Friday, May 31, 2019
Free Argumentative Essays: It’s Time to Put an End to Campus Isolation
Its Time to Put an End to Campus Isolation A situation on campus which I would like to see changed is non so much the increasing ethnically and racially-based separation of student clubs and organizations, but the lack of communication and exchange between them. There are valid arguments for the confused racially isolated clubs in that they provide a support network and common identity for students who might otherwise feel culturally marooned on a campus as large as ours. (Specifically, I feel that the Iranian bookmans Club, Armenian Americans and Hillel House, to name a few, all provide emotional support to students apart from home and their native culture.) Perhaps one could even justify racial-based separation within an area of common interest on the grounds that common racial and cultural ties promote even better understanding within a common sub-group. I refer specifically to the fact that there is a Student Business Association (almost exclusi vely white), a Black Student Business Association (exclusively black), and a ...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
A Critique of Thank You for Smoking. . .? :: Expository
A Critique of Thank You for Smoking. . .?Peter Brimelow is a senior editor for Forbes magazine. The essay was scripted taken from Forbes magazine (July 4, 1994).Peter Brimelows Thank You for Smoking is a misleading argument which has very little precise evidence and illustrates a faded argument. The essay is about how smoking in some small ways, can be good for you. (Brimelow). In his claim it sounds like he isnt certain(a) of it himself because he used might be and some which ar not strong argumentative words. When stating a major claim it has to be strong and present the message clear. It is supported by logic and reason, not by emotional rhetoric. (Clark 5).Brimelows rebuttal talks about the Surgeon General and how he has decided smoking is not at all dangerous to your health. A rebuttal points out instances in which the claim or warrant might not be true or ways the audience might object to what the author is arguing. He goes on to say that 400,000 deaths are relate d to smoking each year. His rebuttal to this is comparing smoking with driving. He goes on to say that driving causes 40,000 deaths in one year. These two numbers comparing the number of deaths caused my smoking and car accidents are not even close to comparison. Another car can collide with them or bad roads can cause accidents, while smoking is completely preventable and can be controlled by the person. Value is what the author believes strongly in and in this essay freedom is Brimelows value stated. I entail it was clever using freedom to compare because it appeals to people and it gets their attention and keeps it. He says driving cars is dangerous and people assimilate the freedom to drive cars then they should grow the freedom to smoke where they want. Is it the smokers right to come into a room full of non-smokers and light up a cigarette? Should all the non-smokers have to bear the smoke or have to leave because they have a right to smoke anywhere they want. Sm okers have the right to smoke but unaccompanied where smoking is permitted. If they want to harm themselves let them do it alone and not harm people who want to breathe clean air.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Rucksack Rendezvous :: Traveling Travel World Vacation Essays
Rucksack Rendezvous Introduction Deep in the jungle where the aright tiger lie, Bill and his elephants were taken by surprise. -The Beatles For many people this is the image that is conjured up when one speaks of third world motivity and many times it is this substance because of lack of knowledge or lack of resources about the country in question. It is also possible that the person may not overhear had the chance to landing field the country and therefore does not clearly understand what goes on there. So many people think that a trip south of the boarder bequeath bring them nothing but diarrhea and hassles. This image is simply not what you will find. An separate scenario is that of the timid traveler who feels that traveling through such away areas would prove treacherous or worse. Sometimes people are afraid that unrest may occur and they may be left with nowhere to turn. at once again this is a notion that is not completely realistic. The problem co mes from the lack of information about these countries and an increased encouragement by national businesses to keep your travel funds in your own country. Many of the United States surrounding countries could benefit from the travel dollars that we as Americans tend to use exclusively in our country. However, the money is not going there. It seems to me that anyone spending there money for the experience of traveling through a third world country would be adequately compensated in life lessons. In this hemisphere alone there are so many travel destinations that it is enough to boggle the mind. It only takes some simple investigate before you will see that travel to third world countries is not only possible but affordable, safe, and practical. There are many people who have already found the pleasure that is experienced when visiting any one of the many natural wonders or urban settings of the worlds vast geographical locations. National Standards Whether your travelin g with a group or alone there is a valuable lesson to be learned in the area of using maps and other geographical tools to acquire and process information. Traveling also helps you to use mental maps in order to give spatial perspective to the world.
The Politics of Poverty Exposed in There are No Children Here :: There are No Children Here Essays
The Politics of Poverty Exposed in There atomic number 18 No Children Here At a young climb on Lajoe, her parents and other siblings were the first family to move into the newly built Henry Horner Homes, a public lodgement high-rise project, on Chicagos south side. Lajoe recalls how clean and spacious their apartment was then. As the years passed the city became less and less able to deal funds to keep up with the repairs the buildings needed and the city seemed not to care. The projects became ran down, dank and to condense to support a large family. Lajoe became pregnant at the young age of quadteen and was unable finish her high school education. Eventually, she married Paul Rivers, the father of her child and had they had six more children. Lajoes husband Paul was disoriented from them more often than not and rarely offered any support for their children. This story is centered on the lives of the two middle children, Lafayette and Pharaoh, in the family. The old er of the two boys, Lafayette, takes on the role of co-parent and support system for his mother by worrying about his younger siblings well being, who their friends are and to if they ducking bullets properly in the hallway. He has four younger siblings a brother a few years young than he is and a set of triples. He especially kept a zippy eye on his brother Pharaoh who was weaker and easily intimidated. At one point in the story Lajoe realized that because of her husband absence and lack close boastful relationships she had placed an enormous amount of responsibility on Lafayettes shoulders. Lajoe said, The things I should be telling Paul about I was talking to Lafie, I plant him in a bad place. But I didnt have anyone to talk to. Lafie, became a twelve year old man that day.(101) Lafayette had lost his childhood somewhere in the projects. He lived in constant fear for his life and the lives of those he cared about. He tried to stay out of trouble and to avoid traffic with the gangs. But when you come from the projects it was hard to stay out of trouble. There were many occasions when the police wrongly accused Lafayette and his older brother, Terrence. As Lafayette got older set it harder to avoid the older boys and not get caught up in the fast crowd.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Married To Be Alone? Essay -- essays research papers
Married To Be Alone?Although marriage is the symbol of two lives union, in the real world many people experience it in the opposite way. Gloria Steinem says The surest way to be alone is to get married. In The storey of an Hour by Kate Chopin, we can certainly realize how well the author describes the loneliness of a marriage. There is another short story that also reflects the same point of prospect in a kinship it is William Faulkners A Rose for Emily. Both works serve as strong evidence for Gloria Steinems opinion.In The Story of an Hour Chopin implies an idea of that Mrs. Mallard lives as a captive. Maybe it is because she grew up in a society in which women used to be properties of men, she has not notice that fact until she receives her husbands death news. Marriage did not really unify emotionally her life with her husbands. This can be seen in the lines, And merely she had loved him V sometimes. Often she had not (8). She lived with this man, saw him everyday, slept by his side every night, but she did not even love him. Is that a how a relationship between a couple supposed to be? All those years she spent with her husband were as alone as being a prisoner isnt that sad? But everything is solved (she thought so), as Mr. Mallard is dead, at last she can be liberated from that prison, Free Body and mind free (8). This is not a usual expression of a woman whose husband has just died here we can understand how alone she has bee...
Married To Be Alone? Essay -- essays research papers
Married To Be Alone?Although marriage is the symbol of two lives union, in the real human being many people experience it in the opposite way. Gloria Steinem says The surest way to be alone is to get married. In The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin, we can for certain realize how well the author describes the loneliness of a marriage. There is another short story that also reflects the same point of view in a relationship it is William Faulkners A Rose for Emily. Both works serve as strong evidence for Gloria Steinems opinion.In The Story of an Hour Chopin implies an judgment of that Mrs. Mallard lives as a prisoner. Maybe it is because she grew up in a society in which women used to be properties of men, she has not noticed that fact until she receives her preserves death news. Marriage did not really unify emotionally her life with her husbands. This can be seen in the lines, And yet she had loved him V sometimes. Often she had not (8). She lived with this man, saw him everyday , slept by his side every night, but she did not even love him. Is that a how a relationship between a couple supposed to be? All those years she spent with her husband were as alone as being a prisoner isnt that wretched? But everything is solved (she thought so), as Mr. Mallard is dead, at last she can be liberated from that prison, Free Body and soul free (8). This is not a usual expression of a woman whose husband has just died here we can understand how alone she has bee...
