Thursday, November 28, 2019
Music 6 Essay Example
Music 6 Paper Wagner had an opera house built specifically for the performance of his own pears in the German town of .. Bayreuth Which pair are operatic compositions by Wagner? Tannhauser and The Ring In Music, the early twentieth century was a time of Revolt and Change All of the following composers worked in the early years of the twentieth century EXCEPT Hector Berlioz The glissando, a technique widely used in the twentieth century is A rapid slide up or down a scale The most famous riot in music history occurred in Paris in 1913 at the first performance of Stravinskys Rite of Spring Of the following, who was not a major influence on the breakdown of realism in the early 20th century? Copland A fourth chord is A chord in which the tones are a fourth apart, instead of a third. Striking a group of adjacent keys on a piano with the fist or forearm with result in a Tone cluster When two different triads such as that built on E and that built on A, are played at the same time, the technique is known as A polychord Rhythm in music of the 20th century tends to be either very asymmetrical or very symmetrical. Ostinato A scale made up of just the black keys within the octave on the piano keyboard is called a . scale Pentatonic Impressionism in music is characterized by a stress on tone color, atmosphere, and fluidity The most impressionist composer was Claude Debussy Impressionist painting and symbolist poetry as artistic movements originated in .. France Of the following, who was known as a creator of orchestral versions of his own and others great piano works? Ravel The immense success of Stravinskys 1910 ballet the first original work he composed for Diaghilevs Ballet Russe, established him as a leading young composer The Firebird After studying law at the University of St. Petersburg, Stravinsky at the age of twenty one began to study composition privately with Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Expressionism is an art concerned with Social protest and nightmarish states of mind Schoenbergs personality inspired love and loyalty among his students, including Alban Berg and Anton Webern Some of Bergs pieces call for an unusual style of vocal performance halfway between speaking and singing called Sprechstimme The ordering of twelve chromatic tones in a twelve-tone composition is called All of the above In the opera Wozzeck, the title character is Soldier Wozzeck drowns while searching for a Knife
Sunday, November 24, 2019
buy custom African Americans in the United States
buy custom African Americans in the United States Racism in America Introduction The United States of America is the most powerful modern democratic republic in the world. It has its own ideology based on the principles of liberty, individualism, egalitarianism, and laissez-faire. As it is declared in the US Constitution, each person is equal before God and human law. Therefore, the United States is a country of equal opportunities for each citizen, irrespective of his or her ethnicity, religion, race, or gender. Nowadays, it is called as the observation of human rights in the civil society of the democratic country. At the same time, the American people are a nation of immigrants from the whole world. The former British colony was settled by persons from the UK and other European countries from the outset of colonization in the 17th century. As a rule, they were Christians but had different languages, customs, and traditions. However, colonists were united by a dream to have a plot of land for a future wealthy life in the New World. American exceptionalism, slav ery, and authoritarian regime were the main reasons for emerging racial problems in the United States. Nowadays, racial segregation still exists in America, turning into a specific policy of color-blind racism. In order to reveal this problem, it is necessary to consider racism in America from the very beginning of its emergence.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Curriculum Trends Paper [Education] Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Curriculum Trends Paper [Education] - Essay Example Consequently, the academia across the world, especially the educational curriculum needs to undergo far-reaching transformation so that our children can effectively meet the needs of the changing times. The compulsions of the present times require versatility in the work ideology and functioning, thus making it imperative that new skills and strategic paradigms are evolved to meet the emerging challenges with efficiency and unmatched proficiency. The process of globalization and advancing technology which has brought about huge plethora of issues, need to be incorporated in the curricula. Education serves as the most effective platform to introduce changes within the social fabric of countries across the world. The graph shows the two years comparative of completion and persistence of post secondary students (graph 1, appendix) UNESCO has observed that â€Å"the diversity, complexity, and changing nature of basic learning needs of children, youth and adults necessitate broadening and constantly redefining the scope of basic education†(UNESCO, 1995). Four major factors have been identified that have major impact on the society and the incorporation of strategic flexibility i n the curricula is expected to facilitate the wide ranging ramifications of these factors. In the next ten years, the curriculum is expected to incorporate the following changes within its strategic goals and objectives. Globalization has brought together people from different cultures, religion, nation and races. The need to evolve common values and collective goals for societies so that people from diverse fields comprising different race, religion, color and culture may coexist in relative harmony and mutual cooperation has become imperative. The table indicates gender wise ethnic diversity in United State (table 1, appendix). Huntington reflects that â€Å"the great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural†(Huntington, 1993). Some of the negative
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human Essay
Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience - Essay Example In summer 2009, my boyfriend physically abused me, and he injured me to an extent that I could not converse without breathing breaks. A physical therapist helped me recover from my condition, and I was able to learn the basic things that keep a person in good health. It was a challenging moment for me, and recovering was more of a miracle. From my experience, I have gained a desire to help people who are in similar conditions regain their movement. Once given the opportunity to study this course, I will work hard to gain the best knowledge to assist people. My inbuilt desire to perfect in physical therapy techniques will drive me into doing extensive research, which will be crucial in achievement of the APTA mission. After I am qualified as a physical therapist, I will research and develop better techniques, which will promote movement. In my career, I will be focused on restoration of function reduction of pain and prevention of disability, which are the core roles of physical therapists. Since I have experienced the feeling of disability, I will assist people to prevent loss of mobility through techniques such as devilment of wellness, fitness oriented health and active lifestyle programs. I will be flexible to work in different workplaces such as hospitals, outpatient clinics, schools, sports, and fitness facilities, nursing homes, private practices, home health agencies and even in work settings. My flexibility to work in many areas will be beneficial to the society and will help in optimizing movement and improve the human experience I am very eager to maximum utilize the opportunity to study physical therapy so that I can gain more understanding on easing movement for people, and helping them recover from pain. In future, I also intend to join a master’s program in public health so that I can have a rigid educational background to actualize the vision of the APTA (APTA, 2014). Elevating my
Monday, November 18, 2019
Argumentative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Argumentative - Essay Example Biblical Christianity, on the other hand, is a worldview that attributes our ethics and morals to a universal standard of right and wrong that is not subject to change over time (Beach 54). In this way, these two opposing worldviews have two opposing positions on the nature of ethics and morality. One holds that morality is relative – the other holds that morality is not relative. They could not be in greater opposition. We can see the ways in which this worldviews and their ideas about ethics/morality shape the culture we live by looking at our past and comparing it with our present. Once this is done, it will be seen that our culture must return to religion if we are to maintain the happy and healthy lifestyle we claim to desire. Our culture, if you think about it, has been digressing for quite some time, and recently the problem has become more serious from an ethical standpoint. God is being removed from nearly every aspect of life and being replaced with other belief systems, such as humanism or naturalism. The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were written by men who believed in God, men who thought prayer was important, that life was sacred, and that many of our current-day controversial practices, such as homosexuality and abortion, were biblically and morally reprehensible. The reality that a few of our Founding Fathers were deists, rather than theists, does not change the fact that these documents were written by and for a generally theistic people. According to John Adams, "Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other" (Beach 59). Today, however, popular culture has forgotten that our nation was founded, in larg e part, on Christian principles, and that the Constitution was written for a "moral and religious people." We are, of
Friday, November 15, 2019
Leadership theories and organizational culture
Leadership theories and organizational culture The topics of leadership and organizational culture have attracted considerable interest from both academics and practitioners. In modern World Leadership is taken as the most influencing factor of an Organization. Leaders are those people who make the organization move through definite path towards the success. As the other topics in the field of Organizational Environment, there are numerous numbers of studies and very relative theories on Leadership. The established study of Leadership includes. Trait Theory Group and Exchange Theory Contingency Theory Path-Goal P1. Leadership Theories and models Trait Theory This theory is all about the traits present in a person. The main objective is to recognize those traits which can produce a good leader. As per the ancient scholars The leaders are born not made. A theory called The Great Person Theory gave the right way to more realistic to the trait approach. This says that these traits are not totally in born but a mixture of nature and nurture means that the factors like Physiology, Society, and Economics have a great impact on the trait of a person which can make him a great leader. Group and Exchange Theory These theories have its root in social psychology. It says the leaders must have followers. And they must have some positive exchange between them i.e. Benefits, Rewards and Costs. A recent study indicates that the leader and followers both affect each other in a great impact. Relevant to the Exchange view an approach are there, Leader-Member Exchange approach is in discussion, these says that Leader treats subordinate differently. In precise the both develop a dynamic relationship which affects the behavior of the both. Contingency Theory This can be treated as the extension of the trait theory which deals with the situational aspect of leadership. Numerous situational variables were identified but no solid theory could be formulated. Fred Feeler test the hypothesis, he had formulated from the previous data findings. He develops a contingency model of leadership effectiveness. This contains the relationship between Leadership style and Favorableness of the situation. There are some dimensions: The Leader Member relationship. The degree of the task structure. The Leaders position and power. Source: As per this theory the trainers is taught to diagnosis the situation to change it at optimization leadership style which match the situation. Some of the ways are as follows: Spending more informal time with the follower. Discuss task structure with them. Raise the position power Path Goal Theory This theory has been