding. Apparently, the creative and technological approach to the process of training, made the PNC and BB&T banks meet the highest ratings. ... As well, the training improved the workers performance, in terms of efficiency and effectiveness in the production process (Guerrie, 2008). The electronic system that the two corporations embraced replaced the manual operations, making the service delivery faster and right. In addition, the technology leveraged most of the tools used in the corporations and enhanced the relations among the employees, the customers and the stakeholders working with the corporations. In those aspects, the two corporations tied their training and development, specifically, to their strategic goals, corporate goals and the competitive edge to their competitors in the market. Ways where the Companies Represent the Best Practice Organizations for Learning and Development Notable, the paper has outlined that learning and development are complementary, meaning that one exist to complement the other. For example, training facilitates the development of a corporation. In this context, the PNC and BB&T Banks re present the best practice organizations for training and development, specifically in relation through adopting the practice of technological training. Indeed, the technological approach to training the workers is a modern practice that enhances efficiency and effectiveness of the work (Guerrie, 2008). Through the use of technology, the corporations meet accuracy and prompt execution of duties. Often, the application that aims at achieving the organizational goals is the best practice that it should embrace (Guerrie, 2008). For example, the training that the workers received shaped their performance culture to match the current organizational needs. Moreover, the training enabled the management to center on the transformation
The European Colonialism in 16th century to mid 20th Research Paper
The European Colonialism in 16th century to mid 20th - Research Paper Example As the discussion outlines by the mid-19th century, the powerful British Empire dropped mercantilism as well as trade restrictions followed by the introduction of free trade with very few restrictions and tariffs. African countries were the major victims of colonization. The main aim of the colonial rule was to exploit the colony’s economy and repatriate them to their home countries making the colony depend on them. This study highli9ghts that colonialism can be defined as the policy and practice of a power to extend and take control over weaker people specifically during the process of European settlement along with political control over the rest of the world. Osterhammel defined colonialism as the essence and the existence of colonies, which were governed in a different form from other territories with a relationship existing between the indigenous majority and a minority of foreign intruders. The colonial rulers implemented the fundamental decisions that affected the lives of the colonies. There are two forms of colonialism; settler colonialism involves immigration on a large scale mainly inspired by religion, politics or economic reasons and exploitation colonialism that involves few colonialists that focus on accessing resources such as labor and materials for export. Colonialism has a long history starting with the African empires in the pre-colonial error in Egypt, Phoenix,, Greece and R oman where colonies were built in antiquity. The word "colony" comes from the Latin colonies that mean "a place for agriculture". The Vietnamese created military colonies south of their original territory between the 11th and 18th century absorbing the territory. The modern colonialism started with the age of Discovery where Portugal and Spain had discovered new links across the oceans and established trading posts.Â
Friday, August 23, 2019
Impact of London Olympics 2012 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Impact of London Olympics 2012 - Essay Example The 2012 Olympics will give a fillip to the London economy, and it is a major opportunity for all organizations in the metropolis. Stadiums, swimming pools, courts, residential accommodation for athletes, officials and for spectators spring first to mind when most people think of the economic fall-out of a city being chosen for the Olympics. Physical assets have limits in reality, for returns cannot be achieved without qualified, skilled, experienced and motivated teams of people. The 2012 Olympics is a challenge for Human Resources Management, as much as it is a chance for civil engineers and architects to get busy! The Olympics represent an acute opportunity that comes to a city for about a week like a comet, once in decades! It nears years of careful preparation, with a full agenda for Personnel departments. Every function tends to inflate its own importance, but even those who are not full-time professionals from the Human Resources field will agree that finding and retaining people of the right caliber is going to be a major obstacle to be overcome, for any London institution to reap the rewards of their h ome city being selected for the 2012 Olympics. This document attempts to develop some key policies for a chosen London organization, so that it prepares for this major world event. Every metropolis has an aquarium, and London is not lacking in this respect. The London Aquarium has an especially spectacular collection, and a central location that puts it in the path of major tour operators and individual tourists alike. It has certain appeal for all the people who will come to London to watch some part of the Olympics. The 2012 event promises to be a chance for the London Aquarium to experience a surge in revenues if it is able to gear up for the flood of visitors who will descend on London from all corners of the globe. Young people from parts of the United Kingdom other than London itself will be amongst the most prized
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Investigation of temperature on catalase activity Essay Example for Free
Investigation of temperature on catalase activity Essay The aim of this experiment is to find out the effect of temperature on catalase or hydrogen peroxide. This will enable us to tell at what temperature hydrogen peroxide is most efficient. This (degradation) reaction will help us determine some of the catalases different attributes. HYPOTHESIS In this experiment it would be safe to hypothesise that no activity would take place at 1 to 20 degrees. It would be probable that a little activity would take place around 40 degrees. When the water gets to around 60+ the oxygen bubbles start to froth. It is almost certain that this will happen due to the behaviour of the atom. This means that the hotter the water gets the more active the water molecules become. Thus the colder the water gets the less active the water becomes. Another theory is that different things adapt according to their habitat. Therefore, catalase would be most active at around 37 degrees body temperature. This means that in this experiment catalase would be most active in the water bath that is at 40 degrees Celsius. METHOD Before the experiment could be started the following apparatus needed to be obtained: Cork Borer Water Baths at 3,20,40 and 60 degrees Celsius Potato Ruler Stopwatch Detergent Hydrogen Peroxide Now that all this apparatus has been obtained, it is possible to start the experiment. Eight test tubes will be required because the experiment is being done twice in each water bath. Use a marker pen to mark the specific temperature on the test tubes so as to make sure that there are no possible errors. Now place these test tubes in a test tube rack. Take the cork borer no. 4, and take a cylinder of potato using the cork borer. Do this until you have eight cylinders. If there are any cylinders that are uneven in size, then take the cylinder again using the cork borer. Now that you have good cylinders, cut them to equal length equal to 1.5cms. cubed. Once this has been done, put each potato cylinder in a test tube. Now it is almost time to start the experiment, so have a stop- watch at the ready. Pour 5cms cubed of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into each test tube. Now go to the first water bath that is 3 degrees Celsius and take a pipette and pour 10 drops of detergent into the first 2 test tubes (the test tubes that are labelled 3 degrees Celsius). Once you have done this, immediately start the stopwatch and simultaneously put the 2 tubes into the water bath. Repeat this process for the next 3 water baths. Although only 1 stopwatch has been used, the time will be fairly accurate since a delay has been created. When 5 minutes is up go to the first water bath with a ruler and measure the amount of froth on each test tube. RESULTS Experiment No.Temperature (oC)Height of Froth (cm)Average Height of Froth (cm) 133.33.15 2333.15 1203.43.5 2203.63.5 1406.56.0 2405.56.0 16032.95 2602.92.95 CONCLUSION In conclusion to this experiment, it is evident that catalase is most active at 40 degrees Celsius. There is a trend in a graph that shows the froth increases up towards 40 degrees Celsius and dips when reaching 60 degrees Celsius. It is not just a case of the Enzymes activity decreasing it becomes denatured shortly after it reaches its optimum level of activity. EVALUATION In this evaluation, the flaws and the limitations of this experiment will be outlined. The procedures in this experiment were very effective. Unlike many other experiments the control of the variables was without fault, because a machine was controlling them, i.e. the water bath. There were not many limitations of equipment, and the only way the equipment could have been improved would have been to have the experiment monitored by computer. All the sources of error in this experiment were with the non-variables. Firstly, there was no way of being sure that each potato was the exact same length or mass. A way of improving this would be using a guillotine-type device, meaning that the potatoes were at least the exact same length since they were cut at equal angles all together. Another flaw is the amount of H2O2 poured into each separate test tube. This is cannot be improved upon unless done by machine. Other sources of error that could only have been improved upon by machine are height of froth, and amount of detergent. A major defect that could have affected the results is the timing. This is because of the delay system used. The only way that the delay system could have worked like clockwork is if it took the exact same time to measure froth as to pour detergent. There are two ways of improving this. The first is to make the experiment last longer. This would mean that it would not matter if there were a few seconds difference in the times, because no more froth could have been produced. The second is that if the experiment was timed separately for each bath.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Social Class Structures Sociology Essay