Monday, May 27, 2019
If Winter Comes Spring Is Not Far Behind Essay
Birds get frozen, flowers get withitherd, from a pebble of earth to the star of sky all get silenced. It is the time when winter jumps in. Torments, tensions, tragedies, tortures keep down up when west wind of winter blows. Winter is the time of sweet sorrowfulness and dangerous difficulties. However, when spring flummoxs it turns gala days birds fly up, and flowers get bloomed. Oh Spring, you argon a hope in calamities of life. Winter is the symbol of destruction and bareness whereas spring is the symbol of hope and fruitfulness.Around 250 thousand years ago a winter in Rome went on, in which slaves were smashed and slaughtered. Cruelity and ignorance was at peaks. At that time, a man of might and words stood like an insurmountable mountain and fought against popish Republic for slaves. That man was Spartacus. He had almost perished the Government, but he was chopped in Third Servile War. But when he was martyred he said these words. I will come again, not alone, but with millio ns. And, yes, he came again with spring in Rome and, which perished the winter of that time.The winter of crises, problems, destruction has charged our country Pakistan. It has brought galore(postnominal) critical and havoc circumstances which have taken lives of thousands. But hopeful spring is far behind and clouds of happiness are forecast which will bring pleasures and prosperity in Pakistan. Moulana Jalal Din Rumi says, Dont grieve, whatever you lose comes in another form. So, one should push the winter out, and make outlets for spring to come in. And, coming spring will be joyous and peaceful. If winter has come, yes, spring is far behind.Winter snatches green leaves of trees, smashes colours of butterflies, slaughter blooming flowers. But, when everything is lost there hope dwells and that is the spring, which has to come anyhow after winter and that is the cycle of life.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Romanticism Poem and the Concept of Mercy
The ideal of mercy can be a very hard thing for unrivaled to grasp. One may find themselves asking Whom shall be given mercy? , and How much mercy should be shown? . There is no definite answer to those questions as mercy can be shown in unalike ways. There are three particular wreaks that emphasize the concept of mercy, severally showing a different perspective. The three works that use very distinctive ways to show mercy are The Merchant of Venice, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, and Verses Upon the combustion of our House.All of the themes of these works are much alike, as they all involve the comparison of mercy to a great power. However, there are a few distinctions among the works. In The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare, the rootage uses a particular caption in the play to show how the concept of mercy should be perceived. Shakespeare shows the concepts of mercy by explaining how ruling mercy. Shakespeare shows this by stating, It is an attribute to Go d himself, (IV. i. 193) thus saying that God uses mercy and so should everyone else.In the narrative Versus Upon the Burning of our House, the author, Anne Bradstreet, talks about the merciful God, and how he has saved her from destruction. She writes about how she has become too materialistic and how her merciful God has helped her in her time of need. This can be shown when the author writes, And to my God my heart did cry/To square away me in my distress, (8-9) In Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, Jonathan Edwards writes about the Mercy of God as well. His account differs from Bradstreets a little, as he is talk of the town about how God is the reason for everyone living.He says that if it were not for a merciful God, then no one would be living. This can be supported by the author stating, It is nothing but His mere pleasure that keeps you from being this moment swallowed up in everlasting destruction, (56) Even though these works have different variations of the concept of mercy, the overall theme is the power of mercy is unending. All three of these works demonstrate that mercy can be used in numerous different ways and different amounts. Although, as stated before, the theme is mostly the same over all the works, the tone is very different.Each of these works have their own searching tones. Shakespeare takes on the tone of appreciation. While reading the passage, readers observe Shakespeare appreciating mercy and all its glory. Shakespeare writes, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven, (IV. i. 185) giving the reader the illustration that mercy is very plentiful and gentle. Countless times throughout the passage Shakespeare speaks of the power of mercy and just how wonderful it is. As for Bradstreet and Edwards, they take on totally different tones. Bradstreets tone is thankfulness of mercy.The author comes across within the passage as being very thankful for Gods mercy and how she would be lost without it. This can be proving by the follo wing quote, I blest his grace that gave and took,/That laid my goods now in the dust. (14-15) This is a prime example of the author thanking God for having mercy and assist her rather than punishing her. Both Shakespeare and Bradstreet talk about what can occur when mercy is present. Edwards on the other hand talks about what will happen without mercy. Edwards describes violent and vivid images of destruction in his writing.All of which can happen without the mercy of God. He speaks of how you should fear the absence of mercy saying, Your wickedness makes you as it were heavy as lead, and to tend downward with great weight and pressure towards hell and if God should let you go, you would immediately sink and swiftly descend and plunge into the bottomless disconnection. (56) Over all, mercy is said to be praised for its presence, and feared for its absence. The authors use multiple ways of showing their own perspective on the concept of mercy.The three authors uses of literary d evices in their works help strongly support their ideas on the concept of mercy. For instance, Shakespeare uses a simile that compares mercy as being better than a crown for a king. He writes, It becomes the throned monarch better than his crown. This simile backs up the idea of mercy being powerful, and it can be the most powerful in those with the most power. Bradstreet uses an blanket(a) metaphor saying that the burning of her house is like the burning of her sins.She thanks God for saving her from her material things which she feels are a sin. Edwards uses multiple similes and metaphors showings Gods power and how everyone is ill-omened without him. For instance he writes, The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much a one holds a spider or some loathsome insect over the fir, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked, giving the reader the understanding that God is unbelievably greater than people. Each writer uses different literary devices to strengthen their views on the concept of mercy, and each is used in a very strategic manner.The concept of mercy can be interpreted by many different people many different ways. There is no set rules of mercy, and it is up for discussion among people. Everyone has their own ideas on how mercy is and should be. Whos idea is right? Well, there is no foolish or correct way to show mercy. In the three works of literature discussed above, each author has their own interpretation of the concept of mercy. Each work has a very distinctive way of proving their point, and each has a similarities and differences with the other works as to how mercy should be perceived.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Future of Public Sector Bargaining
The ordinary firmament contriveers fraternitys in Canada play a very important exercise in the industrial workforce. The roles of these northerns us to protect and enhance the members interests by making the brass aw be of the things that affect their work and policies that pauperization to be lightened so that they crapper be motivated to work and help in meliorate the countrys saving. Since the early 1980s, Canada has been evaluating its role in the nations economic and social affairs.The Public sphere responsibilities include the render of vital social services, preserving the nations identity and promoting economic development (Swimmer & Thompson). All these factors have been bear upon in one way or an different(prenominal) by the drop-off of administration funding in support of the ventures thus affecting the populace area industrial relations. Progress in the common sector In Canada matured in 1965 when the judicature was expanding its activities and increase d its funding such that wear down and management per mixtureed head.The legal framework of collective dicker was established in the 1940s as a way of increasing the functions and the positive relationships among labor, capital and the state. Various reforms were made in the labor unions in the 1960s with the aim of enhancing the workers rights and improving the employer employee relationship. Changes in the Canadian public sector started to take plant in 1982 when marks were placed in the way the government made compensation.In early 1990s, people were banal with the restrictions and for this reason, in 1991 when the federal bud land was made it was followed by the extendedst federal employee union pound (Swimmer & Thompson). Examples of control programs that have been in place include the Social citation Administration in British capital of South Carolina (1982) and the Mulroney government (1991). The go outingness of the government to impose such policies raised the issue of the role of industrial relations to determine the wrong and conditions of study in Canada (Panitch & Swartz).Free collective negociate began during the expansion of the post war capitalism in the 1960s and continued to deteriorate in the after eld as restrictions on the government side created led to resistance on the unions sides affecting organizational, political and ideological factors (Swimmer & Thompson). The Private sector responded to changes affected la aegirrs by adopting new industrial relations practices and structures that never turn to the problem as it ought to. The sectionalism was a result of years of neglect of the political and ideological mobilizing aspects of trade unionism (Panitch& Swartz, 152). This is because the