derived from the motivational theory. The path goal theory attempts to explain the impact of the leader behavior has on subordinate motivation, satisfaction and performance. These are of four major types. Directive Leadership Participative Leadership Achievement oriented Leadership Using these for types on the situational factor the leader attempt to influence subordinates perception and motivation. In other word the leader attempts to make the path to the goal for the subordinate as smooth AS possible. But the leader must depend on the situational variables present. We were been discussing the traditional theories there are some other theories which has immerged most recently: Charismatic Transformational Autocratic Transactional Are some important of theories which are in discussion. Charismatic Max Weber the Sociologist described his charismatic authority as resting on the devotion to the exceptional sanctity, heroism or exemplary character of an individual person and of the normative patterns or order revealed or ordaised by him,. Among the webaris tripartite classification of authority charismatic authority is one and has acquired wide usage within the sociologists. This leadership is based on the leaders ability to communicate and act in ways that reach group on a basis, touching way, to inspire and motivate. To identify the characteristic of a charismatic leader is difficult but this level of communicating is so powerful to touch the heart of followers emotionally. To be a charismatic leader its difficult and even impossible for some leaders but its true that charismatic character is not essential for being a effective leader. Hence to rely on charisma may be a problem, in succession. Transformational Theory:- Transformational leadership can be defines as a leadership approach that engenders change in individuals and social systems. It explores valuable and positive change in the group with the target of developing the followers in to leaders. Through a variety of mechanism transformational leadership enhance motivation, morale and productivity of the followers by integrity the followers sense of identity to the objective of the organization. The theory was first implemented by James Mac in 1978 in his descriptive analysis on political leaders and now this theory had been given attention in organizational psychology. Burns described the theory as a process in which the leaders and followers help each other to advance to a higher level of morale and motivation, He tried to described that the differentiation between management and leadership are due to character and behaviors. The theory is not based on give and take policy but target changes that are required within the organizational character. Individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation are the four elements of full range of leadership. INSPIRATIONAL MOTIVATION Autocratic This leadership style is one of power and despotism, same to a dictatorship. In the administration of a country this type of leadership is found mostly. Adolph Hitler is a historical example of the disadvantage cruelty of an autocratic leadership style. An autocratic leader just order his followers and expect that they should obey his orders and dictation, This leadership style is suitable where the leader should take decisions in emergency, But this type of leadership style are breaking down now -a-days due to some rapid or environmental and organizational changes., While promoting fresh directions and is not connected with position, then in this case there is no better style than the autocratic in some time during emergency when the work should be done either by hook or crook and no other options are suitable. Transactional Theory This is a term that is used to inquire the interactions between the leaders and the followers of an organization. The leaders focus on a series of transactions. Here the leaders and followers exchange benefits in consequence of rewards and benefits to reach the company objectives. The transactional leaders believe that people can be only motivated by reward or punishment. The targets are set by the leaders and throws to the followers and when the followers reaches the targets they are rewarded and for failure the followers are seriously punished. The leaders are so cruel that they set the targets but are not sure that the resource is available or not. In this type of leadership the reward and punishments are subject to performance of the follower. Taking in consideration of its limitations still this type of leadership is popular to some managers and mainly toward the management end of the scale. Transformational leadership is a selling style but transactional leadership is of telling style. Hence- The transactional leaders must know how and by what to motivate their followers. To ensure their followers that they properly understands the reward system and the way out of receiving the reward. A consistent exercise of reward and punishment systems must be followed Constructive feedback throughout the systems must be provided Timely insurance of reward and recognition system. Situational Leadership theory This model is developed by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard that relates four different leadership styles to the subordinates confidence and the ability to achieve their targets. Now a days most of the leadership programs suits for developing leadership styles within the followers with their strength and weaknesses. But the situational theory is not dictated by the leadership style of managers. Rather its idea is to be successful in the existing environment with the style that is suitable to achieve the objectives. The successful managers are manager who make use of multiple leadership styles to cope up with the dynamic environment according to the desire of the organization. According to this theory the manager must decide which leadership is suitable for achieving the targets after the setting of goal. Style should change when it is required to lead the follower for goal achievements. P2. Impact of leadership Styles with in the Organization Importance of the Leadership-Performance Relationship During the past four decades, the impact of leadership styles on organizational performance has been a topic of interest among academics and practitioners working in the area of leadership. The style of leadership adopted is