The Social Class Structures Sociology Essay The Sumerian civilization was one of the earliest in Mesopotamia. The Sumerians existed around 3500-1750 B.C. The Sumerian civilization was not discovered until the 19th century. The following manuscript will cover three key topics the Sumerian Creation Story, the compared social class system to the contemporary United States, and how the hierarchical structure set forth by the Sumerian Empire compares with our current criminal justice system. Lastly, the educational material will show the similarities and differences between the ancient Sumerian Empire and todays contemporary United States. This research will help individuals understand early civilizations and how they compare to todays society. The information discovered will also show how early civilizations built their societies. The Social Class Structures and Criminal Justice Systems of Sumerian and the United States Sumer was a collection of city states around the Lower Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now southern Iraq. It was a collection of farming villages. Each of these cities had individual rulers; although the leader of the dominant city could have been considered the king of the region. The Sumerians formed the earliest written language. Their religious beliefs also are found to have some similarities with the Bible, especially the book of Genesis. This essay will compare and contrast the Sumerian Empire and the United States. To compare and contrast the two the Sumerian Creation, social classes, and criminal justice system will be assessed. First, I will evaluate the story of the Sumerian Creation. Next, I will compare the different social classes between the Sumerian civilization and the United States. Lastly, I will discuss the hierarchical structure set forth by the Sumerian Empire compared to our current criminal justice system. Literature Review This literature review focuses on literature regarding Sumer and the Sumerian Creation Story, particularly focusing on the Sumerian social class hierarchy. Additionally, this literature review examines the contemporary social structure in the United States and the current criminal justice system. Discussion Sumerian Creation Story The Sumerians Creation Story begins with the earth and the heavens being created in the sea. The Sumerian myths have been pieced together due to the age of the remains found. After the earth and the heavens were created the gods created cities and each city had its own god. The male god, An, and the female god, Ki, gave birth to Enlil, the chief god of the pantheon. Enlil impregnated Ninlil, the goddess of wind, which created the moon. When the moon was created then it was time to create humans. The Sumerian gods created some humans out of silt or clay. From the evaluation of the Sumerians Creation Story similarities to the Bible can be found. As in Genesis, the Sumerians world is formed the heavens and earth are separated from one another by a solid dome. The second chapter of Genesis introduces the paradise Eden, a place which is similar to the Sumerian Dilmun. (Gen. 2:9-10) In the second version of the creation of man The Lord God formed man out of the clay of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and so man became a living being. The Sumerian gods used a similar method in creating man (Kramer Maier p. 33). Sumerian and United States: Social Class The Sumerian social class is split into three social groups. These social groups consist of upper class, in-between class or middle class, and lowest class. At the top of the Sumerian upper class is the king and priests. The upper class also included landowners, government officials, and merchants. Something that stood out in the Sumerian social class was that women had more rights in early Sumer than in later Mesopotamia. Upper class women were priestesses. The Sumerian women were landowners, merchants, artisans, and most raised children. Slaves made up the lowest class along with prisoners, orphans, poor children, and debtors. The Sumerians used slaves as cheap labor. Sumerians allowed slaves the right to do business, borrow money, and buy freedom. In the United States the economists and sociologists have not devised exact guidelines for the social classes. Instead there are two set classes including the three-class model that consist of the rich, middle class, and the poor. In the three-class model the rich of course have the wealth, middle class consist of those who work white collar jobs, and the poor are the blue collar workers or those who are unemployed. The other model that is most commonly used is the five-class model including upper class, upper-middle, middle-middle, lower-middle, and lower class. In the five-class model it is broke down a little more. The upper class term is applied to the blue bloods who are the families who are multi-generational wealth. These families also have leadership in high society. The rest of the upper class is followed by those who have made significant investment off of capital and stock options as well as the corporate elite who have high salary jobs such as being a Chief Executive Offi cers (CEO). The upper middle class consists of highly-educated salaried professional: physicians, lawyers, scientists, and professors. The upper middle class tends to have a great influence over society. The middle class and the lower middle class seem to overlap. The middle class consists of semi-professionals, craftsmen, office staff, and sales employees. These people often have college degrees. The lower middle class often includes the same professions except for those in the lower middle class do not have a college degree. Those without the college degree are often on the entry level in those careers. The low class is the blue collar workers. These blue collar workers are considered the working poor. Most of the population in the United States is considered the working class or the working poor. Sumerian and United States: Criminal Justice System The Sumerian legal system, one of the earliest known criminal justice systems, focused on a citizens compliance with the social norms and religious beliefs of the day. Regardless of social class, strict compliance with orders and instructions was rewarded, while failure to comply was punished (Sterba, 1976, p. 25). Such punishment was commensurate with the injury (Sterba, 1976). The Sumerians established a system of laws to deal with personal injuries, slave issues, sexual offenses, marital problems, and agricultural disputes ´ (Milosavljevic, 2007, p. 7). Regulating the behavior of its citizens helped keep the social order. From its earliest days, the criminal justice system in America has served to protect the interests of the rich, property-owning classes. Crime is often associated with the working poor and the underclass (Jargowsky Park, 2009). Because of this, crime is often a problem in urban areas with low income levels. Elevated crime levels have been attributed to neighborhood social disorganization stemming from urban structural changes, residential instability, and racial/ethnic transitions (Jargowsky Park, 2009, p.30). The contemporary criminal justice system has been viewed as a means of regulating class interests by insuring that enforcement efforts are directed toward the regulation of the poor. (Weiner, 1975, p. 436). Conclusion There are several differences between Sumer and contemporary American society. For instance, the position of women is markedly different in the two social structures. Additionally, slavery no longer exists in the United States, eliminating this lowest of social classes. The communal lifestyle of Sumer stands in sharp contrast to the capitalist society of the United States. Finally, the criminal justice systems of these two societies have different goals and objectives. Among the differences between Sumer and the United States is the position of women in society. In Sumer, it was the male citizens who comprised the assembly of elders and who controlled the power and wealth of the community. Unlike in Sumer, the United States is no longer controlled exclusively by men. In the United States, the proclamation that  ³all men are created equal ´ has been interpreted to include women as well as people from all social classes. The Fourteenth Amendments Equal Protection clause guarantees that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (U.S. Const. Amend. XIV). Thus, people of all classes, as well as women, are protected equally by the laws of the United States. Another difference between Sumer and the United States is slavery. Until 1863, slavery was legal in the United States (Harr Hess, 2002).The Emancipation Proclamation officially freed the slaves and outlawed slavery (Harr Hess, 2002). Those in the slave states did not immediately comply with the Emancipation Proclamation (Harr Hess, 2002). The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery in America (U.S. Const. Amend. XIII). In contrast, slaves made up the lowest social class in Sumer. Unlike in the United States, the people of Sumer had a communal lifestyle. People did not work for money, nor did they compete to get rich at the expense of other individuals. The great majority safely depended on the head of their estate to fill their needs, and he, in turn, depended on them to increase and protect his wealth and position (Ellison, 1964, p. 22). Further, each city was conceived to be the special concern of one of the gods in Mesopotamia, and in a sense the equalitarianism of government placed each man in the position of being a guardian of that gods interests (Ellison, 1964, p. 24). In contrast, the United States has both urban and rural communities in which people work for money and attempt to better their social situation. Additionally, under capitalism people work for their own self-interests and have an opportunity to change their social class by getting an education and accumulating greater wealth. The objective of the criminal justice system in these two societies differed as well. In Sumer, punishment for crime attempted to make the victim whole again or was retribution commensurate with the type of harm inflicted. The Sumerian code of Ur-Nammu focused on restitution as the primary approach to criminal justice (Van Ness, 1991). In the United States, crime is defined as an offense against the State instead of against a specific individual (Van Ness, 1991). Because of this, the offender is not held personally responsible for restoring the victim. However, restitution is sometimes made part of sentencing and victims rights are becoming more important within the criminal justice system. The cultures, social class hierarchies, and legal systems of Sumer and the United States are significantly different; yet, the class structure and criminal justice system of Sumer offers unique insights into our own society. The similarities and differences highlight the importance of understanding where civilization began and where we intend to go from here. Because of the complexity of the relationship between social class and crime, it is vital to remain aware of the goals of the criminal justice system.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Role of Computers in Architectural Design Process
Role of Computers in Architectural Design Process Introduction Outline Intentions The intention of my research is to investigate the role computers play as a visualization and representational tool in the architectural design process. The thesis proposes to ascertain an appropriate understanding of our experience of the emergent digital realms.This involves investigating the need to visualize a building before it is created in practice and the degree to which CAD programs are used as a design tool as a means of testing and evaluating architectural processes. As part of examining the benefits computers has in the field of architecture I assessed the degree to which they have distanced the practitioners in architecture from hand drawings and physical model making and how virtual architecture could be detrimental to the disciplinary field Involving the emergence of paper architecture showing theoretical proposals using visualizations. Many architects believe that the traditional hand renderings and conceptual sketches have now become a lost art to the cost of archit ectural design. The research examines how these digital technologies help architects to design and how visualizations act as a way of communication between client and designer. This involves researching into architectural graphics as a marketing tool and looking into the future of computational methods as a visual and development tool for building design. The question will therefore be proposed of whether architects and designers have maintained the hands on approach associated with the discipline, or whether this has been abandoned in favor of computer graphics as a visual tool. Are computers taking away from the traditional methods and if so what are their advantages to the discipline? Methodology To assess the degree to which CAD software helps architectural design firms, I looked at two firms which rely heavily on CAD software as a design tool and one firm, which not only believe in a traditional approach, but use predominantly models and hand drawings for conceptual stages. This involved assessing critics views, personal judgment and analyzing the pathways they took in relation to initial brief and concepts to construction stages. The three case studies selected are intended to show the varied use of computing software and its adaption to various styles of office organization and philosophies. A description of the three firms working methods is analyzed and comparisons drawn against these case studies focusing on the diverse working methods. The study then formed the basis of a conclusion in which a summary of the results is documented. Chapter 1: Literature Review of Current Computation Trends What should be the exact scope of the computer involvement within the architectural discourse? This question has been present since the beginning of the use of computer aided architecture software. It is notable that many of the designs we see in todays architectural world could not have been achieved without use of computer visualizations and extensive 3D graphics, However the question of how much should computation techniques be used is always present. Will the age old two dimensional flattened image give way to the intelligent three dimensional digital models as a way of communication? As apparently simple as this question might be, the answers are considerably more complex. An architect throughout the ages has communicated via a pen or pencil and a piece of paper. They have quick ability to identify their projects functioning and particularities with a simple doodle. This method of working has not changed. However according to Vesselin Gueorguiev (2008, p.6) the architectural and design visualization industry is predicted to grow by 23% over the next 7 years'[2]. A new generation of structures and concepts is being created that recognizes the computer not only as a drafting and rendering tool, but also as a potentially powerful tool in the generation of designs themselves; in other words an intelligent drafting machine. With the use of 3D modeling, renderings and visualizations, an architect has an excellent opportunity to play with your imaginations or thoughts, enabling the creation of pieces of architecture that could never have been rationalized with the use of pen and paper technique alone. An increasing number of digital designs are now being published and praised by critics as meaningful and influential to the architectural field. This emergence of paper and theoretical architecture is rapidly expanding with many architects adopting a research approach to practice, led dominantly by computers as a means of experimenting in forms, aesthetics and expressing the investigations achieved. Helen Castle for instance describes how cities shapes might be grown in digital laboratories in order to aid evolved urban design (2009, p.4)'[3]. Evidence of this is shown in Figure 1 showing a digitally produced master-plan for a carbon-neutral resort and residential development on Zira Island in the Caspian Sea. For a long time architecture was thought of as a solid reality and entity: buildings, objects, matter, place and a set of geometric relationships. But recently, architects have begun to understand their products as liquid, animating their bodies, hyper-surfacing their walls, crossbreeding different locations, experimenting with new geometries. And this is only the beginning (2005, p.22)[4]. It is undoubtedly evident that advanced rendering and 3D systems can help to envisage of what architecture might be, however the computer is not a human being and should not be treated as such. Ultimately it is the architect who is controlling the ideas, programming and concepts and the computer merely facilitates instructions. Therefore the computer is just a way of copying, simulating or replacing manual methods of design, simply a tool to replace the pencil. Kosta Terzidis concurs with the argument stating that unlike humans, computers are not aware of their environment (2006, p.37)[5]. In this computer age, architects are constantly striving to generate and introduce a new way of thinking about design. The problem is that often neither the designer is aware of the possibilities that conceptual schemes can produce nor the software packages are able to predict the moves or personality of individual designers. The result therefore is that the computer is used mor e as a medium of expression rather than a structural foundation for architectural experimentation. Has the emergence of digital realms as a result of computer formulated design led to architecture being produced as a mass media image rather than a piece of beautifully crafted, functional and creative architecture? Architects such as Beatriz Colomina took the subject of media of architecture as an exhibition piece from the 1920s to the 1950s, therefore this fanciful image of architecture was not just brought to light by the digital age. This notion of extremely visual 3D architecture has however been condemned by many critics, with many believing that the actual computer image is surpassing the reality of the building itself. Branko Kolarevic points out the problem that; There seems to be a sense among the generation of school leavers that because they have mastered a software they are sufficient as architects, and they almost immediately seem to be leaving to set up their own practice, which usually turns into a graphics company for websites (2005, p.70).