Canadian government never made any real effort to restructure the economy evidenced by the few labor legislation reforms and laws (Swimmer & Thompson). There were an increasing number of women who joined the labor unions at this time and this enhanced the bargaining position of the labor unions. Wage negotiations never bore the fruits that the workers wanted and economic changes led to the reduction on unemployment as to a greater extent people were employed in common soldier firms on part-time basis. For this reason, private businesses failed.The public sector on the other hand, never reduced employment in any sector at highschool rates such that there was earthshaking increase in employment in the government administrative services. This is because the government still provides vital services in the economy so they cannot change their operations as easily as the private sector. Moreover, it is difficult to substitute capital for labor. For the government to be adequate to(p) to support all these activities, they had to cut down on expenses across all the sectors. Measures of ChangeCoverage is an important indicator of change as it en fits the union management to know the employees they support. Strikes and wor k s circus tentpages are other change indicators. Therefore it is prerequisite that the right to strike and other financial restraint packages are founded in the law. There are to a fault motley changes in collective bargaining involving the bargaining and negotiation structures. All these indicators are vital in both the private and private sectors for developing accessing and making decisions on how several(prenominal) changes testament be developed.This seemed to work in the 1970s when the public sector compensation was more than the private sector compensation levels. Role of strikes The rate of union strikes had reduced in Canada amidst the years 1984-1994. There are no valid explanations for the strikes but they are said to be triggered most(prenominal) in the presence of inflation and increase in unemployment. An example is the 1976 Canadian Labor Congress (CLC) against the anti-inflation program (Panitch& Swartz). The government has thus created regulations to deal wit h strikes.The right to strike by the public service was mandated by the government in 1994 but this was removed from British Columbia industrial policies. Despite the regulations on bargaining outcomes, public sector strikes rose and they were even more than those connect to the private sector. The back to work legislation and cabinet orders in any case led to the strikes such that there were about 39 restrictions between the years 1975-1986 14 in Quebec and 11 in Ontario (Swimmer & Thompson).This led to the allegations that the laws were minimizing the bargaining rights of public employees. Coverage of the industrial Relations system in Canada Collective bargaining has eer been there in the public sector to enhance the workers rights. Educations, government and health sector unions were among the most active in the 1980s and early 1990s even with the involvement of the private sector. This is also the period when free trade and free capital flows enhanced work flexibility (Panit ch & Swartz, 226). Changes in public service delivery have created several challenges in the industrial relations system and volition continue to do so. For example, de primalizing the health care systems leads to the transfer of resources all forms of capital including human capital, from large facilities to smaller health institutions in remote parts of the country. For the health care union to continue maintaining their strength, they pass oning need to consider organizing smaller unions that have not yet been practiced. From the 1980s experiences, these unions will be successful (Swimmer & Thompson). Despite the governments efforts to restrict the bargaining powers of the public sector unions, the government introduced employee involvement programs in the workplace in order to undermine the capabilities of the unions. This can be seen in 2000 when the government reorganized management practices in government run institutions but Swimmer says that such initiates will not neces sarily affect the work of labor unions (Swimmer &Thompson, 433). Moreover, their role is not to weaken public employees attachment to their unions.The public and private sector were not acquire along especially in 1994 between employees in unions and those who were not. This is because the employees in unions wanted a lot of changes to be made and they needed to be in consonance with their un-unionized counterparts who never had a spokesperson to facilitate the negotiation. This was made worse by the minimum legal standards and economic changes. Even in professional occupations in the public sector workers were reluctant to join collective labor agreements (Panitch & Swartz). Conduct of public sector bargainingLegislations somehow gave public sector workers in provinces like Ontario and British Columbia the striking right there was very minimal legislative changes. Most of these restrictions have reduced the importance of bargaining or eliminated it completely. However, Unions can use the use up and rights freedom to delay the implementation of such restrictions and these means that they have a better chance of increasing their bargaining power. Efforts have been made to create central bargaining structures for example in British Columbia, the teachers union is being introduced to a provincial bargaining structure.Moreover, laws are enabling the formation of the sectoral bargaining in most public sectors. The state and large public sectors especially education and health, are forming master bargaining structures. This is because the government sees centralizing the bargaining structures as a mode of controlling its expenses. Centralizing bargaining structures takes place when the government employer undertakes the action and such arrangements with the government are not necessarily permanent.The governments ability to control such bargaining agreements means that there is a likelihood of rise in political struggles when both sides do not agree especially accustomed the fact that the public sector unions are likely to resist any governments efforts to reduce their salaries. The bargaining process will therefore connote the increment in the salaries for the top personnel who are likely to be curb by the accountability restrictions under the budgetary restrictions which will make hiring and retaining the top public personnel difficult.Pay and employment equity also affect compensation. Pay equity is likely to contribute to better female compensation but this will has the possibility of contributing to the internal problems within the organization. The Government will be looking for ways to reduce their tax expenditures and this will result in reductions in unemployment so that it can minimize the compensation rates. Nothing much can be done by the unions since there are no structures in place to address job aegis issues.Most of the public sector workers will therefore find it difficult to secure employment in the private sector. Iss ues of job security will therefore be at the forefront as a political matter and also at the bargaining t adapted. Compensation for the municipal employees will also need to be looked at seriously especially since civic unions like that in British Columbia have been actively engaged in the local politics. Their continued involvement in such issues will lead to restrictions being made by the senior public officials. Future of public sector bargainingAfter the Second World War, labor unions in Canada used the old strategies that were associated with social democratic gradualism. Moreover, the unions focused on what their members needed in bargaining the terms and conditions for employment with their employers. Therefore, more emphasis was placed on negotiating skills rather over educating and mobilizing members (Panitch & Swartz, 226). The future if public sector bargaining can be enhanced by adapting various strategies and manikins as outlined below Panitch and Swartz approaches ? P rogressive competitivenessInvestment involve to be made by employers in increasing their employees skills through continuous education breeding and research so that they are able to support the industry, promote new technologies and a high value-added economy that will enable them to be paid high wages. Labor is therefore used as a means of supporting and enhancing the other forms of capital so as to increase productivity (Panitch & Swartz). The disadvantage of this dodging is that it only helps the elite therefore those who are not skilled enough will miss out on a lot of job opportunities hence the least developed regions will remain underdeveloped.? Partnership internationalism This strategy was developed in the 1990s which involved labor unions being restructured so that they could be able to adopt certain conditions set by international trade organizations like the World passel Organization (WTO) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This makes the labor le aders more responsible as they have to represent the interests of other member workers. Moreover, it ensures that unfair labor conditions and certain state regulations are addressed according to international standards and regulations.This therefore means that the public sector industrial institutions will have to develop an export-oriented influence that may not be necessarily what the government was hoping for. This will mean that the countrys employment will depend on low cost exports. This will mean that salaries will be limited as the employment rates are likely to decrease if the economy is doing badly. In addition, making the public sector bargaining more internationalized does not sincerely support militant workers struggles hence making it harmful to the economy.Other strategies The new strategy as proposed by Panitch and Swartz (p. 236) should be more of a condition so that it is able to enhance its success as well as transform labor. The political leaders should therefo re control investments and make reforms with the aim of reducing working hours and other limits that are found within the labor movements. There also needs to be a strategy for reorganizing the public sector unions by creating new capabilities for the workers and the changing the unions organizational structures for the better.The unions also need to open themselves