considered by some researchers to be particularly important in achieving organizational goals, and in evoking performance among subordinates Despite the widespread recognition of the significance and value of leadership, when studying the leadership literature, it is remarkable that the concept of leadership lacks consistency and agreement. Most of the leadership literature confuses the definition of effective leadership by failing to make clear distinctions in some definitions, such as between leaders and non-leaders, effective and ineffective leaders, as well as overlooking the definition of the levels of leadership Further, there has been limited research that has specifically addressed the relationship between leadership behavior and organizational performanc e. Despite these oversights, it is widely believed that leadership creates the vital link between organizational effectiveness and peoples performance at an organizational level Substantial numbers of management scholars have debated the effectiveness of leadership styles and behaviors In addition, much prior research has examined the assumed leadership-performance relationship, but it has examined a restricted number of leadership paradigms. This implies that different leadership paradigms could affect performance differently, depending on the context. Thus, when researching the leadership-performance relationship, the context needs to be taken into account and more paradigms need to be considered. Moreover, there are methodological problems with most existing studies. The majority of field studies have been cross-sectional in design, and the common-method bias often has been a problem when performance has been Measured. Link between Leadership and Organizational Performance Several reasons indicate that there should be a relationship between leadership and performance. The first reason relates to practice. Todays intensive, dynamic markets feature innovation-based competition, Price/performance rivalry, decreasing returns, and the creative destruction of existing competencies. Scholars and practitioners suggest that effective leadership behaviors can facilitate the improvement of performance when organizations face these new challenges Understanding the effects of leadership on performance is also important because leadership is viewed by some researchers as one of the key driving forces for improving a firms performance. Effective leadership is seen as a potent source of management development and sustained competitive advantage for organizational performance improvement. For example, transactional leadership helps organizations achieve their current objectives more efficiently by linking job performance to valued rewards and by ensuring employees have the resources needed to get the job done . Visionary Leaders create a strategic vision of some future state, communicate that vision through framing and use of metaphor, model the vision by acting consistently, and build commitment towards the vision. Some scholars suggest that visionary leadership will result in high levels of cohesion, commitment, trust, motivation, and hence performance in the new organizational environments. According to Mehra when some organizations seek efficient ways to enable them to outperform others, a longstanding approach is to focus on the effects of leadership. This is because team leaders are believed to play a pivotal role in shaping collective norms, helping teams cope with their environments, and coordinating collective action. This leader-centered perspective has provided valuable insights into the relationship between leadership and team performance. Some researchers have started to explore the strategic role of leadership, and investigate how to employ leadership paradigms and use leadership behavior to improve organizational performance. The reason for this is because intangible assets such as leadership styles, culture, skill and competence, and motivation are seen increasingly as key sources of strength in those firms that can combine people and processes and organizational performance. Previous research leads to the expectation that leadership paradigms will have dir ect effects on customer satisfaction, staff satisfaction, and financial performance. However, in general, the effects of leadership on organizational performance have not been well studied, according to House and Adytas review. House and Adyta (1997) criticized leadership studies for focusing excessively on superior-subordinate relationships to the exclusion of several other functions that leaders perform, and to the exclusion of organizational and environmental variables that are crucial to mediate the leadership-performance relationship. A further problem with existing leadership research is that the results depend on the level of analysis. House and Adyta (1997) distinguished micro-level research that focuses on the leader in relation to his or her subordinates and immediate superiors, and macro-level research that focuses on the total organization and its environment. Other scholars also suggest that leaders and their leadership style influence both their subordinates and organizational outcomes. Selection of Leadership development Initiatives The models and competency frameworks detailed in the previous section are, in most cases, used as a basis for the development of leadership and management development provision within organizations as well as appraisal and performance review. It is beyond the scope of this report to offer a detailed review of the associated programmers and the range of leadership and management development initiatives available, however, we would like to introduce a number of approaches that we feel are particularly interesting in the manner in which they seek to develop the behaviors, skills and attitudes of leaders. National and International Learning Experiences: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Development Assignments (Lancaster University Management School) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Transformational Thinking (Manchester University) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Study Tour to Canada (Kings Fund) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Duality Leadership Programmed (University of Birmingham) Action Learning Sets (Nelson and Peddler) Modular Programmes: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Experienced