[6] The notion of using computers more as a marketing tool is very prominent in todays culture. This is especially important in times of economic recession where every niche a practice has will be exploited to offer a more attractive service to the client. Images sell buildings. As a result, many architecture graduates are employed solely to use their skills of computer renderings rather than their knowledge of design; in effect turning into CAD monkeys and simply key based operators rather than architects. The perception that computer graphics is enhancing buildings is viewed as a myth by many. As [8] to simply draft the drawings required and preparing a project for construction and tender documentation.  For many designers, the computer is just an advanced tool running programs that enable them to produce sophisticated forms and to better control the realization of a design. Critic Kosta Terzidis states that, whatever capabilities a computer may have it lacks any level of criticality and its visual effects are nothing but mindless connections to be interrupted by a human designer (2006, p.48).[9] I agree with this point as to fully determine a solution; an architect should be intrinsically linked with their proposal via physical models, sketches and general hands on approaches. A computer does not have the ability to reflect and respond to an environment set by the user; in other words the computer output is simply a response to the designers input. Due to the nature of complexity in many 3D programs, architects can become lost in their designs with a loss of control over the fundamental solution to the problem. Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran from Ohio State University states the very vagueness and ambiguity of sketches plays an important role in the early stages of design (2007, p.65),[10] see figure 2, which explains with the use of color to highlight the dominant architectural elements. It is vitally important that we do not loose this affinity with sketching that our architectural discourse has been built on. In this digital age the benefits computers can bring to the design process is profound however, we must not let computers control architecture. Let humans control architecture and allow a combination of sketches, CAD or virtual models and computation control our future worlds.   However the terms, concepts and processes that seem inconceivable, unpredictable and impossible by a designer can be explored, implemented and tested into new design strategies and solutions within the digital world. This experimentation has given rise to new design processes and concepts such as genetic algorithms, parametric design and isomorphic surfaces. Branko Kolarevic (2005) makes the argument that; Digitally driven processes, characterized by dynamic open-ended and unpredictable but consistent transformations of three dimensional structures, are giving rise to new architectonic possibilities (2005, p. 2).[11] CAD programs assist in helping an idea to be physically realizable creating a new dynamic solution. Computers simply assist in reinforcing our creativity and making us capable of doing things, which would be considered impossible by traditional means. This rise of algorithmic design as a result of digital design may be particularly beneficial to that of urban master planning for the future of our cities. Michael Batty for example talks about algorithms stating: This new species has mutated the way man perceives architecture and his place within it. It has allowed a different thought process to be applied to how we exist in this world, and how we build up the world around us, and how the world builds itself (2009, p. 47).[12] From this quote it can be said that 3D visual programs can help us understand and analyze our cities and enable the designers to navigate them in new ways and pave a better way for the future. However this notion of a digital city is merely conceptual at this point with Planners being unaware of the possibilities of new interventions derived from 3D analysis. Therefore the spatial development of a digital city at this point in time is still untried, considered unresolved and unaware if the digital mutations emerging from our computers actually work functionally. In conclusion this chapter has emphasized that;all that is digital need not be a Trojan horse of marketisation and all theoreticians and designers that have embraced computer based design and manufacturing need not be neo-capitalistic zealots; Anthony Vidler (2008, p.111).[13] The emergence of computer simulation programs can open up new possibilities of design and push architectural skills in a direction previously not possible via pen and paper. It is enlightening to know that new CAD programs have implemented change in the design discourse in terms of freedom of experimentation. The seemingly impossible is now very much realizable thanks to the computer. However the worry by many critics is that architecture becomes more about novelty as a result. It has become apparent that the image produced on screen can often be misleading and act as a misrepresentation of the actual materiality. To summarize Digital technologies act as almost organic rather than prosthetic and provide an extension to the hands of the maker, freeing up time for other important work to be done. Problem solving is an action which we perceive in multiple modalities and so various methods should be encouraged to benefit the future of architecture. However when and to what degree we should use CAD as a form developer, visual agent and general helper to the design process? The next chapters will use case studies to examine how three well known architect firms use CAD in their practices. It will highlight the various positions and attitude towards the use of CAD software and determine the stages at which computer visualization software is used in the design process as a development tool. Chapter 2: Caruso St. John Architects: The attraction of tradition Since their inception in 1990 established by Adam Caruso and Peter St John, Caruso St. John architects have strove to maintain traditional qualities of architecture such as ornament and decoration, texture and color. Caruso and St. John have learned from figures like the Smithson, Robert Venturi and Adolf Loos that architecture is good when it is enmeshed in the patterns of everyday reality and not virtual reality. Over the last 20 years, the partnership has very much avoided the high tech, shiny newness associated with the modern world of architecture. The trend of globalization and constant expansion is a route which this firm has not taken. This non-heroic stance has involved rejecting new methods of technology engaging solely on the past as a generator for the future of the city. As David Leatherbarrow states, originality is only genuine when it is unsought (2009)[14]. This rationality and belief in the architects hand, calling upon memory and feelings is what makes Caruso St Johns work remarkable in a modern way. It should become apparent in the following case study that computer digital aids can be used sparingly and effectively to produce emotional, human led architecture. It is unrealistic and utterly frivolous to reject computer aided software completely and Caruso St John is no exception to this. It is however more about the way in which they embrace the computer as an architectural design tool and at precise working stages that is of particular interest. The computer does not rule their practice, rather the architect controls the decisions via skills intrinsically and traditionally linked with the architect. Adam Caruso in a conversation with Paul Vermeulen states, Foreign Office Architects say that new overlaid programmes and, more bizarrely, new ways of working with computers will allow you to have new spatial urban possibilities, and that architecture, rather than being resistant to the forces of global capitalism, should respond, should represent it. I still believe that architecture should be resistant (2002, p. 88).[15] It is clear that Caruso St John follow a framework of refraining from the extensive use of technology in a rhetorical way. In their approach to a project, the firm use a lot of large models to visualize the projects internally, however they tend not to do many presentation drawings using CAD renderings. Rather they take photos of models (evident in Figure 3), use sketches and perform verbal presentations with their clients. They avoid at all costs the shiny visualizations associated with computer visual programs. Even with the negative feelings towards computer led architecture, the firm use CAD software quite early as a design tool and as Adam Caruso in an Architects Journal article states, we dont think it changes the form of our architecture. Our production drawings are much like what they were when we were hand drawing (2006).[16] Inevitably the partnership still use the hand as a design tool in which the architect creates spaces to which they are emotionally linked, while a tangible connection is made in relation to the computer at the appropriate stage of the design. Rowan Moore an architectural critic states the point that where other architects give primacy to technology, or the image of modernity or abstract form making, the consistency of Caruso St Johns work is in the attitudes behind it (2002).