up to the broader community so that they assist in the growth of the economy and developing their efficacy and confidence to be a positive mildew on others. Leadership and openness bring about significant changes that enhance the unions collective bargaining power. It is also necessary to develop ways that will be used to deal with new workers who are not part of the group could be included in the union so as to increase the labor unions bargaining power(237). Educational initiatives need to be created as this will help in including non-union members.Effort will need to be made in strengthening the social movement wit hin the organization and also the community level. The Unions in Canada have not been able to chance on much in the sense of fighting for their rights because their leaders assert too much power in the control of the unions such that they are not able to effectively communicate with their members. Canadians shifted from the American international unions in the 1980s and merged with the Canadian unions where they were faced with internal problems within the union structures.Leadership in the unions needs to be restructured. This will entail educating leaders especially those who cannot see that the labor unions are lagging behind and are not fighting for the rights of the workers like they ought to (Panitch & Swartz). Moreover, well developed democratic structures will enhance more involved and committed membership which is likened to the politicization of the union as seen today. According to Swimmer and Thompson, five scenarios/ fashion models will influence future public sector bargaining. They include 1. Back to the pastThis scenario entails looking into the various features of the association-consultation model in public sector industrial relations. Employees will be more aware of their rights in terms of the pay they are supposed to get, length of working hours and other employee related organizational rules. This means that the employers will have to see to their suggestions and pass the decisions that they see fit. Public employees however, have not shown signs of breaking away from the collective agreements. In addition, there is a lot of support for collective bargaining despite the restrictions in place.Workers can therefore engage in strikes if they feel that their grievances are not being addressed in a proper manner. homage to the unions is brought about by the poor wages and they need to stick together for wage increases. This loyalty is however seen to fade away if their issues are not addressed in the long run. However, the success of strik es such as the 1991 federal government workers is enough to gather support and the government has not suggested any other form of consultation other than collective bargaining.In this model, job security for the public workers will be enhanced because they will be pressured to coif like their private counterparts. though the program is not specifically designed to reduce unemployment, the adoption of the private sector organizational and operational systems will at least help in improving the status of the economy thus enhancing job security. 2. A sullen Truce Sullen truce occurs when the government hinders compensation and any form of public sector bargaining for a certain period of time such that employees cannot force any policies.Since the government cannot abolish the workers unions, they will simply ignore their existence. This model considers work stoppages as illegal. Public sector workers can decide not to communicate with their employers so that they can see that they are not motivated to perform their work well. This model did prevail in the 1990s where the government still re-enforced their restrictive policies. It can work in regions where the economy is declining and unemployment rates are high so that they are forced to bare with the poor status of the economy.If the private sector does well such that their wage rates have increased, then this model will not work. The government may refuse to engage in the bargaining process so that they can gain from the booming economy at the expense of the workers who will in turn demonstrate for their rights. The workers bargaining power will therefore depend on the societys economic situation. The public sector union can look for support from the private union workers as well as rights activists. Since they will be supported by influential members of the society, the government will be forced to lighten its rules.3. A new golden Age When governments revenue is increasing, it means that the public services will also increase. Collective bargaining will be easier as the government is able to pay for the increasing costs hence the negotiations are easier. But this is not always the case as the economy is not always stable and the political environment should always be stable. This will in turn mean that commensurate political leaders will be needed at the state and provincial level so that they make proper laws.On the other hand if the economy was booming, the workers unions will want their salaries increased constantly. 4. Struggle in the Streets This model involves incorporating the governments centralized bargaining structure in the bargaining strategies used by the public sector unions. It is further likened to the public sector industrial reforms between 1972 and 1982 in Quebec. The government to initiate change in the public sector industrial relations, it must be willing to maintain centralized bargaining structures as well as coordination as seen in the 1990s.The public sector may limit such efforts by their unwillingness to cooperate but the government will face pressure from striking and work stoppages by the employees. For public employees to get what they need, they will need to strike on a large scale from time to time if their issues are to be addressed. The government on the other hand can be able to gain support from the private sector union members and by using various legislative actions. 5. Power sharingIn this model, governments need to cut on spending and they will have to communicate the decisions they make with the public sector unions. Through such meetings, they are able to come to a consensus by agreeing on terms so that spending is controlled. Job security for some workers can be negotiated. This model therefore ensures that public sector employee rights enhanced through the commitment of both parties. The government needs to pass legislations that are less restrictive and the public sector workers need to accept some conditions which a re necessary.Such conditions are not easily achieved because the government addresses changes often and organizations have different operational structures and for this reason it is important for both parties to be willing to bend their rules. This model is similar to the productivity bargaining model that is used by private firms where costs must be minimized so that more money can be saved and paid as wage increases. Conclusion The Canadian public sector bargaining strategies have been limited over the years by strict government regulations and poor union structures among other factors.If these issues neither are nor addressed in a proper manner and fast. Labor unrest will continue to be a significant part of public sector bargaining. However, this can change with a decline in militancy in both the private and public sector hence, the reduction of public strikes will in turn reduce the overall strike rates in the country. The Unions need to restructure themselves as well as get su pport from the government so that they are in a position to ensure that its members have the necessary resources and are included in making decisions in the union hence reinforcing their solidarity to the union.Reforms in the public sector bargaining are very necessary as they ensure that freedom of expression of the workers is enhanced in a proper thus improving the future of the Canadian working class. References Panitch, L. & Swartz, D. From Consent to Coercion The Assault on Trade Union Freedoms. 3rd Ed. Ch. 7 & 10, pp. 143-241 Swimmer, G. &Thompson, M. Public Sector Collective Bargaining in Canada the future of public sector Industrial Relations. Ch. 16, pp. 430-445
Friday, May 24, 2019
Sonnet 116
Sonnet 116 is about love in its most ideal form. It is praising the glories of lovers who have come to from each one other freely, and enter into a relationship based on trust and understanding. The first four lines reveal the poets pleasure in love that is constant and strong, and get out not alter when it alteration finds. The following lines proclaim that true love is indeed an ever-fixd mark which will survive any crisis. In lines 7-8, the poet claims that we may be able to measure love to some degree, but this does not mean we fully understand it.Loves actual worth cannot be known it remains a mystery. The remaining lines of the third quatrain (9-12), reaffirm the perfect nature of love that is unshakeable throughout time and remains so evn to the edge of doom, or death. In the last(a) couplet, the poet declares that, if he is mistaken about the constant, unmovable nature of perfect love, then he must take back all his writings on love, truth, and faith. Moreover, he adds t hat, if he has in fact judged love inappropriately, no man has ever really loved, in the ideal sense that the poet professes.The details of Sonnet 116 are shell described by Tucker Brooke in his acclaimed edition of Shakespeares poems In Sonnet 116 the chief pause in sense is after the twelfth line. Seventy-five per cent of the wrangling are monosyllables only three contain more syllables than deuce none belong in any degree to the vocabulary of poetic diction. There is nothing recondite, exotic, or metaphysical in the thought. There are three run-on lines, one pair of double-endings.There is nothing to remark about the rhyming except the happy portmanteau word of open and closed vowels, and of liquids, nasals, and stops nothing to say about the harmony except to point out how the fluttering accents in the quatrains give place in the couplet to the emphatic march of the almost unrelieved iambic feet. In short, the poet has employed one hundred and ten of the simplest words in the language and the two simplest rhyme-schemes to produce a poem which has about it no strangeness whatever except the strangeness of perfection. (Brooke, 234)
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Managing Employee Retention Essay
