Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Comparing poems Essay Example For Students
Looking at sonnets Essay The sonnet Presents from my aunties in Pakistan is about a half English, half Pakistani Girl who was conceived in Pakistan and raised in England. Her Aunts in Pakistan sent her some conventional Pakistani garments. In private she cherishes the garments however she doest what to give her companions since she imagines that her companion wont like them. The artists contemplations and emotions change all through the sonnet. In lines 1-19 the young lady is glad and thankful sparkling like an orange split open (line 4) this is a hopeful picture, the presents appear to be invigorating, staggering and loaded with affirmation. In lines 20-26 the young lady feels she cannot wear these garments since she is half-English, not at all like Aunt Jamila.(Lines 25 and 26). Lines 27-38 demonstrate different sides to her. One side by her maxim I needed my folks camel skin light. (Line 27) where she is pulled in to and yet repulsed from to think about the savagery (line 29) however then in line 32 back to pulled in to the light to wonder about the hues (line 32). Lines 40-44 is about her in her bed room attempting to flaunt her garments yet her companion isnt dazzled requested to see my end of the week garments. (Line 42-43) Lines 50-end are intended to be about the young lady looking from some place she has a place And I was there with no fixed nationality she doesnt accept that she has a place with any fixed nationality. Gazing through the fret work (line 68) she is excessively far away from the restoring Pakistan. There is by all accounts no set auxiliary structure to this sonnet. The refrains are separated in which ever way the writer feels like in broken beat. The sonnet is written in free stanza so there is no rhyme. The utilization of likenesses and analogies are generally utilized in (lines 1-39) where the substance is portraying how lovely the garments are. The artist utilizes hues and organic product to uphold a mind-set across to the peruser of the poem. I enjoyed this sonnet due to the manner in which she utilized hues and natural product to show the manner by which the young lady in the sonnet is feeling. I additionally enjoyed how she portrays the all the garments. Charlotte ONeils Song The sonnet Charlotte ONeils Song is about a young lady who is a worker in a manor. She discusses her life scrubbedscrappedwashed and how she is getting exhausted of getting along everything. The young lady Charlotte ONeil, as indicated by ships records, is a 17-year-old young lady cruising to New Zealand to be a general hireling in a rich keeps an eye on home. At the end she says I wont be there any longer. what's more, it appears she hammers the entryway and shes gone. The mind-set of this sonnet is very outrage toward the start and tired of doing likewise work day in day out and toward the end she happy she gone however know youre on your own my dear. The structure to this sonnet isn't set up in refrains with set syllables and number of lines. The rhyme starts of consistent however the further you go into the sonnet the angrier she gets and the more lose the rhymes plot goes. There are no similies or analogies since charlotte is attempting to keep you concentrated on what shes saying so you wont be occupied by the examinations making what she has experienced less graphic. I like this sonnet on the grounds that there are no descriptors in the sonnet so it looks somewhat uncovered in places however she keeps it more tight by expanding the resentment and letting the rhyme plot slip to show this. I likewise enjoyed the manner by which she finished up the piece by saying and you can open your own front door. Nothings changed This sonnet is about the politically-sanctioned racial segregation in region six, Cape Town, Africa. A man is strolling through the field the fields simply outside of dictrict six. He at that point strolls into locale six no board says it is, however my feet realize he approaches a white s just Inn and says theres a watchman at the gatepost to hold the genuine Africans out. .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35 , .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35 .postImageUrl , .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35 , .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35:hover , .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35:visited , .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35:active { border:0!important; } .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35:active , .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35:hover { murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-embellishment: underline; } .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enrichment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ub8501c962e615083cf19e8c7356dab35:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Rhodas Diary The Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy EssayThe second 50% of the sonnet is portrays the manner in which hes feeling about the whites that are superior to him .he approaches the window and without out looking definitely realizes what hes going to see. Before I see them, there will be squash ice white glass then he brings us down the road to working keeps an eye on he moves in an opposite direction from the window and wants to crush the unmistakable sheets in any capacity which he can. The writer feeling and contemplations create as the fundamentally over the span of the sonnet. From when the sonnet starts hes strolling thought the fields and in spite of the fact that the landscape is brutal and hard he feels good there. He at that point strolls down into locale six and his indignation starts to be uncovered. Discusses his hands, bones, lungs and hot, white inwards turning outrage of my eyes. This surggests that he is starting he is furious a piece yet as the sonnet advances the annoyance upgrades with it. The three sonnets are about various societies. I loved the nothings changed sonnet since it has the most impact on me. The manner by which the artist unwinds the plot steadily shows how much nothing has changed.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Matilda Essays - Matilda, Matilda Wormwood, , Term Papers