[17] Caruso St John has no predetermined attitudes towards modern or traditional design methods but choose to select the appropriate at a particular moment in time. The firm has carefully embraced CAD as a design tool within the office without it superseding their principles and beliefs where a pen and paper should sit comfortably beside a computer running CAD software. CAD drawings, graphics and photos were translated into machine milling instructions, allowing positives to be cut from resin board and hard latex moulds then made to form the faà §ade of the building. Without the ability to produce a 3D computer model this would never have been achieved. Caruso St Johns approach is not simply about knowing how to apply CAD techniques, but when to apply them to achieve the best response. Models and sketch drawings will always lead the way within this office, however CAD software is consistently used to aid with ideas, facilitate construction drawings and to rationalize themes and ideas. Its all about moving between the two worlds of the real and the virtual to achieve a homogenous whole. Caruso St John often remark on how little computer technology has affected the development of architectural form and in their essay Frameworks the duo state they are doubtful whether completely new forms can exist (1996, p.41)[18]. For them, it is cheating to muck around with algorithms and mapping programs to generate forms. Adam Caruso in Tyranny of the New states his distaste for computers used in this way condemning how the forms: lack the complexities and ambiguities that are held within the tradition of architectural form, these shapes quickly lose their shiny novelty and achieve a condition of not new, but also not old or ordinary enough to become a part of the urban background (1998, p.25)[19]. Effectively the belief is that computer generated forms have no place in our current urban context and lack any particular sense of place. In Contemporary Architecture and the Digital Design Process Andrew Kane remarks that there is an increased belief amongst experienced clients that digital representation of design proposals is essential to close the gap between their understanding of the conceptual ideas and the realized finished form (2005 p.vii)'[20]. This is not the case in Caruso St Johns practice. A multitude of models and a close communicative relationship with their clients ensures complete understanding of the project on both without the need for extensive use of computer generated form. Through a physical and verbal understanding of design elements, a computer can have no advantage over a close relationship developed with a client. To summarize, it must be noted that this affiliation with traditional values and qualities is an admirable approach in the face of modernity in a high tech world. The formulation of design within Caruso St Johns office involves a multitude of mediums with CAD software being one of those. However, their use of it doesnt restrict the design formalities but merely assists them in engaging with the project more intrinsically. Computers are used frequently within the office like every other architects business; however they do not use its powers as a form, plan or aesthetic generator. Caruso St John avoid the extensive use of the computer image generation path and the stardom associated with this archetype in favor of being linked with the physicality, a model or a pen and paper can bring, rather than the autonomous production of a drawing filtered via a software program with no sense of personal touch. To conclude it can be stated that Caruso St John have avoided the nostalgia of digital realms of visualization but have embraced the use of CAD software programs as a communicative tool with contractors, as an aid in production design and as an aid in visualizing their initial sketch idea in its contextual environment. The next chapter is the second case study of a practice with a different approach to the use of CAD in their everyday work. Chapter 3: Zaha Hadid: Towards a new realm This chapter will use the practice of Zaha Hadid to examine how they use CAD in their working methods and allow an examination of the effect it has had on their design philosophies and the work they produce. Zaha Hadid has defined a radically new approach to architecture by creating buildings with imaginative geometry to evoke the hectic nature of modern life. She transcends the realm of paper architecture to the built form creating archetypes never envisaged before. Her work is known widely for the dramatic images produced of seemingly impossible pieces of architecture yet many of these complex images have been realized and built contrary to many beliefs. All of this would not have been impossible without the advent of computer-aided software to allow architects almost infinite freedom to create any shape they wanted. In particular the use of computer aided manufacturing (CAM) has become increasingly popular in Hadids practice. The ability to manufacture a physical model from a 3D computer model has allowed the firm to fabricate scale models using CAM technology and therefore allow an appreciation and review of what could be realized at full scale on site. Subsequent ly full scale components are then created from the computer model. It is through this extensive use of computers, that has enabled Zaha Hadid to minimize the need to dumb down her architectural wonders and requires contractors to build her works of complexity. Her decision to virtually leave the drawing board in the 1980s in favor of graphic paintings to express her visions was a bold statement. One of her paintings displayed in Figure 5 demonstrates the complexity of her ideas.  The emergence of computer visualizations simply begged Hadid to embrace it to express her bold, flowing spaces. The critic Aaron Betsky remarks how she does not invent forms of construction or technology; she shows us a world in new ways by representing it in a radical manner (2009, p6).[22] The influence of the computer in Hadids working method is clearly visible in the Phaeno Science Center in Wolfsburg, where the architects started the project at conceptual stages by deforming a hypothetical grid and depressing it at points using a 3D visualization program. This push and pull of elements using CAD software is evident in Figure 6. However often what happens in practice is that the more experienced architect such as Hadid will delegate the computer generative work to a younger colleague to visualize. As Aaron Betsky remarks; she sketches and does all the precise lines that indicate her design objectives, her co-workers render the work at a larger scale and fill in the spaces between her gestures she now produces paintings that are only white lines on black paper, ghosts of a future city (2009, p.11).[23] It is notable therefore that the perceived heroes of the architectural world such as Hadid still will connect with their spaces and concepts via a pen and paper before ever conceiving any manifestations on a computer. The question that keeps coming back to us therefore is whether all architecture still stems from the simplicity of the hand? Patrik Schumacher a partner in the office proclaims of the primacy of the computer, arguing that it is the technologies that rely on its power that are allowing us to create what we consider to be truly modern structures (2009, p.14).[26] As her paintings and sketches disappear into computer renderings and forms, their imaginative qualities begin to disappear too as a flattened, sterile computer visual image can never be a substitute for the emotion a hand drawing can bring. The digitally produced image can often be a misrepresentation of the actual building product The use of computer visualization programs in Hadids office however has enabled the emergence of reweaving reality. Joseph Giovannini states that, In Hadids laboratory, the mediums of design were not tethered to representation but instead encouraged ways of seeing released from convention.(2006, p.23)[27] Computers allowed Hadids office to break away from conventional architectural expression in favor of shifting simulations of representation. The pedestrian bridge at Zaragoza, Spain is based on a computer procedure called lofting, a term used in the computer program Rhino. It involves the continuous morphing of one architectural section into another as the initial shape transforms through the ends of its trajectory. Figure 8 demonstrates this morphing shape achieved via this CAD process. Something never possible via traditional means. As Aaron Betsky states, The latest software allows her to take the existing landscape and unfold it, to pan, swoop, swerve, cut, slow down and speed up (2009, p.12).[28] The software allows her to intertwine elements and shift forms too complicated to model quickly via conventional methods. Therefore I would argue that the use of computational tools actually allows for speed of manipulation and not creation itself. Zaha Hadid has an extraordinary ability to transform perceptions and dream like paintings and drawings into representations. The firm quite clearly relies on computer software to create fully integrated, large scale buildings and manage the process from conceptual stage to practical completion however, whether or not she can pull off many of these virtual worlds as realized functional buildings remains to be seen. Zaha Hadid has an enormous catalogue of conceptual designs but surprisingly a small number of developed projects. Therefore this tendency towards graphic representation in the conceptual stage via computer has yet to be truly tested at construction stage. This pastiche of virtual worlds created in Hadids studios is very much intriguing to the architectural world however pursuing the elusive commissions remains another matter. In Hadids office, the computer acts as an enabler to model on screen, pushing and pulling objects similar to a hands on approach and a s Joseph Giovannini states, like all tools she has used, the computer helps Hadid become more Hadid (2006, p.32).