Chief Executives Development Programmed (Kings Fund and Lancaster University Management School) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Drive for Results (Manchester University) Leadership programs at wipro Wipro is the 1st PCMM level SEICMM level certified global IT services organization. It is global one of the largest product engineering and service support service provider with product/service differentiation. The company delivers comprehensive research development services, IT solutions, Information system outsourcing, and package implementation service world wide. the company is also having market share in niche market segment of clients product and lighting. Azim Premzi is the chairman of wipro technologies. Leadership qualities of premzi are based on the i10 model of leadership. P3. Assessment of the Leadership Style Premjis one of most achievements is creating sincerely management culture that is fruitful to work even under a high competitive pressure. Two core principles have been established that are instrumental in building proper structure of his leadership team at wipro:- Within the organization the chairman is not the King, he should share authority and responsibility with his subordinates. Believing in zero politic culture with hugging the honesty and openness of the subordinates. P4. Future Requirement of leadership Program For tracing wipros effort globally some steps are taken by the chairman- Azim Premji for the practice of leadership style:- Defining the Leadership qualities within the organization is a biggest problem as it refers so many things to so many people. To be an aggressive team leader and in the same time to bring about harmony within the organization is really challenging, For this Eight leadership practices are identified at Wipro:- Thinking Strategically Orientation of the Customer Commitment should be aggressive and trustworthy Thinking and Acting globally Crucial self confidence Commitment to excellence in operations Team working are an added advantage Building future is a ladder to future growth of the company as well as the within culture. Measurement of Leadership qualities in Global competitive context:- Wipros leaders are integrated with global thinking and acting working in a team increase the motivating and bonding factors and hence increase in productivity. P5. Proposal that are designed to meet specific requirement Wipros Leadership qualities at a Glance:- Leadership quality Earlier Now Strategic Thinking Focus was on the domestic players and only address was on local competitive forces Now focus is on Global game, changes and competitors Working in Team Main focus was on face-to-face interactions and morale in location basis But now the focus is on virtual teams that work asynchronously across date time Zones. Hence we can say that the company always studies the business environment for clues that have a direct impact of leadership strategies. Composition of leadership for a Global organization:- Due to the Global presence of wipro it is difficult to manage cross cultural and multinational work forces for his reason wipro has infused its senior management with leaders from home nations itself. This ensures that these leaders are adapting in their own nations and can understand the business quickly. Relevant Modification of the People Process:- The ongoing process of hiring, training development, compensation, are affecting the operations of Global scale. For this the company has modified the people process have a complete vision of leadership. For this reason the recruitment team must be certified with a standard, trainings are conducted overseas to have engagement with the field force. Development of Leadership Talent within the Wipro: On a regular basis the employees are trained to develop leaders. Premji have initiated to create and explore development program adjacent to the lifecycle way of leadership development. P6. Leadership development Program of Wipro For horning the leadership capability five programs have been developed by Premji within the organization:- Entry Level Program:- This is for the freshers (Entry level employee). New leaders Program: For the 1st time managers this program are developed to make aware of teams building, situational leading and coaching each other. Leader Program of Wipro: This are for the manager of manager those are willing to manage the team directly. Business Leaders Program: This are for General Managers covering the important attributes of finance and environmental scanning. Strategic Leadership Program: This is for chief executives for designing and developing strategies globally. Lifecycle Leadership Program Competency based performance appraisal Objective Setting WIPRO LEADER WLO 360 degree Early Opportunities Meet your people Program CSS customer output HR Review Planning The Leadership Development Frame work of Wipro Findings Prior to the examination of associations between leadership style, organizational culture, and performance, a phase of data reduction was necessary. The construction of meaningful indices was initiated by the use of principal components analysis with Varian rotation. Factor analysis was deemed necessary since it was considered prudent statistically to ascertain whether the adopted measures of organizational culture and leadership style captured differing dimensions of culture and style. The principal components analysis of items pertaining to organizational culture and items relating to leadership style were conducted individually. It was not necessary to delete items from the analysis due to lack of variation or because of problems of interpretation. A clear case study of wipro is described at a glance to show the different situational leadership style that is being used in the organization for the proper team work and development of future leaders.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Indian Uprising (a Critique) :: essays research papers