Matilda The book that I have perused is called Matilda. It's about a little youngster named Matilda. She is exceptionally skilled, her folks don't generally think about what she does. Matilda has uncommon forces, she can move things with her eye. Mrs. Trenchbol is the rule of the school she joins in. She torments each child. No one enjoys Mrs. Trenchbol. Matilda's instructor Miss. Nectar cherishes Matilda. Miss. Nectar revealed to Matilda how Mrs. Trenchbol is her auntie, and assumed control over her life. Miss. Nectar's dad kicked the bucket when she was a young lady. Her dad left her all that he had own, yet Mrs. Trenchbol frightened her off. She told Miss. Nectar never to return. Mrs. Trenchbol lives in Miss. Nectar's home, while Miss. Nectar lives in a house. Matilda felt extremely terrible for her, she needed to help Miss. Nectar here and there. Matilda knew the main way she could make Mrs. Trenchbol leave, is by utilizing her forces. Matilda sneaked in Mrs. Trenchbol's home with her capacity she made everything in her home move to various headings. Mrs. Trenchobol was extremely terrified, she didn't have a clue what to do. The following day, when Mrs. Trenchbol got the opportunity to class. She went to Miss. Nectar's call to show them a thing or two. Matilda began to utilize her forces once more, she got a chalk to compose ?Leave My girl alone?! Mrs. Trenchbol just came up short on the study hall to her vehicle and never returned. Miss. Nectar was so cheerful. Matilda realized she made the best decision. Matilda's family was going to move away. Matilda would not like to go. Miss. Nectar needed to embrace Matilda. Her folks approved of it, her folks didn't generally mind what Matilda ever did, as long as she was glad. Miss. Nectar received Matilda, and her folks had left town. Miss. Nectar adored Matilda without question, they needed to spend the remainder of their lives together. Book Reports
Friday, August 21, 2020
Business Plan Essay
Field-tested strategy Essay Field-tested strategy Essay Name: Field-tested strategy for: (If it's not too much trouble utilize this format related to the guide Prepare a strategy) |Document Version: | |Date: | |Completed by: | Strategy substance Official Summary†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.3 1 Executive summary 3 2 Business details 4 3 Key personnel 5 Vision 6 4 The business idea 6 5 Business goals 6 6 What the business does 7 7 What makes the business different 7 8 Legal requirements 7 Marketing 8 9 Market research 8 10 Profiling customers 8 11 Profiling competitors 9 12 Managing market risks 9 13 Pricing 9 14 Promotion and advertising 10 Running the business 11 15 Staff 11 16 Premises 11 17 Suppliers 11 18 Equipment 12 19 Managing operational risks 12 Finance 13 20 Start-up costs 13 21 Profit and misfortune forecast 15 22 Sourcing finance 16 23 Managing monetary risks 16 24 Cash stream forecast 17 | | |1 Executive outline (We recommend you complete this segment after you have finished different segments of the Business Plan). | | | | | | | | | |2 Business subtleties | | |Company name: | | | |Address: | | | |Telephone number: | | | |Legal status:
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Family Members an Anxiety Disorder - Free Essay Example
Living with a family member who has an anxiety disorder can be a challenge in itself. Many times, family members will focus all their support to the adolescent with the disorder and consequently neglecting other members of the household, leading to resentment or feelings of rejection. Often parents will develop a sense of guilt or blame themselves, and wonder if they had a part to play in the development of the disorder. Research suggests that family boundaries are reevaluated when a family member is struggling with an anxiety disorder (Dikec, Ergun Gumus, 2018). For example, an adolescent with severe panic attacks is unlikely to care for themselves and other family members may in turn accumulate additional responsibilities in the home. When the change in responsibilities occur in an unnegotiated manner, this can cause strain in the form of stress, tension and further resentment (Dikec, Ergun Gumus, 2018). There are two common approaches families take to help cope when their adolescent develops anxiety: the overbearing, intrusive parent or the uninvolved, get over it parent. Very rarely does a supportive and empathetic family who is supportive of treatment come along. The majority of the time, families who are open to treatment usually identify as White American; they will seek treatment and expect the therapist to fix their child. These families are cooperative yet not involved in treatment. Contrary to the overbearing family, the get over it family, commonly linked to Hispanic Americans and African Americans, rejects the idea that the adolescent has developed the disorder and acknowledges the symptoms as a phase (Bettis et al., 2018). Evidence-Based Intervention There are numerous Evidenced-Based Interventions such as Attachment-Based Family Therapy (ABFT), acceptance commitment therapy (ACT), and exposure therapy that help reduce symptoms of anxiety disorders. However, research has demonstrated that despite the newly integrated evidenced based practices, individual cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), has proven to be one of the most effective treatments not only in treating the symptoms but addressing the underlying reasons for the excessive fears (Sheets et al., 2013). Cognitive Behavioral Theory suggests that our cognition (how we think) affects how we feel and in turn affecting our behavior which then impacts our thoughts, creating a never-ending cycle if left unaddressed. The psycho-social intervention aims at addressing all three components to reduce the maladaptive behaviors the youth have engaged in to reduce their thoughts. CBT is individually tailored to the adolescents needs and can be utilized across cultures (Alegria, Atkins, Fa rmer, Slaton, Stelk, 2010). The long-established therapeutic approach is the most widely used treatment for individuals with anxiety disorders (Thompson, May, Whiting, 2013). Challenging cognitive distortions is CBTs key component in reducing maladaptive behaviors. The name itself suggest two vital elements: cognitive, which focuses on how negative thoughts induce anxiety, and behavioral which focuses on the behavior the youth engages in when in an anxious situation. Family upbringing, attitudes, individual expectations and beliefs all influence thoughts thus the same situation can lead to completely different cognitive distortions in different people. The main objective of CBT is to recognize thought distortions and challenge them, ultimately replacing them with accurate thoughts. This process is also known as cognitive restructuring. Cognitive restructuring involves three key steps. The first step is to identify the pattern of negative thoughts. Once the negative thoughts are identified, the second step requires challenging the distortions by questioning the evidence which involves past experiences and weighing the pros and cons. Lastly, once the irrational thoughts are challenged the final step is to replace them with accurate and realistic thoughts. By changing the thought process, we can change the negative emotions associated with those thoughts and eventually reducing the avoidance behaviors (Young, et al, 2012). Although cognitive restructuring is a critical component, CBT improved emotional regulation by implementing mindfulness techniques and developing coping strategies that target anxious symptoms (Young et al., 2012). CBTs strengths lie within the therapeutic approachs ability to be researched and measured for effectiveness. Despite its structured sessions, its flexibility in approach allows for the evidenced based practice to be implemented across different cultures, races, ethnicities, social classes and identified gender. Its limitations focus on whether the negative thoughts are a result of the anxiety rather than the cause (Wong