[29] To summarize this chapter has shown that to create complex forms and shapes such as that of the work of Zaha Hadid, CAD modeling used in conjunction with CAM offers extraordinary benefits and acts as a communication tool to reassure clients and contractors that the design is possible. It has emerged that computer software is more of a business tool, with the birth of a concept and design still stemming from the hands of the maker via a sketch or painting. The problem identified is that the final computer images do not accurately reflect the finished product as the shiny, reflective and vibrant colors and textures viewed on the computer screen does not follow through in the finished building. The next chapter is the third case study of a practice with another different approach to the use of CAD in their everyday work, where working methods, beliefs and outcomes in relation to computers will be assessed. Chapter 4: Greg Lynn: Architectural animation and the paperless office The majority of architectural practices produce paper drawings, then use design visualization software to assess the form and produce a full repertoire of working drawings, however Greg Lynns paperless practice located in California brings computers into the design mix from the start. He is considered one of the most influential figures in computer generated architecture and has been named in Times magazine 100 innovators of the next century. Considering he is the pioneer of computer designed architecture using biomorphic shapes and the creator of blob architecture, the architectural critics of CAD software can undoubtedly be impressed with his merging of science, calculus, art, photography, film, organisms and architecture all into one futuristic idea. He envisages ideas of science fiction as Mark Rappolt states: Gregs work has become a form of porn pored over, leered at, and more or less successfully emulated thats resolutely hardcore in its use of the new digital technologies and pioneering exploration of new (architectural) positions in the latest special effects (2008, p.6).[30]  His use of computers and other advanced digital technologies as a design tool has paved the way for the future of the architectural discourse. Undoubtedly graphic content in architecture has opened up the discourse to popular media; however Gregs use of visualization software goes beyond the mere formulated, repetitive and regular approaches to expand the possibilities of the building world. For example in the design for Cabrini Green Urban Design Competition in 1993, Greg used adjustable triangles, a computer spreadsheet for dimensions, a ruler and a parallel bar. Existing buildings in the Cabrini Green neighborhood were measured and drawn along a linear bar and then their shape and size averaged from one to another. A technique subsequently adopted and used in new computer programs Alias and Maya 5 years later as blend shape tools. The harmonious scales are shown in figure 9. This project was also one of the last achieved in his office by hand initially on a drawing board and simply extruded by the computer. Everything is now done digitally. His approach to projects involves the use of computers from the initial brief and one method adopted is testing the boundary of animation software called editing spline functions. As Greg Lynn points out, the very first projects designed using animation software did operate through happy accidents: the port authority competition and citron house, specifically (2008, p.280).[31] Basically trial and error methods were used using basic CAD packages until a satisfactory outcome emerged from the screen. In the port authority triple bridge gateway competition (1995) animation tools and splines were used as a design medium for the first time by any architect and was more a computer analysis outcome than a design project. The project was produced in less than a week using dynamics and the pseudo-quantitative indexing of statistical data. The outcome is shown in Figure 10. This then became a primary technique for Gregs future projects using blebs'[34] It must be stated that in Gregs office computer design software is never simply used as a representative medium but more as an architectural tool to expand the possibilities and boundaries of architecture. For example prototypes of concepts are built at Lynns office during the design phases using his own computer controlled 3D cutter known as Computer Numerical Control. The intent as a result is to really focus on how these amorphical forms are created to achieve the maximum potential of a computer, as well as actual build-ability using CAM. Full scale models are built of sections of buildings to allow a person to physically walk through and engage with a product not yet reality.Â
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Crucible Coursework Essay -- Essay on The Crucible
The Crucible Coursework Essay The Crucible was written in 1952 by the playwright Arthur Miller. It is an allegory of the McCarthy ‘witch-hunts’ which occurred during the 1950’s. It was effectively the arrest and questioning of those suspected of communist views or that sympathised with communists. The USA was very suspicious of communists due to the Cold War between itself and the USSR. Joe McCarthy, leader of the governmental organisation, the Anti-Democracy Policy, headed the hunts. Arthur Miller was himself arrested by McCarthy. Miller was very irritated by this and decided that he wanted to protest by writing a satirical play. To have his play shown on Broadway he had to write an allegory based on his treatment and the insanity of the ‘witch-hunts’. The play is set in a fictional town named Salem in Massachusetts, USA in 1692, a period of American history when people were strict Christians. In Acts I, II and III we see a portrayal of local farmer John Proctor as he becomes involved in the injustices and realises the stupidity of the witch-hunts of Salem. In Act I we are introduced to Reverend Samuel Parris, a corrupted clergyman. He is insecure, bitter and paranoid about witchcraft infecting his parish, giving him a bad reputation. We learn that he has seen several girls dancing naked and casting spells in the nearby woods, including his daughter, Betty, niece, Abigail Williams and his housemaid, Tituba. Parris’ perversion could be seen as the ‘perversion’ of the autocratic 1950’s America. We also briefly establish John Proctor’s relationship with Abigail. An orphan, Abigail worked for him and his wife, Elizabeth as a housemaid until Elizabeth discovers that they were having an affair, ... ...cating that Proctor’s conscience has been eased. Danforth looks defeated here, showing us that Proctor’s truth and ability to stay strong has quashed the judge. Proctor is then sent to be hanged, and arrives in a cart carrying Goody Nurse, an innocent woman also condemned to death. In the shot both he and Goody Nurse are standing implying that they are closer to Heaven than the crowds below that have come to see them executed. We see a close-up of Elizabeth and at this point the music becomes powerful, showing her strong character. As they begin to recite the Lord’s Prayer we see that the accused are true Christians, though by not being allowed to finish the prayer, we see that justice has now been overcome. Through his own interpretation, the director presents the film in a way that remains true to the original themes and ideas of Miller’s play.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Stress Reduction - Music is the Best Medicine Essay -- Research Essays
Stress Reduction - Music is the Best Medicine Stress is something that I never really came across until college. In high school nothing really mattered to me, I was a very happy go lucky stress free child. I think I really took high school for granted though, I don’t think I took the time to sit down and think about my responsibilities and how they may affect my future. Instead I spent most of my time going out with friends after school and not coming home until late. My weekends were spent mostly drinking and sleeping. I guess I never had time for stress. I was always to busy having fun being a kid. As senior year came along I started dating my current girlfriend. She, unlike I, was very studious, had good grades, and was not much of a, â€Å"party on the weekend’s,†type of girl. I began to take plenty interest in her and we started hanging out a lot, almost to the point where I’d rarely ever see my friends. I began taking a lot more interest in my school work and even ran for student coun cil. As senior year went on I found my self getting much better grades than I had in the past, and I was starting to feel better about myself. I rarely drank on the weekends anymore and usually stayed in on school nights to do my homework. I also started to feel overwhelmed. It was a weird feeling like none other I felt before. This feeling was indeed stress. I started college in august of 2001. Ever since my first week here at IUP I’ve always felt stress; I can’t remember a time I haven’t. Living in the dorm was stressful enough not including classes, but it was also what gave me my chance to use my medicine, â€Å"music†. I found that every time I was stressed I could go to my computer and download a few songs, it was great. I pl... ...u can conclude that your hypothesis does in fact exist. College kids use music as an escape from reality because it makes them feel happy while in times of great physical and emotional stress. That’s definitely what I found out. I used the survey, interview and personal experience to help me prove this. Now, this is not to say that other things could not have been done. I could of used a experiment or a case study as well, which may have deemed different results. Of course my subjects were very limited being 10 but I also could have used larger amount of people. Maybe what I need to do now is research one of the facts I learned in order to narrow my thesis. The possibilities are endless; it’s all a matter of how interested I am in the subject to prove better, more accurate results, and also be able to see who else is prescribed to my musical stress medicine.