Data QualityIt is important to make sure the data you use is valid. An outlier data point stern dramatically reduce the fit of a model, so it is critical that bad data points be moved. In the case of the Store24 data, we will assume that all jitneys micturate some experience, so remove any data points where the manager experience is zero.Regression AnalysisFirst, you should run a full model for profit that includes some(prenominal) tenure and site location related variables. Tenure related variables atomic number 18 MTenure and CTenure. Site location related variables are population, number of competitors, street level visibility, matter-of-fact access, type of neighborhood, and whether a store stays open 24 hours. These variables are also defined on page 4 of the case Store24 (A).First you should doctor if all variables contribute to our understanding of the model. Use the p-value for each coefficient to decide (a value of 0.05 is typically used to decide whether a variable s hould be included). If any variables are not significant, copy the worksheet, remove the variable and run the regression again. In your report you should explain how well the model fits (e.g. describes the factors that impact profit).It is not commonly tacit how to evaluate the impact of the independent variables. The variables have to have a p-value that is significant (otherwise we cant say there is a relationship), but how small the p-value is does not tell us how important the variable is. A good way to understand the impact of the variable is to find the range of values it can take, and thusly multiply that range by the value of the coefficient. That tells you the maximum impact that the variable can have on the problem.Next, you must address Tom Harts hypothesis that manager tenure does not have a linear impact on profitabilitythat is, that there are diminishing returns to manager tenure. To examen this, copy the worksheet, then add the variable MTenure2. To do this, insert a column next to the Tenure column, and then enter the formula =D22 in cell E2 and copy this formula to the rest of the cells. Now run a regression on this advanced set of variables and see if the MTenure2 variable is statistically significant.What to impart You are to write a memo from Sarah Jenkins to Paul Doucette summarizing your results. You should explain your regression results* How well the model predicts store performance (r2, p-value of variables and their impact) * How your MTenure2 assesses Tom Harts hypothesis. Does it support his hypothesis? You should include a graph that shows contribution to profit of employee tenure over the range of values in the data set. The x-axis should be manager tenure, and the y-axis should be the predicted contribution to store profit.Finally, your memo should give Paul Doucette a concrete recommendation as to how much Store24 should invest in any new manager retention programs.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Everything Your American History Book Got Wrong
James Loewens book entitled Lies My Teacher Told Me Everything Your Ameri burn History Book Got Wrong speaks of criticism against cardinal American account statement textbooks that mislead readers by representing facts and viewpoints that ar actually far from truth.There is often a hitch of bias in the way history is being presented nowadays, what Loewen (2008) defined as heroification or a degenerative bear upon that makes people oer into heroes turn flesh-and-blood individuals into pious, perfect creatures without conflicts, pain, credibility, or human interest (p.19). From the Pilgrims up the occurrence of the Vietnam War, this Eurocentric method of formulating the teaching of history bears thoughts and issues, which appear to be very irrelevant to the views of everyday lives.Main BodyLoewen (2008) has inserted in his book the spoken language of W.E.B. Du Bois when he saidOne is astonished in the study of history at the recurrence of the idea that evil must be forgotten, dist orted, skimmed over The difficulty, of course, with this philosophy is that history paints perfect men and noble nations, but it does not tell the truth (p.18). In Loewens book, it is emphasized how history textbooks, which are apply today in education, proclaim misleading evidences and details that abuse heroification and put the angle away from truth.It emphasizes too much on positive qualities that give an overly-emphasized meaning that reflect significant lessons, while distorting the negative characteristics of history and its heroes. By this, students usually find significant lessons in them, such as, for example, Woodrow Wilson and Helen Keller. As Loewen (2008) stated, Wilson was usually pictured as an important president, while Keller was an inspiration to the blind and deaf students of this century (pp.19-20).However, as Loewen (2008) stated, Heroification so distorts the lives of Keller and Wilson (and many others) that we cannot think straight about them (p.20). It tak es away the truth merchantman real people and events by presenting them in a way that leads to a specific objective and design. It fabricates peoples minds after a certain example that would theoretically lead to a basic viewpoint, picture, or assumption.Questions that are raised in Loewens book consist of the following (1) How true and accurate are the details that are being presented in educational textbooks in the field of history? (2) How much morality do the authors, publishers, adoption committees, and teachers nowadays possess in presenting facts and issues that should reflect fair, non-bias, and factual details of history? (3) What are the exact causes why most elementary and secondary students find the lectures of history bland, boring, and almost senseless? (4)How can the process of heroification lead to more positive, truthful, fair, yet fruitful results? Lastly, (5) what can authors, publishers, and teachers do to highlight the truth behind Loewens statement that histo ry is an ongoing process that is influenced by specific events, environments, and characteristics of the past. My general perception after recitation the authors viewpoints or perspectives is that, Loewen (2008) has failed to analyze the other end of the pole, which reflects that, prior to a youngs desire to be nonpareil of the great men of his time, there first has to be the episode of mental and psychological stimulation and inspiration, before one can project positive results and actions that make history a lot more worthwhile.ConclusionI feel that this book of Loewen (2008) is the very thing needed to emphasize the truth behind the statement that history is an ongoing process that is being lived by on the account of ones everyday life. The reading has helped me to formulate my own ideas regarding education, as it reflected the issues of accuracy, morality, and the different tactics used in trying to come up with a structure that makes heroes appear like what the readers would carry them to appear all faultless, perfect, and absolute. It is, however, far from the truth.ReferenceLoewen, J.W. (2008). Lies my teacher told me everything your American history textbook got wrong. New York, NY New Press.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Should Public Exams Be Abolished in Hong Kong?
Should Public Exams Be Abolished In Hong Kong? Public mental tests play an important role in a students life, especially in Hong Kong. Nowadays, there is no other ways to promote into university in Hong Kong unless passing the examination. Students learn to sit for 2 major public exams including The Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination(HKCEE) and The Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination(HKALE). Should public exams be abolished in Hong Kong? This topic is a hot issue that many parents and teachers reason with the students.Related essay Why Boarding Schools Should Be AbolishedSince some people muted believe the functions of public examination while some people beg that examination is non necessary. There are many different views of this hot issue. Personally, I strongly agree that examination is a good way to appreciate student, evaluate the pedagogics system and served as a motive to let students to study impenetrable and encounter well preparation for the succeed ing(a) competition. Public examination is a good way to assess student. Until now, it is the best and fastest way to assess and evaluate students.Students who fail the exams could not continue their studies while some students who form the minimum request could promote to form 6 or universities. For instance, form 5 students have to get at least 14 marks in HKCEE(Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination) in order to promote form 6. Also, if form 7 students want to get into universities, they have to pass all the subject in HKALE(Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination). Otherwise, those failed students will be eliminated from their school.Actually, the schools can find out the weakness and strength of the students from examinations because exams show what subjects the students are better at or not good at. Practice involve perfect. Teachers can help students to improve their achievement by doing more exercises. At the same time, parents can supervise and remind their children to abbreviate on studying. Examination can evaluate the education system. Actually, our Hong Kong Government would changes the education system according to students exam results. Students exam results reflect the efficiency of the education system.If the education system is efficient, students exam results should be expected to be better. The government can improve the exam mechanism according to the results of the students. Its important to know if a someone can memorize and apply the knowledge they have learned at school when they taking exams. According to Thomas Kellaghan(2004), by providing a specification of square away goals and standards for teachers and students, they control the disparate elements of the education system, helping to ensure that all schools teach to the same standards. (p. 5) Besides, the schools can alter their educational orientation according to examination. Some students may feel confuse before exams or even after exams. Thus, schools can implemen t some education policy. For example, before exams, the schools can give more exercises for students to practices. later on exams, the school can offer some specific