et al., 2018). Aside from the cause, the CBT approach is narrow minded as it concentrates on cognition and ignores other factors such as family influence (Wong et al., 2018). There are over four decades of research that provide support for the effectiveness of CBT among adolescent youth struggling with anxiety (Cohen, Mannarino, Deblinger, 2012). The extensive clinical studies all conclude that the integrative technique is the gold standard of treatment for mental health disorders. Meta-analysis conclude that CBT interventions have the lowest relapse rates of any psychological treatment. Even the new evidenced-based interventions designed to target anxiety are CBT based approaches (Cohen, Mannarino, Deblinger, 2012). Pedro Garcia Pedro, a 19-year-old identified male, was referred by his county clinician after developing symptoms of agoraphobia. Approximately 3 months ago, Pedros panic attacks increased from his normal frequency which resulted in an inability to work, inability to continue college and impaired his interpersonal relationships. Pedro received and ACE score of 9. Biological Despite the various physical examinations, Sebastians anxious symptoms are not linked to a physical illness. Pedro is physically healthy emerging adult with no history of illness aside from the occasional flu.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Picture of Dorian Gray Book Review
Oscar Wildes only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) is a classic instance of the aestheticism of the late 19th centurys ​​English literature. The maxim of aestheticism art for arts sake is reflected in the opening of the novel, which specifies arts aim to reveal the art and conceal the artist. For greater emphasis, Wilde defines the artist as free of ethical sympathies and morbidity. Even books are seen as only well written or badly written and not as moral or amoral. Following this prelude on art and beauty, Wilde weaves a ​plot that explores the issue to its core. The plot of The Picture of Dorian Gray, if seen apart from the wit and epigrams of Lord Henry is serious and, at times, even somber. Dorian Gray is a young and handsome man whose well-off friend Lord Henry takes him to an art-loving painter, Basil Hallward. The painter makes a picture of Dorian Gray, a fascinating piece that makes Dorian wish to stop aging. His wish is fulfilled and the picture starts aging instead of young Dorian. The consequence is a disaster. Oscar Wilde has created an amusing tale that does not end very happily but ends beautifully with our easy-going Lord Henry still chirping. Style and Setting Anyone who has read dramatic fiction (Oscar Wilde in particular) will not find it hard to see the style of the storys narrative as closer to drama than a novel. Wilde is not obsessed with describing settings in detail as a novelist with a constructive bent would be. But the brevity of description is masterfully covered in the warm and witty conversations that fill most of the novel. The epigrams of Lord Henry shoot arrows of gentle satire on different elements of society. Women, America, faithfulness, stupidity, marriage, romance, humanity, and weather are just some of the numerous targets of Wildes criticism, which the readers receive from the sharp but sweet tongue of Lord Henry. The twittering lord is thus made an indelible character for his ease of expression and his envied indifference. Yet, the author does not rely solely on spoken words to impart his impression. He describes some scenes in words that evoke a vivid image in the readers mind. Perhaps the best of these is Dorian Grays brief journey through the dark and filthy streets that stand in an obtrusive contrast to his luxurious entourage but which also bear a remarkable resemblance to the kind of life he has embraced. Characters in The Picture of Dorian Gray Like his stories and plays, Oscar Wilde does not employ many characters to run the story of his novel. Nearly the entire plot is nucleated around Dorian, Lord Henry, and the artist Basil. Minor characters like the Duchess of Harley serve the purpose of initiating or furthering topics that would ultimately be the butt of Lord Henrys repartees. The character description and motivation are again left mainly to the perceptual capacity of the readers. Wilde is always testing the aesthetics of his readers and the easier you go with his characters disposition, the greater insight you gain. Self-Love and the Vulnerability of Beauty The Picture of Dorian Gray addresses more than one theme. The primary appeal of the subject of beauty, as it appears to eyes, is the main focus of the novel. Wilde reveals the tenderness of self-love, or narcissism, which sometimes fails to find an object outside itself. Dorians beauty, unlike Basils art and Lord Henrys social status, is more vulnerable to decay with time. But it is not this weakness of beauty to age that brings the disaster upon our protagonist. It is the consciousness of the owner of beauty to his own wealth that triggers the boundless fear of perishing--fear that causes his doom. Unlike Lord Henrys ease about his rank, Dorians angst about the ephemeral nature of his beauty is shown as the true enemy of a persons self. The philosophical boundaries of Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray are too deep to track to their ends. The novel addresses the issue of self-concept as portrayed in art. Further, it connects a persons emotional response to his/her own image. While Dorian remains young and beautiful, the mere sight of an aging picture of him is unbearably painful. It would be too presumptuous to conclude that The Picture of Dorian Gray is a work of beauty with no moralistic purpose. Wilde was not a moralist (as many of us already know) and within the book, there is not much to emphasize a moral code or right conduct. But the novel, in its covert meaning, is not without a moral lesson. We can easily see that beauty is ephemeral and any attempt to deny this fact is amoral. It brings ruin as shows the case of Dorian Gray.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effects of Exercise on Anxiety and Depression Essays