Essays --
Introduction The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has published that the tourism industry has experienced continued growth and diversification to become one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectors in the world for the past six decades. For many economies, tourism has become a key driver for socio-economic progress. It has generated an estimated gross output of US $3.5 trillion and the figure is expected to increase to US $7.0 trillion by 2011 (World Travel and Tourism Council, 2009). The future of the tourism industry is bright as the World Tourism Organization (WTO) forecasts that an estimated one billions tourists will be traveling around the world by the year 2010. The expansion and growth of tourism has contributed to the development of the developed countries as well as less developed counties. Moreover, the economic potential of tourism in less developed countries has been identified as an important contributing factor to global tourism growth (Palmer 2002; Honey 1999; Ashley & Reo 1998; Mowforth & Munt 1998). Malaysia, tourism is the second largest contributor to the economy next to the manufacturing sector. Malaysia’s efforts in developing and promoting its tourism products have produced impressive r esults. In year 2008, there were 22.05 million of tourist arrivals with total receipts of RM49.6 billion (USD13.4 billion). This amount represents an increase of 5.5% in tourist arrivals and an increase of 7.6% in revenue compared with year 2007. These increases are notable given difficulties and challenging environment with the global economic slowdown and the increase of oil prices in year 2008. The first quarter of 2009 showed a positive growth of 2.2% in tourist arrivals compared to the cor... ...budget and cost selection. 1.6.2 minor contribution A good quality of website with DSS system can use so many different field and promotion. This study don not only solve the current problems faced by the home stay Malaysia but it is can also be a generalized to other similar applications . thus it may help in overcoming the related problems faced by the other organizations in similar environment . Examples are such as in educational site, big industries, corporate office, large banking and firm stay. This study is hoped to be served as a guidance or reference for the similar field of future study. Outline of the paper Chapter two discusses the previous studies of homestay program with DSS system and its solutions. It reviews on literature which is relevant in the area of general homestay program. the discussions on similar works in multidimensional site.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Nicole Kidman is Now Pregnant with Keith Urban’s Baby
The life of celebrities has always been an open book to the public. How they spend their free time and the milestones they experience are also being followed by the swarming people. Nicole Kidman, being one of the most sought after actresses, was not excluded from this. Her pregnancy at the age of 40 was sort of a shock for the viewing public. We all know that this is Nicole's first biological child, even if she was married to Tom Cruise for a period of time. She had two adopted children, one was aged 15 while the other was 12 years old.Speculations arose during her marriage to Tom Cruise as to why they never had their own children. Those speculations were never proven and everything else vanished after some time. After reading the article, I contemplated on the fact that the feature was somewhat biased. Come to think of it, when you write a specific article, one should bear in mind to show both sides of the story. In this case, all that we can see were the good points in their relat ionship and what were in the news. Nothing much was mentioned as to why she never had biological children even before she reached the age of 40.Even her feelings as a â€Å"mom-to-be†again were not disclosed. Another point that should be emphasized is the fact that the article did not dwell much on her pregnancy. The article was short and lacked more information that could have made the feature much more interesting to the viewers. It should have focused more on specific details, such as to why Keith and Nicole did not have the baby immediately after their wedding, and so forth. References: (January 7, 2008). Nicole Kidman is Pregnant. Retrieved January 9, 2008 from
Friday, August 16, 2019
Independent and depentent variables of psychology Essay
* Independent variable – The variable that is manipulated to test its effects on the dependent variable. * Dependent variable – The variable that is measured to see how it is changed by manipulations in the independent variable. Scenarios 1 Coach Jones has noticed that her players tend to shoot a higher percentage from the free throw line when they play away, rather than at home. Surprised at this trend, she and her assistants decide to test this by comparing free-throw percentages over the course of a year. a Independent variable- Playing at away vs. home b Dependent variable- Free throws 2 Mr. Feldman has noticed the students in his high school Biology class tend to do better on tests taken on Friday, rather than tests taken on Monday. He decides to test the hypotheses. a Independent variable- Testing date b Dependent variable- Testing scores 3 John, Wendy, and Sean, all avid fishermen, have noticed that they always seem to catch more fish when it is raining outside. They decide to test the hypotheses. a Independent variable-The rainy weather b Dependent variable- The chance of catching more fish 4 Tony has designed a study to determine if alcohol really inhibits one’s ability to drive a car. a Independent variable- Alcohol b Dependent variable- Ability to drive 5 Does eating spinach really make you stronger? a Independent variable – Spinach b Dependent variable- Strength 6 Does staying physically fit increase your chances of living longer? a Independent variable- Fitness. b Dependent variable- Longer life. 7 Does taking classes in college really make you smarter? a Independent variable- College b Dependent variable- Intelligence 8 Is it true that animals that listen to classical music make happier pets? a Independent variable- Classical music b Dependent variable- Happy pets 9 Hypothesis: The taller a person is, the more likely they are to enjoy chocolate ice cream. a Independent variable- Being Tall b Dependent variable- Chocolate ice cream. 10 Hypothesis: The more a student attends class, the better they do on exam grades. a Independent variable- Attendance b Dependent variable- Higher exam score 11 Does peer pressure negatively affect teenagers attendance in school? a Independent variable- Peer pressure b Dependent variable- Poor attendance 12. A researcher wants to know whether eating chocolate makes people nervous. a.Independent variable- Consuming chocolate c Dependent variable- Nervousness 13. A researcher wants to know whether feeling nervous makes people eat chocolate. a. Independent variable- Nervousness b. Dependent variable- Consuming chocolate 14. Professor Marshall wants to know if eating sweets for a bedtime snack makes children active. a. Independent variable- Sweets b. Dependent variable- More active at bedtime 15. A researcher plans to investigate whether a cup of hot milk at night helps people relax so that they fall asleep quickly. a. Independent variable- Cup of hot milk b Dependent variable- relax and sleepiness 16. Gabrielle conducted a small experiment examining the effects of music on time perception. She had three groups of subjects. Group 1 was exposed to classical music, group 2 was exposed to contemporary rock and the third group received no music. a. Independent variable- Music i.e.; classical & contemporary rock & silence b. Dependent variable- Perception of time. 17 A study was done on the effects of punishment on self-esteem. a. Independent variable-Punishment b. Dependent variable- Self-esteem
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The Golden Age of Hollywood