classes of some subjects for those students who get a bad results in the exams. Government can also give guidelines to the schools and teachers in order to improve students achievements.The government can give some reports or analysis about students exam results to every school. Its important to know more about students study situation. According to nates Simons (2005), examination served as a motive to let students to study hard and get well preparation for the future competition. As we know exams are important to the students, especially in Hong Kong, an international city in the world. We are not hardly to hear that many students verbalise they have great obliges and stresses. But pressure building from exams sometimes become a motive for students to study hard.Practice makes perfect and progress. This is the bes t sentences to remind students the right attitude. Moreover, exams inform students ability to respond. Students sometimes have to answer the questions logically and critically, this can train their answering and responding skills. Since they have to solve different questions by themselves, this could train their problem solve skills. Also, exams help students to build up their confidence. If they can apply their knowledge and write it down correctly, they will have a good result which help them to make a high evaluation on themselves.And the admiration of teachers and parents will give them a great confidence. Although there are many functions of examination, some people still agree that public exam should be abolished in Hong Kong. They point out that many students are under great pressure and stress because of examination. It is not hard to hear that some students commit suicide after they get the bad exam result. Indeed, exam would build up the pressure on students. But pressur e could make a person progress. If there is no pressure, students may not study hard.Besides, the pressures built on students are not only come from examination. It may comes from teachers or parents or even the society. Thus, pressure is not an excuse for abolishing the public exam. According to Candy Chan (2012), Hok Yau Club, which supports students, has received a couple of calls from youngsters seeking help for exam-related stress. of age(p) social worker Kwok Man-fong has encouraged students to get in touch if they are experiencing anxiety. There are many ways to help students to relief their stress and mental pressure.Actually, the public exams still play an integral role in Hong Kong. Hong Kong could not progress without examination. There is no doubt that the function of exams is very important. The parents and the teachers should help students to get a great achievement in those exams. Also, students should have a positive attitude towards to the public examination. It a bsolutely should not be abolished in Hong Kong. It dominates the fate of the students. It reflects what students have learned at schools and it acts as a gate-keeper to select the students.Thus, examination is a good way to assess student, evaluate the education system and served as a motive to let students to study hard and get well preparation for the future competition. Reference List Thomas Kellaghan (2004). PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS,NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ASSESSMENTS,AND EDUCATIONAL POLICY. Retrieved from http//siteresources. worldbank. org/INTAFRREGTOPSEIA/Resources/paper_Kellaghan. pdf John Simons (2005). The Study Culture In The Modern City. Boston,MA Pearson Education Samuel J. T. (2009). The Importance Of Education. The Thomson Corporation Candy Chan (2012, March 29). New exams off to tricky start. The Standard
Monday, May 20, 2019
Bread Talk Marketing Analysis Essay
BREAD TALK GROUP (Bakery)Number of brands under cabbage public lecture conference ( bakery)1) Bread maunder2) make merry Box3) The icing room4) Bread SocietyMacro- purlieu* Economic There is a rise in income for to the highest degree middle and lower income earners, making the slit sell price inelastic as it is a smaller proportion of the salary earned. Bread talk will always enjoy a demand for their bakery products.* Demographic There is an increase in Singapores Population (overcrowding) from past years, more people will cause an increase in demand for such bakeries.* Culture It is Asians habit to eat supper/ tea and hence interchange of breads green goddess be used as snacks during these breaks. Therefore there will always be a demand for these snacks.* Technology Bread talk consulted top R& D teams to create more varieties of bread. 50 novel recipes conceptualized with the input of international bakery consultants within its Research & Development team. The exciting Eur o bread series harnesses the taste and quality of European breads and incorporates them with a variety of Asian flavors, such as drunken longan, shady sesame, spinach and sweet potato.* Competition There atomic number 18 also many bakery shops that are strong known such as Four Leaves, Crystal Jade, Cake History, Begawan Solo etc. which are in neighboring vicinity of Bread talk. Consumers may choose to purchase breads in different shops according to their tastes and preferences food market* over 600 bakery retail stores in 15 territories* territories include Singapore, China, Hong Kong and the Middle East Customer target group* people with different range of income esp. low and middle class * no age group* the discern customer who enjoys her daily bread* esp those living in city areasStrategy of company* disposition of innovation introduced new bakery model called Bread babbleTransit positioned as a apace stop for consumers on the go. Bread talk also developed a mobile app lication, allowing users to make purchases, ensconce outlets, and be informed of the latest promotions. By enabling customers to shop-on-the-go, it effectively reduces the in-store shopping time by close to 33% and led to a 75% increase in customer compliments.* Increases productivity and allows for more versatility when sourcing for retail space.* Rapid expansion of the Bread Talk brand.* Strengthened Brand presence Build RamenPlay, Bread talk, Toast Box and The icing room together in Nex reap financial benefits through cost savings due to shared expenditure ( set up costs) * More charity work being do/ sharing their success To celebrate 10th anniversary, BreadTalk pledged 5 cents from individually Floss Bun sold to Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund, raised $50,000 for needy school children. *marting desegregate1) ware bread, pastries, cakes and drinks. Always create new varieties of breads Chilli Crab, Carlee Crab & branded its signature bun whiner Floss Bun. There are 50 types of bun available in each outlet. objective lens apply revenue and to satisfy customers desire for snacks, especially during breakfast and tea time because most people usually take bread or pastries during this time2) Place 25 outlets in Singapore. virtually places includes Parco, Bugis junction, Paragon, Tiong Bahru Plaza, Novena Square, Jurong Point Shopping Centre, Marriott Hotel, Tang Plaza, Junction 8Shopping Centre, Great World City, Capitol Building, Turf City, Parkway Parade, HDB Hub (Toa Payoh), Tampines Mall etc verifiable Locating everywhere allows the customer to get their bread anywhere 3) Price Min. price $1.00.Max. price$2.00Objective Priced averagely so that people can afford the bread4) Promotion a. Store structurei. Each outlet bears the urban, clear glass, clean cut look punctuated subtly with detailing of contrasting colours of artworks, unique to each locale. (Zen-like concept) ii. BreadTalk signature see through kitchens allow their chefs to showca se their expertise upfront, sharing the preparation of the freshly cook breads and tempt the customers to have a taste of their breads.b. Advertisements/Television/Banners to attract others cheaper price during anniversary month Bread talk campaign tagline Breadtalk gets you Talking, c. Use of their own brand plastic bag, pamphlet and coupons also serve up as a type of promotion to attract new customers wherever and whenever the name carries it. d. Loyalty card-Spend above $5, you will get a stamp on your card. With correct no. of stamps, they are able to make unnecessary a free bun. Flaws* Decline in sales was due to some outlets business not doing well, tether to revenue and profits made by other outlets to go wasted as earning cannot overcome losses made. * The popular Chicken Floss Bun idea was stolen by other bakery shops. Bread Talk pushed onto the losing side as competitor sells the product at lower prices price out-grew satisfaction Improvements madeMarket Penetration 1) Bread talk can have delivery services 2) Bread talk can sell using push carts 3) Conduct more lucky draws to encourage more purchase of breadsProduct Development 1) Create Minis Breads like Four Leaves such that consumers get to taste and will go for the commonplace one if the flavours are nice 2) Create certain type of breads during festivals like CNY , ChristmasMarket Development 1) open a place to sit and eat ( E.g. Caf) to allow ppl to rest and interaction /not just buy and go 2) Open more shops in residential areas ( underneath HDB flats etc.) so that it is more convenient for residents variegation 1) Invent new bread flavours that customers like by surveying them before thatSwot AnalysisStrengths 1) odd concept & branding captures interest of consumers as it constantly develops products reflecting contemporarylifestyle and current events. Shops gives customers a find of friendliness2) Wide range of productsBread talk offers over 150 varieties of breads, buns, pastrie s and cakes overall. Breadtalk constantly introduces new products to run to customers changing tastes. It currently introduces approximately 10 items every four months3) Strategic Locations located at strategical and accessible places to attract potential customers as having high customer traffic flow (near public go systems , retail outlets, , cinemas)Weakness 1) Pricing products are priced higher than the products of other bakeries, which might cause customers to choose some other brand 2) Selection of Products products limited to bread and cake compared to Bengawan Solo with pastries choicesOpportunities 1) Nature of Products Bread is a goodness and can be sold anywhere in the world. There is a high potential for world(a) growth since there is a constant consumer demand for bread expanding of business overseas 2) Other Markets BreadTalk has sorry partnerships currently in Indonesia, China (Shanghai) Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan ROC and the Middle East (Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and UAE), India and Hong Kong.Threats 1) Product/Brand purpose ReplicationBreadtalk faces the threat of product/brand concept replication by other bakeries especially in regions which Breadtalk has not ventured into (eg USA).2) Competition from Direct and Indirect Competitors indirect competitors include specialized bakeries like Donut Factory, which are currently both capturing increasing consumer interest.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Analysis of Language Essay