Critically Analyse the Research Findings on the Acute and Chronic Effects of Exercise on Anxiety and Depression It has long been speculated that there is a relationship between exercise and it effects on anxiety and depression. However, it is not until recently that research has shown that exercise is associated with positive changes in mood and reductions in anxiety and depression. According to the Mental Health Victoria, depression is characterised by prolonged feelings of sadness, dejection and hopelessness and will affect one in four women and one in six men at some point in their lives. In the United States, anxiety disorders and depression are the most common mental health disorders costing the public $45 billion a year (Berger,†¦show more content†¦399). Investigations on the chronic effects of exercise have involved programs which last approximately 2-4 months consisting of two to four sessions per week. Most research on effects of acute exercise has focused on the reduction of state anxiety. Recent studies, (Focht Hausenblas, 2001; Ekkekakis, Hall Petruzzello, 1999) showed that aerobic exercise resulted in lowered state anxiety and higher tranquility scores. In addition to this, other research has revealed that moderate-intensity exercise produced the greatest positive effects in affective responses implying that the anxiety reduction following exercise occurs regardless of the intensity, duration or type of exercise (Berger, Pargman Weinberg, 2002, pp. 399-401). Raglin and Morgan (1987) found that state anxiety was reduced for 24 hours after the exercise bout, whereas participants in a control rest condition returned to baseline levels within 30 minutes (Berger, Pargman Weinberg, 2002, pp. 400). Although acute exercise is no more effective in decreasing state anxiety than quiet rest of distraction, the effects last longer. According to Breus and O’Connor (1998), the decrease in state anxiety after exercise lasted several hours, which was more than in the distraction and quiet rest groups. This implies that positive effects may be gained afte r a few weeks of training, but enduring effects may only be achieved through continuous exercise. There is a need to developShow MoreRelatedMusic Therapy And Depression922 Words  | 4 Pagessingle geographic area, which also restricts the applicability of the findings to other populations. Anxiety and depression can also be relieved through music therapy and muscle relaxation training exercise; nurses can supervise patients several times through deep muscle relaxation (McGregor Antoni, 2009) and through tension relaxation exercise which can cultivate their abilities to perform the exercise by themselves (Stuart and Laraia, 2008). Music therapy refers to the clinical and evidence-basedRead MoreEssay On Clinical Depression1487 Words  | 6 PagesAmericans suffer from clinical depression each year. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2017), 322 million people are affected by depression around the world. Concerning industrialized Western world countries, it remains as the number one psychological disorder affecting its population (WHO, 2017). Most clinicians begin primarily with prescribing either pharmacologic or psychotherapy interventions. With billions of dollars spent in revue on treating depression (Chisholm, Sweeny, and SheehanRead MoreThe Effects Of Kouk Sun On University Students With Anxiety Symptoms1737 Words  | 7 Pages, Stumpp, J., â€Å"Reduced emotional stress reactivity to a real-life academic examination stressor in students participating in a 20-week aerobic exercise training: A randomised controlled trial using Ambulatory Assessment†and Kim, J., Yang, H., Schroeppel, S. (2013), â€Å"A Pilot Study Examining the Effects of Kouk Sun Do on University Students with Anxiety Symptoms†. The assessment will look at the best appraisal that best suit the case study of Mariana who is a first year health sciences student atRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Anxiety876 Words  | 4 PagesNormal and Abnormal Anxiety Anxiety is a reaction to things that stress you. It is normal to have some anxiety at work, school, or home. It is when anxiety becomes a daily occurrence with no known cause that it is categorized as a disorder. Anxiety, panic, and depression often begin with normal stress that gets out of control. Hectic lifestyles lead to poor eating habits, less restful sleep, deficiencies in vitamins and minerals the body needs, and higher levels of stress. You don’t have to workRead MoreEssay The Many Benefits of Exercise1513 Words  | 7 Pagesthe lack of education about health and exercise. Exercise has a wide variety of positive effects on the body and mind that can be categorized into three main parts. Part one describes psychological benefits, including the influences exercise has on the mind and its functions, as well as the behavioral changes it presents. Part two explains the physical qualities that exercise can enhance. This effect incorporates the body as apposed to the mind. Exercise affects your overall body appearance andRead MoreWhat Is 22 Random Control Trials For Patients With Chemotherapy And Treatment?1000 Words  | 4 Pagesterms of a psychological approach, the trials also used anxiety levels as a factor in their exercise plans. Out of five trials, three demonstrated positive effects, while two showed no statistical significance. Again, these programs included walking based programs and telephone counseling interventions. (Schmitz et al., 2010) The next trials they examined patients after chemotherapy and radiation treatments ended. In terms of depression and anxiety, the results were mixed. Out of seven trials, threeRead MoreThe Effects Of Exercise On Body s Physical Condition1247 Words  | 5 Pages Exercise has been proven to have a positive effect on our body’s physical condition, but what about our minds? Mental exercise, too, is influential on our bodies to decrease our stress levels. Though, we know how important it is to do physical exercise and manage stress, yet still 42% of adults say they are not doing enough to manage their stress mentally ( ). Research has shown stress puts detrimental effects to our bodies and well-beingRead MoreWhile Joe Was Watching Tv One Day Eating Doritos He Was1555 Words  | 7 Pagesare the benefits of exercise?†He then took the time to research. A lack of physical activity leads to muscular reduction, weight gain, loss of bone strength, organ failure, and it can lead to an elevated risk for the leading causes of death, such as heart related problems and diabetes (Davis). An inactive life is bad for the human body, and very detrimental to one s health and life style. On the contrary, many physical, mental, and health benefits come with exercise. Exercise has physical benefitsRead MoreThe Publics Interaction With Anxiety, Depression, And Its Treatment1587 Words  | 7 Pages The Publics Interaction with Anxiety, Depression, and its Treatment Elijah-Smith-Antonides Community College of Road Island General Psychology Traci A. Rossi December 5th, 2016 â€Æ' The Publics Interaction with Anxiety, Depression, and its Treatment The treatment of mental disorders has made a huge amount of progress since the original days of cutting open a person’s head and letting the demons leak out. It seems that depression and anxiety are on the rise these days demanding more attentionRead MoreExercise May Help Improve Your Mental Health By Helping The Brain Manage Better With Stress1205 Words  | 5 PagesExercise may help improve your mental health by helping the brain manage better with stress. Stress is just a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our physical or mental equilibrium. It is pretty much in our everyday life and we have to find a way to lower the stress. A stressful event can cause the â€Å"fight-or-flight†response, causing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to rush through the body. A small amount of stress, known as â€Å"acute stress,†can be exciting because it keeps us active and
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Completeness free essay sample