Any author's primary goal in story writing is to convey an idea or topic to their reading audience. The conventional wisdom on this thought is that the clearer this is conveyed, the greater the appeal to the reader. However, some authors feel the need to resist this trend and forge new paths that sometime leaves the meanings of their stories obscure and hidden from the average reader. Donald Barthelme has taken this optional approach with his story "The Indian Uprising". There are several reasons that I did not fully enjoy this post-colonial short story. One, its "point" is vague and this is a challenge to my current reading abilities and two, it rambles along its disjointed timeline to the point that I became easily lost. However, there is something that the story brought to light that I am now more fully aware of than before reading this story. That is my own abilities of intellectual analysis. It is these areas that I wish to elaborate upon.Donald Barthelme's deliberate twisting of the subtleties in meaning in his story is intriguing. However, as a recent popular movie so elegantly put it, it left me dazed and confused. I couldn't seem to figure out what the point or moral of the story should be. Was this a story of a battle between cowboys and Indians, as it suggests in its title? The story starts off leading you to take this as a real possibility with lines such as "We defended the city as best we could. The arrows of the Comanches came in clouds."(123). Or was it a story of love set in the time of war? "...we issued entrenching tools to those who seemed trustworthy and turned the heavy-weapons companies so that we could not be surprised from that direction. And I sat there getting drunker and drunker and more in love and more in love." (124). Although the story bounces between these two main "insinuations", it is never clear to me what or who the story is about and I found this to be an unfulfilling reading. In retrospect my previous readings of literature have been more of the atypical writing style. One that leaves you comfortable and secure and without guesswork "The Indian Uprising" avoids this style at all cost. The author's intent on writing in the style of a collage, although fascinating, is very confusing. I will be the first to admit I'm not the most avid of readers, but having to read a story two or even three times and still not fully perceiving its meaning made it an even more arduous read.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Is The Secret Sharer an appropriate title for this short story? Essay
1. Is The Secret Sharer an appropriate title for this short story? Support your ideas with detail from the text. In The Secret Sharer, a captain escapes his ship where he was held captive after murdering a member of the crew. He swims to another ship and admits the whole truth to the captain. Both captains have bad relationships with their crew and they empathise with each other. Legatt, who came from the other ship, is to be kept secret from the crew as his life depends on it. They have to keep quiet and whisper. An intense relationship is built up between the two of them. The captain always refers to Legatt as my â€Å"other self†, â€Å"my double†or â€Å"my second self†. This indicates that they belong together such as lovers. It implies that they are one person and are bound together. Legatt tells the captain immediately that he just killed a man and the captain just accepts it without question. He understands why he did it. They trust each other totally. Between them they know everything about each other, they knew each other before their eyes met. For Legatt to expose himself to a complete stranger there would have to be a bond. It is a twisted love at first sight. Another aspect of the title’s secretively is brotherhood. The two captains conspire together like brothers. â€Å"Whispering side by side, with our dark heads together and our backs to the door, anybody bold enough to open it stealthily would have been treated to the uncanny sight of a double captain busy talking in whispers with his other self.†They both look alike and are conversing in whispers. They are even sitting the same way. Like two little twin brothers making up some plan, which will guarantee that they get into trouble. This comes before sharing a secret; this is the creation of a secret, which will only be between those two, so effectively they are sharing the secret. Legatts existence is so secret that the captain starts to doubt he even exists. He is so secret that he cannot exist. â€Å"An irresistible doubt of his existence flickered through my mind. Can it be, I asked myself, that he is not visible to other eyes than mine?†He begins to think that Legatt is so secret, that he is imagining him. This shows us that the relationship is so secret and fantastic, that he cannot believe it. Legatt is barely described; we know only that he has dark hair, is pale and resembles the captain. In the beginning he was glowing phosphorescently, which reminds us of ghost. So he is almost spirit like. This reflects the title in that the secrectness of his existence cannot be shared. The captain describes Legatt to be like himself, he is a mirror. The captain can understand Legatt instantly as if he were in his shoes. He shares his very soul with Legatt, which is so unreal he can’t believe it. It’s double secret, materialistically he cannot tell the crew and has to hide him, and spiritually because he has shared his heart with Legatt. In conclusion, â€Å"The Secret Sharer†is an appropriate title for this account. The title can be interpreted into different meanings all of which can be associated directly to the story. The title focuses wholly on the relationship between the captain and Legatt.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Should taxes on people making over $250,000 a year be changed essay