By the early mid-thirtiess, American Cinema became a dominant leader on the universe screens. Economical, societal, and cultural factors led Hollywood accomplish this place. During the period between 1927 and 1963, besides referred as the â€Å"Golden age of Hollywood†, a distinguishable cinematic signifier, called Classical Hollywood manner, emerged. Harmonizing to Maltby, â€Å"the thought of â€Å"the classical†implies the observation of regulations of composing and aesthetic organisation that produce integrity, balance, and order in the ensuing artwork†( 2003: 15 ) . Those regulations of cinematic use and sentence structure of movie, marked Classical Hollywood manner as smooth, fluid and easy apprehensible. Hollywood movies were organized to offer pleasance to their audience and involved sexual experiences, nakedness or offense to accomplish that. For American Catholics, this attitude appeared to be deceptive and corrupting the society. After the attending was given to this fact, in early 1930’s, The Code was written by a group of Hollywood executives, The Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America ( 2003: 62 ) . A wide scope of regulations and ordinances had bit by bit developed over the old ages in order â€Å"to extinguish any moral ambiguity in a movie’s narrative progression†( 2003: 473 ) . But how these judicial admissions of the Production Code changed the nature of Hollywood’s merchandises? In order to reply this inquiry I am traveling to present how Hollywood merchandises appeared to be before and after The Production Code by taking an analysis of two utterly incompatible movies:Baby Face( 1933 ) andWuthering Highs( 1939 ) . In the Pre-code period, movies invariably presented people in sexually implicative, and provocative state of affairss and amplified delinquency as a manner to accomplish a better life. Films referenced sexual allusions, libertinism, harlotry, lewdness, crossbreeding, illegal drug usage, force, etc. During the hard economic times of Great Depression ( 1930 – 1940 ) , there formed the belief that the lone manner to acquire fiscal success was through offense. This was the factor that made mobster movies so insurgent to an audience. As an illustration, politically-oriented societal job movies ridiculed politicians by portraying them as incompetent villains and prevaricators where movies likeCaponeorSmall Caesarwere seen as heroic instead than evil. Women, often associated with sexual hints, were a dominant figures in movies. Along with having stronger female characters, movies examined female capable affairs that would non be revisited until decennaries subsequently in American mo vies. Hollywood did non scruple to expose adult females in bare garments, nor did they waver to demo images that allured audience to interracial relationship and sex thoughts. This sort of mentions arouse an thought that Hollywood attempted to make movies for grownups merely, but in fact, it wounded up conveying big audiences of all ages to cinema. This states that above mentioned figures were influential among people in those yearss and allowed Hollywood increase its production extremely. Get downing with the analysis ofBaby Face, let’s see how the pre-code paradigm was working within this movie. The chief character, Lily, has led a hard life working in her unsmooth father’s illegal tap house, who forced her into harlotry since she was 14. After her father’s dies in inadvertent distillery detonation, she is given a opportunity to get down a new life. Her friend, a follower of the instructions of Friedrich Nietzsche, advises her to take an chance to go forth her old life behind and get down a new one by utilizing her power over work forces in order to obtain the things she wants: â€Å"A adult female, immature beautiful like you has power in the universe! & A ; lt ; †¦ & A ; gt ; You must utilize work forces, non allow them utilize you. Be the maestro and do them your slave. & A ; lt ; †¦ & A ; gt ; Exploit yourself! Use work forces! Be strong! Use work forces to acquire the things that you want! †(Baby Face: 1933 ). After sing his counsel, Lily, accompanied with her friend Chico, moves to New York and utilizing her appeal she begins her manner to the top at Gotham Trust Bank. As she was humiliated by work forces in the yesteryear, her purpose is non merely to utilize them for fiscal affair, but besides to destroy them through this procedure. As can be seen, the movie indicates an thought that honestness and kindness are non traveling to acquire people anyplace and in order to accomplish something there is a demand to acquire clasp of more drastic actions. Furthermore,Baby Facearouses an attack that political system works to mistreat weak and hapless people. This is the ground why the relationship between Lily and black miss Chico is so greatly amplified as they represent a category and gender issue in those yearss. Because they are adult females, they both know they are on equal terms and that society treats them as cipher. In the way to alter this settled point of position, Lily abuses the cringle holes of a system. This is one of the many times inBaby Facewhere the deduction of sex is every bit tragic as if audience is a informant to the existent act. Lily’s ability to be unashamedly unfastened to sexual Acts of the Apostless for her ain benefit gave her a liberated esthesia, and made her short ascent up the societal ladder both exceeding and thrilling to watch. The movie disgracefully implies Lily kiping her manner to the top by agencies of cutting to the exterior of the edifice and traveling up a few floors every clip she s eizes a new male lover. The transmutation that Lily goes through via her vesture in the movie demonstrates her addition in societal place and how cold she has become on the interior in order to accomplish that.Baby Faceis non merely about Lily’s mode to utilize sex as a power tool, but besides about work forces who gladly gives off money and other assets to hold an experience of Lily’s animal pleasances. ThusBaby Faceis non about utilizing sex to mount the societal ladder, but mounting it the lone manner it is possible with fortunes that has been given by political system.As there are few movies in the history of film that have of all time been so direct about satisfying the power of sex,Baby Faceis one of the most pre-Code movies that could ne'er hold been released in any signifier following the coming of the Production Code in 1934. Following the July 1, 1934 the determination by studios put power over movie censoring that promoted the new order of concern. Production codification assured Americans that the motion-picture industry is traveling to be purified of coarseness and unscrupulousness, and changed to righteousness and virtuous amusement. The Production Code stipulated the guidelines of â€Å"what was and was non allowable content in Classical Hollywood’s field of representation†for a public audience in the United States ( Maltby, 2003: 62 ) . Studios, after censoring authorization, strived to re-issue movies from the 1920s and early 1930s, and were forced to do comprehensive cuts. Part of pre-code movies survived integral because they were excessively combative to be re-released, whilemost of them experienced incorrigible harm. Harmonizing to Butter, â€Å"The production codification sought non merely to find what could be portrayed on screen but besides to advance traditional values†( 2007: 188 ) . Sexual dealingss outside of matrimony were forbidden from being portrayed as attractive or pleasing and after codification constitution they were presented in a manner that would non elicit passion or do them look tolerable ( LaSalle, 2000 ) . Among the undisputedly positive facets of the Code being enforced was the money it saved studios in holding to redact, cut, and alter movies to acquire blessing from the assorted province boards and censors. The money saved was in the 1000000s yearly. Many felt the film industry had ever been morally questionable. The first was a set of â€Å" general rules †which prohibited a image from â€Å" take downing the moral criterions of those who see it †, called for word pictures of the â€Å" right criterions of life †, and in conclusion forbade a image from demoing any kind of ridicule towards a jurisprudence or â€Å" making understanding for its misdemeanor †. All condemnable action had to be punished, and neither the offense nor the felon could arouse understanding from the audience, [ 5 ] or the audience must at least be cognizant that such behaviour is incorrect, normally through â€Å" counterbalancing moral value †. [ 27 ] [ 31 ] Authority figures had to be treated with regard, and the clergy could non be portrayed as amusing characters or scoundrels. Under some fortunes, politicians, constabulary officers, and Judgess could be scoundrels, every bit long as it was clear that those persons portrayed as scoundrels were the exclusions to the regulation. The codification was a set of general rules, which has forbidden anything that is take downing the moral standarts
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