Principles of supporting business events Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. †¢ The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk †¢ Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly †¢ When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference †¢ Then, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment document has 3 pages and is made up of 3 Sections. Name:EVELIN ASSAFREI Section 1 – Understand how to support the organisation of a business event 1. When organising a business event, describe the range of support activities that may be required. There are a number of supporting activities that are required when organising a business event, such as; Organising a venue, Ensuring the event is well publicized, Appropriate space and licences are in place, Section 2 – Understand the purpose of displaying professional and helpful behaviour whilst supporting a business event and how to do so 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Completeness or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Explain the purpose of displaying professional and helpful behaviour when supporting a business event. 2. Describe ways of exhibiting professional and helpful behaviour whilst supporting a business event. Section 3 – Understand how to deal with problems encountered when supporting a business event . What are the main types of problems that may occur when supporting a business event? You should include at least three different types of problems in your answer. 2. Identify possible solutions for each of the problems you have listed in Question 1 above. Once you have completed all 3 Sections of this Assessment, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your work to your tutor for marking.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Word Essay free essay sample
My word is actually a phrase, my phrase is â€Å"sense of humor. We will write a custom essay sample on Word Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †Sense of humor has a few different meanings I think. The dictionary definition for it is; the trait of appreciating and being able to express the humorous. It means to be able to appreciate, understand, and make your own humorous things. Understanding sarcasm in speaking, funny actions, and catching puns, etc. are some examples of things you need a sense of humor to understand. People’s sense of humor are not usually the same. Your opinions and thoughts create your sense of humor so it depends on your personality. So there isn’t a specific, exact sense of humor that you just have or don’t have. I think everyone has a sense of humor even if they don’t understand or appreciate someone else’s humor, they have their own with different things that amuse them. In my opinion the most important characteristic that a person should have to be successful in life is a good sense of humor. One might be intelligent, honest and kind but when all goes wrong the best way to tackle with difficulties is approaching to them optimistically. Especially speaking in terms of personality to get along with others or to break the ice or to hit it off with a new friend or any kind of thing like that. To begin with, the whole existing in the world is a rivalry where really often you are on the weaker side. You can lose your job after years of trying to achieve professional acknowledgement even if you think you’re working as hard as you can or you could fail at an exam before you even got that far. The important thing is never to give up and not to take everything personal. People who manage to overcome the being down in the dumps feeling and get back on to working hard are the ones who succeed. Also, who doesn’t like people that can keep you guessing and laughing? It’s always fun to be around someone that is amusing. If you can amuse your friends, they will always be delighted to spend their time with you which is a personal achievement I think. Another thing is that communication with others will be a lot more fluent. You become more attractive and  to colleagues and friends and you help to ease stressful situations and help others to be less stressed. Not mentioning that one of the key moments in a love relationship is making your partner laugh as well. A lot of people might say or think that these kind of people cannot approach adequately to a serious situation or crisis and do not have a realistic image of life. But I think that those who claim this should distinguish acting carelessly between acting calmly. Worrying too much will only cause you a headache and you will struggle more until finding the best solution. Having a good sense of humor usually would help keep someone from stressing too quickly or when it won’t do them any good. It’s a proven fact that panicking in a tough situation is not as helpful or efficient as taking on the problem calmly because you can think things through more thoroughly. These kind of people would usually be best prepared for such situations. I really think that the sense of humor is the most important characteristic one should have in order to be successful, maybe not always business wise but for your personal life for sure. A quote to support that is this; When life gives you lemons, twist some of the peel into a martini.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Harold Washington, Mayor essays
Harold Washington, Mayor essays Harold Washington was Chicagos first black mayor. He was elected in 1983, in an election that garnered national attention. He defeated the Republican candidate Bernard Epton with what many considered a rainbow coalition of supporters: blacks, Hispanics, Asians, liberal whites, women, and the elderly (Chicago Remembers Harold Washington). Washingtons surprise primary election victory over the incumbent mayor Jane Byrne, and future mayor Richard M. Daley put the national spotlight on Washington, and when he beat Republican Bernard Epton in the general election, he became Chicagos first black mayor. Washington almost immediately faced opposition from political opponents in the City Council who resisted cooperating with him because he was an outsider and reformer. That period was marked by turbulent fights in the Council between the twenty-nine anti-Washington aldermen and the twenty-one who were loyal to the new mayor. Washington is best known for bringing opportunity to the underprivileged. He also helped significantly raise the number of city contracts given to minority businesses, as well as helped open doors for minorities to attain top positions in City Hall. In the same vein, Washington made Illinois the first state to honor Martin Luther King by creating a state holiday. Washington did much for city policy as well. He created the first citywide Ethics Ordinance, and by writing the cities own Freedom of Information Act, he encouraged everyone to become informed and involved with community operations. Washington had always said that he would stay in office till the day he died; he had the ambition to outlast former mayor Richard J. Daley and his 20-year reign. Sadly, Washington served a little more than four years. Washington, who was sixty-five, collapsed at his desk during a meeting with his press secretary, and within minutes of his collapse paramedics were urgently attempting...