Should taxes on people making over $250,000 a year be changed essay Should taxes on people making over $250,000 a year be changed? essay Should taxes on people making over $250,000 a year be changed? essayIn actuality, fiscal changes are debatable issues since, on the one hand, the rise of taxes is essential to cover growing needs of the federal budget, while, on the other hand, there is the traditional policy of non-interference of the US government into the US economy. In this regard, the possible rise of taxes for the rich is particularly sensitive issue because the majority of the population supports such measure, but economic effects of such decision may be questionable, while the political opposition to such decision will be certain from the part of the Republicans, who traditionally stood on the economically liberal ground. The taxes on people making over $250,000 a year should be changed because the current taxation is unfair as the rich can afford paying higher taxes to support the poor, while the government can serve as the mediator between the rich and the poor.History and status of the issue           The rise of taxes for the rich is quite a controversial issue, especially in the context of the US economy, which has always had a strong inclination to liberal policies with the minimal interference of the government into the national economy. In this regard, the Republican government was traditionally oriented on the liberation of fiscal policies with the minimal fiscal pressure, cut of government expenses, and free open market development. In contrast, the Democrats tended to the wider government interference and regulations to close the gap between the rich and the poor. Today, the Obama administration is considered to be the socialist administration because of its government policies that means that the current administration is favorable for the rise of taxes for the rich, including those, who earn over $250,000.The economic problem           The main economic problem that actually stimulates the introduction of t he rise of taxes for the rich is the problem of the stumbling US economy and the low economic growth of the US. The deterioration of the economic situation in the US has triggered the pauperization of a large part of the US population along with the shift of a considerable part of the middle-class toward the lower-class, while the upper-class earning over $250,000. The deterioration of the economic situation and pauperization of the population raises the problem of the further decline of the economic growth of the US because of the low consumption and focus of Americans on saving instead of spending. In such a situation, the government focuses on the enhancement of business activities, which can be achieved through the enhancement of the buying power of the majority of the population. In this regard, the increasing taxes for the rich open the way to decrease the fiscal pressure on the middle-class that prevents the further pauperization of the middleclass. Instead, the rich will not suffer substantial financial losses, because of their high level of income. As a result, the raise of taxes for the rich will help to resolve the problem of the economic decline of the US and boost the recovery of the US economy.The political problemThe political problem that emerges along with the rise of taxes for the rich is the problem of the government economic policy and over-regulation of the US economy. In fact, the historical development of the US was accompanied by the free economic development, while the government focused on other issues, but not economic issues. In such a way, the government regulation always evoked a strong opposition in the US politics as well as in the US society because such regulations were perceived as the excessive interference of the state into the economy of the US and private matters of individuals. The US was historically the country, where the government was not supposed to set the tight control over the economy by means of fiscal polic ies. In such a situation, the rise of taxes for the poor will evoke the severe criticism, especially from the part of the Republican Party. However, the rise of taxes will be an essential political decision to show that the government takes care for the average people, especially after 2008-2009 bailouts, when the government’s policy was perceived as the support of large corporations at costs of the average tax payers.The social problem           Furthermore, the raise of taxes is closely intertwined with the burning social problem, the problem of the growing disparity within the US society. To put it more precisely, the economic recession of 2008 has triggered the considerable widening of gaps between the rich and the poor in the US. In fact, the rise of the social disparity was the result of substantial gap in the level of income of the rich and the poor. As a result, the growing social and economic disparity raises the problem of the growi ng tension between the rich and the poor. If the government keeps ignoring the problem, there is a high risk of the large scale social conflict. In this regard, the Occupy Wall Street Movement and similar movements may be viewed as mere precursors of the large scale social protest against the persisting injustice in the US that may trigger clashes between civilians and law enforcement agencies as well as the military. In a long-run perspective, the government will face considerable problems with the maintenance of the existing social order because of the growing social protest and elimination of existing social injustice.Conclusion           Thus, the raise of taxes for those, who earn over $250,000 is an essential step to resolve current economic, political and social problems of the US. Even though this decision is difficult to take and this decision is likely to evoke a strong opposition in the US, but this decision is essential to undertake beca use it helps to bridge gaps between the rich and the poor and help the US middle-class to remain the middle- but not lower-class.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Ethics and Computers essays
Ethics and Computers essays Ethics are moral decisions people make based on what they believe is right or wrong. There are many ways to abuse or take advantage of technology and information systems but by applying ethics to these technologies people can hopefully make ethical decisions. When using information think about privacy, accuracy, property, and access to ensure ethical use. Even though email is informal, people still must remember it is permanent after you send it to another person and almost all of the time can be found again even if deleted so people should always use ethics in writing their emails. The Ten Commandments for the ethical use of computers are rules everyone can use to make sure what they are doing is ethical. Ethics or morals can establish questions about what is right and wrong not only for individuals, but how their actions affect society. Individuals can use information systems or technology in ways that are unethical but there are ways to avoid these unethical uses. All individuals have a concept of what is right and wrong. They use these concepts in decision making processes concerning ethical questions. In some instances there may be conflicting answers to these questions. For instance, an employee may be using a spreadsheet or another peace of information to predict sales for the upcoming years and sees an increase. He/She reports this to the boss, who hires new sales representatives. After re-checking information he/she notices some are incorrect. This causes the sales to different then he/she had predicted for the upcoming years. Now the employee has two choices that he/she can choice from which are report his/her mistake, which would result in the new sales representatives being out of a job, and possibly him as well. The alternative is not reporting the mistake. The new sales representative and the employee will keep their jobs for the time being, but the company will lose money. If the mistake is found the new s...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Comparison between life in Saudi Arabia and the United States Essay