distinguish in published by Internet blogger Voxi is a persuasive denomination regarding the technological boom being experienced by not only todays younker but by society in general. Published on May 23, 2009 on website Ctrl Alt Keyed in Voxi, contends that society and its members should herald the implementation of new engineering and welcome it with open arms, contrasting the profits with great historical discoveries such as Darwinism and the reorganisation of the cosmos. The title itself has a double meaning, the first and nearly obvious of which is the literal keyboard associated with technology and the second refers to those who atomic number 18 keyed in to an ever-changing society and involuntary to move with it as opposed to be left behind. The article begins with a non-confrontational promissory note however throughout Voxi begins to show a more compelling tone. Accompanying Voxis article is a picture of a human head withholding a microchip that projects multiple la yers, the main point of this is to make the referee think about how technology has been embedded into the core of society and implemented into every layer of the domain today. Voxis contention is pro digital technology and is this is strategically withheld until the 5th paragraph so that readers depart read on, curious of the generators contentionVoxi continuously simplifies and exemplifies his arguments through metaphoric language, allowing for readers to fully comprehend his opinion whilst addressing the supernumerary attention required. By contrasting citizenry who embrace technology with the grit of an oyster, readers ar ab initio made to regard individuals who accept change as stubborn, unwanted members of society. However Voxi diverts this analogy, positively presenting these gritty people by explaining how oysters produce pearls. Readers argon allowed to distinguish the relationship between the beauty of pearls, with the accomplishments of those who wish to make thing s wagerer, evoking gratitude towards these individuals who ask questions. Through the inclusion of television series The Inventors, Voxi aims his opinion piece towards those who enjoy witnessing the progression of technology into exciting ventures. By correlating the gritty people with individuals who eventually enter the show, Voxi aspires to present readers with members ofsociety who wish to ameliorate quality of life. As readers witness the potential benefits of change in their lives, they feel inclined to accept the alterations in all forms, including technology.Voxi introduces readers to the concept of beneficial change prior to his contention of digital technology being a great opportunity for humanity, as a way of creating susceptibility within readers towards accepting alterations in life. The author promotes the digital revolution through a quick succession of psychological benefits, in that humans go away solve the riddles of the universe, find cures faster and find wa ys of preserving the planet. By presenting a promising future, readers are encouraged to embrace such hope and reject the boundaries of darkness. Through using the comical stipulation homo supersapien, Voxi introduces readers to a more relaxed aspect of his opinion piece, using a less eccentric tone to formulate the possibility of an advanced race of humans. The writer further explains how this superior human species will be capable of ending war and violence, exciting readers to the prospect of realism peace. By expressing an aspect of world culture wished by all members of society, Voxi instruments his argument to appeal to readers humanity.However Voxi also notes to embarrass the flaws in his argument, through the inclusion of a podcast which consist of the negative attributes associated with technology, such as the digital world is a worldwhere nothing has meaning. The podcast itself is efficient through repetitive language in a world so as to emphasise the significance of t echnology on society. By demonstrating that he is frank towards the subject, the writer positions readers to be more accepting of his contention as they are exposed to both aspects of the debate, and so are allowed to establish an opinion on the issue themselves. By revealing both facets of the dilemma, Voxi gains readers trust as they are not mislead or withheld from information.The fear of privacy invasion is also addressed, in that Voxi offers relatively simple solutions to an initially complex problem. As a major concern in the development of technology is privacy issues, Voxi explains how you can protest and get them removed if worried. By confronting theissue and proposing an answer readers trust in the writer is reinforced, as he has for the second time confronted a flaw in his argument. Voxi capitalises on this technique by proceeding to include the rhetorical question, why wouldnt you want it in your life?, so as to impose a one-directional response from readers who proce ed to feel pressured to comply with the writers contention. Voxi repeats this methodology when addressing the concerns of older readers, when he asks Whats there to be afraid of?. By pliable no obvious response, these individuals are inclined to consider Voxis answer and consequently accept it.The writer alters the form of writing to be more personal, by noting that hot air balloons are always looking for into my windows too. This is so as to subdue reader concerns for safety in light of technological advancements, by reminding them that he too is an ordinary member of society. By expressing his contempt attitude towards the risk involved with digital revolution, concerned readers are comforted and are less inclined to oppose the writer. Voxi later draw individuals who reject technology as losers, implementing a direct attack on people who oppose his contention. such(prenominal) action is done so as to direct readers to feel part of the majority, playing on the instinctual liking of humans to belong. The strategic placement of this assault at the conclusion of the opinion piece, infers that this last technique is aimed towards readers who are yet to comply with the writers argument.Through both inclusive and attacking language, the writer evokes accord from readers, by allowing them to relate to him and feel pressured to accept the contention. By including flaws the writer gains reader support as they are not mislead and denied information, further reinforcing the argument that the digital revolution should be embraced, and without it you wont be in touch and connected.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
“Don’t worry, it’s a 20 minute drive!” – Creative Writing
Its 8. 40 and weve just got attain the plane. It was the longest flight of our lives. With a three instant delay while we were stuck on the plane and accordingly the luggage cast downting lost. My suitcase managed to get on a flight to Miami and my silents to Barcelona Sometimes I wonder, do the suitcases just spr give away legs and go someplace theyve never been before? We were tired and hungry. We had been awake for almost 20 hours at a stretch and were desperate to flop on to a soft bed and relaxation As we hurriedly looked around for a taxi to get us to our hotel, a t on the whole, tanned maam walked up to my pop and asked him if he wanted to rent a machine.Typic all(prenominal)y, my pa thought it was a reliable idea. You may not k with out(a) delay this, but my family and I, perplex all experienced my pop musics driving in a foreign city, and believe me it is no where close to good. So, amidst out cries of protest, my adamant dad marched up to the rent-a-car gettin g even and asked for a throng carrier. After standing around for another half hour, the lady showed us to a lift and told us our car would be waiting downstairs. We found that we had a bright green people carrier to drive around New York for the week that we were at that place.After moaning and groaning we all got in the car, and my dad ad started driving to the exit of the parking lot when he suddenly braked and started reversing back to the lift where the lady was bland standing and waving. He had forgotten to ask for directions. He sat back in his seat speak astir(predicate) tear right at the light, then require a U turn and hang in back east on the thru way. At exit 443 take a right and win signs to the or was it turn right then left and then take a U turn? My milliampere was already furious with my dad for agreeing to the idea of the car. Tight lipped, in her this is so annoying voice she asked my dad if he was sure of where he was pass. Obviously no man likes to dm it hes not sure so in his very false voice he assured my ma that he was positive about where we were going and that the lady had told him its whole a 20 minute drive and not to worry. The lady couldnt have been more wrong. She obviously misjudged my dad and may have over-estimated him when she saw his international driving license.Wroom, Wrooom, the vehicle, startedas though we were about to begin a race. It was warmed up and all set to embark on the race against time. Our kind was unknown and we had one of the slowest drivers of all time. Taking it at 5Km an hour, we took 20 minutes alone to get ut of the three-storey parking lot. How long was it going to take us to get to the hotel? When we eventually got on the road, my junior crony express he needed the toilet. As usual my mum taking charge asked my brother to wait 20 minutes while we got to the hotel, while giving my dad a very on the lookout look. I think, having a mothers instinct she knew that stopping anywhere would just prolong this dreaded journey and we would all end up traipsing to bathroom and making an even bigger mess of ourselves.Luckily, my dad made a good guess and we turned on to the right road. It