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
Business Plan - Essay Example The restaurant will specialize in a combination of fast cold or hot sandwiches and salads. It will also have specific recipes for the Dubai locals. The FWD’s unique menu, excellent location and repeat business are the main keys to the restaurants success. The restaurant will basically be a sole proprietorship owned by Ursula. The initial capital investment will be $30000. An additional of capital of $20000 will be raised in short term loan. The company will however overcome these challenges due to its excellent location. Further, it intends to draw into its main target market segment (business professionals) by providing a suitably upscale environment. For the restaurant to achieve the highest sales volume especially during its peak hours, it will seek to provide the customers with quality food and maximum number of services. It has planned charge a slightly higher price on its product and services that the competitors to justify for its upscale establishment and also cover for the operating costs that are expected to be higher because of the expanded and differentiated menu. First World Delicacies (FWD) is a new era restaurant that focuses on fast, nutritious and, healthy food to the local downtown area in Dubai. The restaurant will specialize in a combination of fast cold or hot sandwiches and salads. It will also have specific recipes for the Dubai locals. The distinct menu offered by the FWD allows it to follow a differentiation strategy which will allow it to provide hard to find or unique choices to its customers. All these will enable the restaurant to charge a slightly higher price that the customers thereby returning a significant profit. FWD is basically a restaurant which has both lunch and dinner menus. It also treats customers who come for dinner with a theme show. First World Delicacies (FWD) is a new era restaurant that
Monday, February 10, 2020
Bank Failure Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Bank Failure - Case Study Example This however, also led to the fact that banks and other financial institutions started to take on more liberty due to this financial liberalization. The removal of restrictions on capital flows allowed banks to invest into cross border projects thus assuming more risks but also allowed them to indulge into banking practices which were more risky for the overall health of the financial institutions. The subprime mortgage market failure however, forced many experts including Prof. Susan M Wachter to conclude that the subprime mortgage failure will be much worse than the expectations held by most of the market participants. (Knowledge@Wharton). Evidence indicate that the literature comprehensively provided an insight into what may actually happen due to the lending policies adapted by the banks and other financial institutions and as such if such practices continue, it may be difficult for the financial system to sustain the increasing pressures from speculative activities in which banks and financial institutions have engaged themselves into. ... ning for the developing countries however, the current financial crisis and resulting insolvencies of banks like Lehman Brothers is an ample example of how the financial system of developed world can bear the heavy cost of bank insolvencies also. This paper will discuss some of the evidence and predictions that were presented in the literature published prior to the crises and will specially focus on literature published prior to 2003. Bank Failure Caprio G & Klingbiel D (1996) is of the view that the bank insolvencies have increased since 1970s and as such the losses are significant as compared to the losses that were incurred due to such bank insolvencies prior to such episodes. What is however, significant to note that such bank insolvencies clearly indicate the misallocation of resources as banks failed to identify and book profitable projects which can self generate the cash flows to repay the loans taken against them. (Caprio and Klingebiel). This analysis captures the real practices of the banks which continued in the 21st century also where banks continue to lend into those areas which were significantly more risky hence more deterimental to the overall health of the financial system. The lending into subprime mortgage market is just one example of imprudent lending practices adapted by the banks in order to achieve higher profitability targets with a very limited and short term horizon. What is also significant to understand that there was a systematic shift towards achieving the short term results as compared to ensuring long term insolvency of the banking institutions. Another analysis by Caprio G & Klingbiel D (1996) indicating that the worst affected of the crises would be Japan and other developing countries such as Argentine and Chile. (Caprio and
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Business Management of Owning a Construction Company Essay Example for Free
Business Management of Owning a Construction Company Essay Owning a construction company requires good planning whereby the management puts several measures in place to ensure that a company performs well to generate enough money that aids it run its operations. Availability of surplus raw materials is one of the important factors to consider while managing a construction company. A construction firm should have enough laborers who offer services to customers and who work at the production stage. Running a construction company requires that the management come up with a good marketing strategy that allows the company to attract as many clients as possible to allow the organization generate enough income to carry out its activities effectively. Keeping records in an organized manner makes it easy for a construction company to make references and also to avoid loss of data. Managers who plan their activities wisely and accordingly in a construction company are in a better position of elevating the profit that the company generates and to improve the quality of goods and services that the firm offers. Definition of Important Concepts Management is a common term that this paper uses and it means to adopt effective measures as a leader that help to run an organization in an effective manner. The term construction is also common in this analysis and it means to come up with projects such as buildings, bridges and roads using qualified personnel. Counterarguments Even though raw materials are essential in the running of a construction company, some companies lack them due to poor management which in most cases leads to the fall of a business. Other construction companies lack enough laborers and this makes the available workers to strain with their work which in most cases lowers the outcome of construction companies. Lack of effective marketing strategy and lack of proper ways of record keeping also in many instances lead to the downfall of many construction companies because they are not able to generate sufficient income from different customers and they experience confusion respectively.This report makes use of an imaginary company by the name of Davis Construction firm to expound on the management of owning a construction company. As part of its activities, this construction firm produces building bricks from clay soil, produces celling boards that builders fit inside houses, and also hires professional masons and other construction desi gners to people or organizations that want to come up with buildings. To attain its goals, the management of Davis Construction firm must take into account several measure that will help it run its activities. Availability of Raw Materials First of all, the manager of this organization must ensure that there is a continuous flow of raw materials to enable the firm continue with its production. In this case, the essential raw materials that Davis Construction firm needs are clay soil to manufacture bricks, wood chips to manufacture celling board, and sufficient water to carry out the mixing process. Other raw materials that this organization needs to produce its goods include chemicals that it uses to carry out its production. A good manager will carry out a research on the best places to acquire the raw materials so that the firms does not experience delays in its production process. To ensure a steady supply of raw materials in a construction firm, managers should have more than one source of suppliers who deliver raw materials to the company. Having more than one source of supplier who supply the same product is important because this allows a company to carry out its activities continuously not to inconvenience customers. In many instances, unreliable suppliers make business managers