Comparison between life in Saudi Arabia and the United States - Essay Example For example, in Saudi Arabia, when it is time for Salaat, which is the name for prayer in Islam, everybody can be seen rushing towards the Mosques. Saudi Arabians leave every business apart and go to the mosque to offer the prayers five times a day. They value Salaat above every other matter, and would not miss a prayer in any case. This particular habit of the Saudi Arabians makes them quite distinguished from Muslims in other countries. Not many Muslims in the United States rush towards Mosques when it is the time for Salaat. Likewise, people from all other religions are not as practicing towards their religions in United States in general as the Muslims in Saudi Arabia are, at least with respect to prayers and appearance. The condition of law and order is much better in Saudi Arabia than it is in the United States. According to the most recent statistics about rape per capita recorded by (, the rapes per capita in the United States are 0.301318 per 1,000 people wh ere as the same in Saudi Arabia are 0.00329321 per 1,000 people. In Saudi Arabia, when it is the time for Salaat, shopkeepers do not even shut their shops for the time they are out of it despite having nobody on their behalf to take care of the shop in their absence. They are so confident that no one is going to rob or steal anything from the shop. And the most interesting part of it is that, nobody really does steal there. This can be fundamentally attributed to the fact that punishments in Saudi Arabia for crime are just too strict for somebody to commit it. If someone is found guilty of stealth, the thief’s hand is cut off. Likewise, if somebody is proved to have committed Zina’, that is the Arabic name for rape, or illegal sex or sex with someone out of the marital relationship, he/she is stoned to death. These are the punishments enforced by Islam for the respective sins. As Islamic laws have been enforced in Saudi Arabia, the crime rate is significantly less than what it is in the United States. In United States, the police is generally very efficient and the law and order is also extremely strict, yet the crime rate is higher than in Saudi Arabia because of several reasons. A person in United States would surely close the shop before leaving the shop for any purpose, or if not close it, would make arrangements to keep the things secure. The culture of United States is largely dominated by multiculturalism. â€Å"America is ultimately a nation of immigrants and as a result is a cultural mish-mash in every sense of the word†( There are people from all over the world who have come to United States for studies or work. Multiculturalism is far more dominant in the life in United States than it is in Saudi Arabia. People from all over the world that have been migrating to United States in the past have brought their individualistic cultures along with them that have blended well with the native culture of the United States. With the passage of time, the culture of United States has started to reflect the colors of all different cultures whose people make part of its society. Because of the widespread multiculturalism, no single religion dominates in the culture of United States. Accordingly, United States has formulated laws, policies, rules and regulations according to social factors
Friday, November 1, 2019
Trade unions in the workplace can only have a negative impact on Essay
Trade unions in the workplace can only have a negative impact on productivity. Discuss - Essay Example An analysis of the above definitions reveals that a trade union must be: Allen Flanders (1970) says that the major functions of trade unions are ‘Regulation’ which is of government role, whose essence lies in rule making. As Flanders (1970) says â€Å"Union restrain the exercise of managerial authority in deploying, organizing and disciplining the labour force after it has been hired.†Thus trade unions are considered not merely as economic organizations, but also as political institutions directed towards wresting control over managerial authority and moral institutions, which will uplift the weak, and downtrodden and render them the place, the dignity and justice they deserve. Trade unions, everywhere, as organizations undertake a variety of activities termed as economical, political, social psychological, cultural etc. All these activities could be broadly put into three major categories such as collective bargaining or negotiations, industrial action and legal actions. Collective bargaining/ negotiations: Unions as representative of workers organizations bargain with employers or various such issues such as wages, allowances, bonus, hours of work, reinstatement etc. The unions have secure bargaining power by statute and bargaining is done with the presence of the third party. Industrial action: Industrial action implies action like strikes and different methods of protest. These types of industrial actions like striking naturally lead to loss of production and disturbing the industrial peace. Worldwide unions resort to these activities to achieve their goals to safe guard the interest of their members. Legal actions: The unions also involve themselves in the legal actions. First of all unions have interest in getting certain laws enacted by the legislature. The purpose of these labour laws is to enhance the interest of the workers. Then, the unions are also
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