to consider alternative ways getting raw materials to carry out an organization’s activities (Alonso, 2007, p. 3). Another way in which the manager of this company and any other construction company can ensure constant availability of raw materials is by establishing nearby sites that generate enough raw materials to run the activities of an organization. For example, to have a constant supply of water, the manager can hire professionals to come and dig boreholes that will provide surplus water to the firm at a much cheaper cost. Availability of Workers Effective management of a construction company calls for hiring enough laborers who help in running the organization’s activities. A wise manager will therefore, put measures to ensure that the laborers share work equally and that they do not strain while carrying out their activities. The laborers in a construction firm should fall into several sections where each worker partakes in the activity of his specialization. By each worker taking part in the activities of his specialization, a construction firm will attain accuracy in all the goods it produces and all the services it offers. To get laborers of sufficient knowledge to carry out their activities, the management of Davis Construction Firm should carry out a test while recruiting laborers after ascertaining their credentials. Even though it is a common occurrence in many countries that construction activities attract workers with low educational level (ILO, 2001, p. 12), it is important for managers to hire workers with high qualification to do their job perfectly so as to come up with products and services that satisfy customers’ needs. The management should ensure that workers get sufficient training to enable them carry out their duties with preciseness. As a way of improving the technical skills of their workers, managers should organize educative seminars where other professionals offer theoretical and practical knowledge to the workers. Good managers take the initiative of helping technicians who show great ability in their duties attain further training and also to serve as motivation to the co ntractors. Managers in a construction company should also take their workers to tour different construction firms because if they fail to do this, it will be impossible to compete favorably with other construction firms. Marketing Strategies A construction company should adopt effective marketing strategies that allows it to reach customers from different geographical regions. After intense research about marketing strategies, managers in construction companies such as Davies Construction Firm should come up with a suitable way of marketing the goods and services that the firm offers. To effectively reach customers from different regions, managers who run construction firms should adopt reliable channels such as the internet and publications because these two are able to carry so much information about a company and are also able to transmit information within a very short time. Enhanced technology has improved communication and marketing which has positive effect on inter-organizational relationship and communication (Avlonitis Karayanni, 2000, p. 442). Managers in a construction firms should appoint certain people with the right qualification to manage the company’s website and to attend to customers’ ne eds. In a business organization, it is important for managers to create a customers’ department wing to improve the quality of services and to build a long-term relationship with the customers (Rust, Moorman, Bhalla, 2010, p. 5). Record Keeping Managers who run construction companies should adopt better ways of storing vital information. Good forms of record keeping enable construction companies to make necessary reference whenever conflicts or discrepancies occur. For example, Davis Construction Firm can adopt better ways of record keeping by using computers that are able to store large amount of data for a very long time. People in charge of electronically storing data must be very keen in their activities to ensure that the information stays for a long time without getting lost (Trace, 2002, p. 138). Managers in a construction firm should also adopt a way of keeping records that is easy to retrieve information. Some of the advisable ways of keeping records in a manner that is easy to retrieve include using alphabetical orders, storing records according to the subject and keeping records in accordance to urgency. Conclusion Managers who run construction firms should take the initiative of helping the company attain its goals. As part of their management duties, managers should be able to come up with ways that ensures a constant and sufficient supply of raw materials to enable the firm carry out production of goods and services continuously. A manager should also be able to ensure that a construction firm has enough workers who help in carrying out the activities of a company in accordance to their area of specialty. Coming up with an effective marketing strategy helps to reach customers from different regions and therefore, be able to generate enough money for the construction firm. Above all, a manager in a construction firm needs to device effective methods of storing vital information about past and current operations of a construction firm. References Alonso, E., et al. (2007). Material availability and the supply chain: Risks, effects, and responses. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Avlonitis, G., Karayanni, D. (2000). The impact of internet use on business-to-business marketing: Examples from American and European companies. Industrial marketing management 29(4) 441-459. International Labor Organization, ILO. (2001). The construction industry in the twenty-first century: Its image, employment prospects and skill requirements. Geneva. Rust, R., Moorman, C., Bhalla, G. (2010). Rethinking marketing. Harvard Business Review. Trace, B., C. (2002). What is recorded is never simply ‘what happened’: Record keeping in Modern organizational culture. Archival Science 2(7), is Recorded is Never Simply What Happened: Record Keeping in Modern Organizational Culture Source document
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
john curtin :: essays research papers
Regarded by many as one of Australia’s greatest Prime Ministers, John Curtin assumed office just six weeks before the bombing of Pearl Harbor and led Australia through the darkest hours of World War II. No prime minister has had a more profound effect on Australia and no man has given more in the service of his office. Curtin was born in the Victorian mining town of Creswick on January 8, 1885. His parents were Irish immigrants. His father worked first as a policeman, then as a publican, and the family moved frequently from town to town. His much interrupted education ended when he left school at 14 and began to supplement the family income–as a printer's apprentice, a labourer, a clerk, and a newspaper copyboy which as you can see lead him to champion rights of lower society. Curtin’s interest in social issues and the plight of the working class led him to become actively involved in the labour movement and he joined the Victorian Socialist Party in 1906. He soon became known as an eloquent and inspiring speaker and this ability enabled him to unite the people of Australia in a way unprecedented then and unsurpassed since. John Curtin was just beginning his working life as Australia became a Federated nation. Despite moving away from his Irish Catholic background, he was evidently influenced by it and by the poverty of his upbringing to realise that Australia was not an equal society, and that the major task of a national government was to govern for the good of all the people. In 1917 he moved to Perth as editor of the â€Å"Westralian Worker†. While living in Western Australia, he developed a realisation that Federation disadvantaged some states. He believed that some of these weaknesses occurred because the Constitution had not been followed closely enough. He never lost his faith in the spirit and intention of Federation .He first entered politics in 1928 as the Member for Fremantle in the House of Representatives, but his term was cut short when Labor was defeated in 1931 and he lost his seat. However, one year after re-entering parliament in 1934, he was elected parliamentary leader and when the Fadden government collapsed, Curtin became Prime Minister in October, 1941 He had a remarkable grasp of economics, and in four years his government overhauled the national economy, creating full employment in the process. He and his cabinet made a number of other revolutionary changes in the fabric of Australian life, particularly in the liberalisation of social welfare and immigration policies .
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
The main problem of the high amount
Alcoholism has always taken its toll on people, when they can stop controlling their habit, which would ultimately lead them to destruction in the form of alcohol abuse. The people of Alaska are going through the same phase, and their rate of acceleration of the abuse is getting pretty much alarming.The main problem of the high amount of alcohol abuse in the state, can not only just be blamed at the people, but also should be blamed at the authority over them. Somehow the government’s function machinery seems too weak to handle the problem, and no proper steps have been taken till date that would help curb the problem.The relaxed laws, are the icing on the cake when it comes to the abuse in alcohol, as people have taken it for granted and know about the maximum punishment the state has to offer, when it comes to over drinking or to Alaska’s biggest problem, ‘underage drinking’; which is why the pathetic condition of the state in regards to alcoholism ca n be seen.Curbing the problem is not very easy, and steps have to be taken which have to be imaginative and out of the way category to put an end to the state’s meaningless alcoholism. More care can be given in counseling in schools, so that children from the age of 12 understand the bad effects of alcoholic abuse, and can learn to compete and to tackle the pressure of alcoholic parents and the pressures of the peer group to remain sober.Laws should be more vindictive when it’s coming to alcoholism in the state, and harsher punishments should be given than just monetary fines. People committing crime under the influence of alcohol, should be punished more strictly than compared to other states, as there is a serious rise in alcohol related crimes and felonies. More forces should be used to curtail smugglers providing illegal liquor in dry areas, as they have almost ruined the small rural areas of the state.A proposed solution to the problem would be that every person i n the state, should be given liquor permits, on the basis of compulsory psychological and physical tests, where his limit to alcohol would be based on the severity of his alcoholic problem, giving the government insights of severity of citizens along with getting sound demographic knowledge of alcohol abused areas.Since the beginning of civilization, man has always had tried to acquire a habit, that would keep him occupied and would make him content, at the cost of others. Strange as it may seem, man had developed the production of alcohol not too far after he understood the concept of still agriculture, and end of nomadic life also bought in an era of a time, where the concept of being in an inebriated state was realized.Alcohol has been introduced and has been cherished by all the civilizations that have come and that have been responsible for the development of mankind. Alcohol in those times, were used as medicine, God offerings, for nutrition purposes and was used for different sets of rituals and traditions that the natives followed apart from gratification.In today’s times, alcohol has become an integral part of our culture, and apart from beer and wine, which were the olden times favorite beverages, we have now options for the choicest of choicest drinks and cocktails available to us with great ease.Any pleasure activity that is done in control is well appreciated, but the problem occurs with an uncontrollable desire to continue doing pleasure activities, without understanding the consequences, and falling into the trap of addiction. This addiction trap, initial gains access to individuals, then groups, then large sections of the society, and finally it consumes an entire state, like the current condition of Alaska. Alaska, is probably the best example of effects of alcohol abuse on a very large scale, and the whole state’s function is collapsing and the state output is being wastedon it residents, as the inhabitants of the state have reached a stage known as â€Å"disease of dependency†, because of high alcohol consumption.The problem with the state is it’s firstly very sparsely populated, and it suffers from a high percentage from the phenomenon of brain drain right after high school. Moreover in the winter the climate goes down berserk, and temperature can go down below -50 degree Celsius.This extreme cold also prompts the natives to drink more than the quota of an average American, and the natives love for alcohol has given the state an average of alcohol consumption more than double when compared to the national average for alcohol consumption.The report of the Alaska native federation stated the alcohol abuse has badly gripped the state of Alaska, and the entire state was heading for doom, as the effects of the alcohol were quiet drastic.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Essay on Sustainability at EastLink Engineering Project
Sustainability, which is the definition of â€Å"the process of using, conserving and enhancing a community’s resources†, plays a significant part in large engineering projects such as EastLink. EastLink’s long-term goal is to provide a fast, lasting alternative for drivers to commute between eastern suburbs. For a project that had a final total cost of $2.5B, sustainability, that is ensuring that its relevance and usefulness to the society today and for the foreseeable future is a pivotal part of EastLink. Permanent projects that demand large commitment and resources are the ones that need to heed the concept of sustainability the most, as often there is no going back once construction of such a project has begun. Just like it is with†¦show more content†¦Two significant decisions that have affected the EastLink project are firstly, the decision to develop EastLink as a tollway and secondly, an environmental issue involving potential damage that would b e caused to the nearby Mullum Mullum Valley. EastLink was a multibillion-dollar project, and its funding stemmed primarily from the Federal government, however as the project progressed, the Victorian Government switched to the stance that the EastLink project was no longer viable as a toll free road which subsequently led to the termination of the partial Federal government funding for EastLink. The Federal government’s reasoning being that it would only provide support and funding for projects that were toll free, hence the Victorian Government’s initial promise. The Victorian Government’s decision to have EastLink be a tolled motorway is one influenced by the operating and development costs of such a large civil project and is largely motivated by the financial return of such a project. These concerns were later shown as EastLink made a loss of nearly $93M in its first six months of operation, the largest reason being that being a tolled motorway, it would not attract as many motorists than it would†™ve being a toll free road. The second decision arose over the planning of the layout of EastLink, namely over the extent of environmental damage that would be caused
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