was usually my brother managed to get s to our mean destination, because my dads sense of direction is as good as any bird that flies into a window. shopworn of directing my dad during previous escapades like this, my brother had flat out refused to do any severalise of map reading. After much driving on a straight, dimly lit road there was finally a lonesome turning to the right, which my dad decided to take. Obviously, our good luck had to run out at some point, and this was the time. We were on a nameless bridge which we later found out was the Brooklyn Bridge. It was now when my mother began panicking.We had been driving for 25 minutes already and there was still no ign of getting to Manhattan Island. bandage my mum was muttering to herself about how we wouldnt make it to the hote l in time and that they would cancel our booking, my dad just said that being on the bridge gave us a view of the beautiful city of New York at night. All we had left now was to follow the signs and arrows. The average person might ask, how difficult could it be to follow signs? Obviously, this hadnt had the experience of a lifetime A car journey with my dad. So, driving along the Brooklyn Bridge, my brothers and I were taking my dads advice and were enjoying the view, when we made a very unexpected stop.We had just come to a tollbooth. Now, having arrived a mere hour ago we hadnt had the chance to acquire any spare change, so my dad had to reach into his secret bullion belt which was tucked under his shirt, and he pulled out 50 dollars. The man taking our money gave my dad a very shocked look as he gave back 48 dollars and 50 cents. Luckily, my dad had thought that it was a good idea to ask the man how to get to Manhattan Island. He told us to take the second exit on the left and then follow the signs. We did just that. Or we thought we did. I think it was because we werent accustomed to theAmerican accent either that or the guy was trying to lead us into Harlem on purpose. Harlem is supposedly the most dangerous neighborhood in New York. At hearing the news, my mum became very hysterical she unplowed yelling useless opinions like I told you not to get the car Now were all going to get shot Why do you have to put all our lives at stake? My dad just raised his eyebrows and carried on driving. My brother was complaining that he was really desperate for the bathroom, and that just got my mum started again with things like Look at what youve done We cant even stop any where because were in HARLEM nd his bladders going to burst, and. and. At this point I just blocked my mum out. Before we knew it, thanks to the well-lit signboard pointing us out of Harlem we were back on the Brooklyn Bridge. My mum calmed down, but only very slightly. Anything was appreciated at this time, because it was nearly 11. 30 and my brothers and I were dying with tiredness.My dad just kept driving. He was wide-awake. How? I dont know, but I had a fealing it may have had something to do with the 3 cups of coffee bean he had on the plane. Shockingly, we ended up at another tollbooth and asked directions. Again. After about 10 minutes of nodding, ointing and looking at the map, we were finally on our way. It was like Christmas come early when we reached a turn off. We were finally getting of the bridge Suddenly, all our sleepiness left us. We were back to a wide-awake conjure up and were all excited to finally be going somewhere.What seemed like 10 minutes later, we were getting out of the dreaded people carrier and were walking in to the hotel. The first thing my brother did was make a beeline for the bathroom. It seems amazing, that how ever many bad experiences we have with driving cars in foreign, and sometimes in not so foreign countries my dad never gives up.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Divorce Is Always Bad for Children Essay
One of the intimately ofttimes asked questions Is divorce harmful to children? . There are numerous discussions about the effects of divorce on children and most people and researches say that divorce has a negative beguile on children. These children grow more psychological and behavioral problems than children who support in married two-parent families. I agree with that because I think that normal psychological development and well-being of children are directly connected with whether the children grow up in divorced families or in married two-parent families.There are many factors that account for why children in divorcing families may have difficulties, but I would like to focus on whatsoever of them such as parental dismissal and life stress. Firstly, both parents are important for children, giving emotional support and practical assistance. Children who grow up in two-parent families are happier and have a greater well-being because they live in the atmosphere of love, deal and attention from both parents. Each parent gives their children their knowledge, skills and nurture that are important for the formation of childrens personality. break up often results in the loss of contact with one parent and therefore a loss of the knowledge, skills and emotional support of that parent. Secondly, divorce of parents is a big stress for children. They knew only one world where their mother and vex was a unit. But after divorce life is changed, their world is destroyed and as result they find pain and further carry ugly memories. There are other psychological problems connected with ever-changing residence, conditions of living, changing the school, loss of friends.As a result, children need to adjust to a new life that is apparently a big emotional stress for them. Moreover, children may be faced with inadequate attitudes of other children who live in two-parent families. Children may feel a stress from understanding of such inequality that may path t o a problem when they may became an asocial. All of the abovementioned factors usually may lead to aggressive behavior of children or their depression, and parents may be faced with difficulties how to manage this.In summary, it is apparent that divorce has a negative influence on children, not only in their childhood but also on their future because some researches have proved that most adults who grow up in divorced families often keep the painful memories in their mind for many years. The risk of negative influence on children may be reduced, if both parents try to keep the friendly relationship between them and maintain the level of support for their children before divorce. both(prenominal) parents should participate in their childrens nurture equally and show them their love and care.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Blood Promise Chapter Fifteen
Abe glanced over at integrity of his guardians and gave a fast nod. The man instantly walked aside. Its d cardinal, Abe say.Just deal that? I asked in disbelief.His lips quirked into a smile. Rolan realizes who I am. He knows who whole kit for me. Once Pavel rags my ah, wishes known, that will be the end of it.I shivered, knowing Abe spoke the truth. Considering what a smartass Id been to Abe this whole time, it rattling was a esteem I hadnt had my feet set in cement and been tossed into the ocean. So why arent you forcefully force me pop out of here?I never like to make eachone do any involvement they dont fate to. steady Rolan. Its overmuch easier if people simply check off reason and do what I ask them to, without the use of force.And by ?see reason, you mean, ?blackmail, I said, thinking of what Id scarcely agreed to.We make a trade, he said. Thats all. Dont for withdraw your end of the bargain. You promised to conduct here, and you dont seem like the type to go back on your word.I dont.RoseViktoria suddenly appeared at the doorsill. Wow, that was fast. Pavel was calmly dragging her by her arm. Her hair was mussed, and a dress strap was slipping from her shoulder. Her face was a mixture of incredulity and anger. What did you do? That guy came and told Rolan to get out of here and never see me again And then Rolan agreed. He just left.I found it slightly mistrustful that Viktoria immediately blamed me for this. True, I was responsible, merely Abe was standing right there. It wasnt a secret who his employees were. Nonetheless, I defended my cloakions.He was using you, I said. at that calculate were tears in Viktorias brown eyes. He loves me.If he loves you, then why did he hit on me as soon as your back was turned?He did nonHes the one who got Sonya pregnant. change surface in the alleys dim lighting, I saw her face pale. Thats a lie.I threw up my hands. Why would I make that up? He trea incontestabled to make plans with me as soon a s you were out of townIf he did, she said, example shaking, it was because you led him on.I gaped. Beside me, Abe listened quietly, a smug look on his face. He was so complacent and probably thought he was being proven right. I precious to punch him, but Viktoria was my c erstrn.How brush off you think that? Im your friend I told her.If you were my friend, you wouldnt be acting like this. You wouldnt try to stand in my dash. You act like you loved my brother, but theres no way you could produce-no way you authentically represent loveDidnt understand love? Was she crazy? If she only knew what Id sacrificed for Dimitri, what Id done to be where I was now all for love. She was the one who couldnt understand. slam wasnt a fling in a back room at a party. It was something you lived and died for. My emotions surged, that darkness welling up deep down me that make me want to lash out in return for her horrible accu sit downion. It was only by dint of the strongest of efforts that I remembered she was already hurting, that she only said the things she did because she was confused and upset.Viktoria, I do understand, and Im sorry. Im only doing this because youre my friend. I precaution about you.You arent my friend, she hissed. You arent part of this family. You dont understand anything about us or how we live I wish youd never convey here. She turned and stormed away, pushing back inside through the long line of partygoers. My heart ached as I watched her.I turned to Abe. Shes passing to go try to find him.He still wore that damnably knowing facial expression. It wont matter. Hell have nothing to do with her anyto a greater extent. Not if he values that pretty face of his. I was worried for Viktoria but kind of had a touch perception Abe was right about Rolan. Rolan would no longer be an issue. As for Viktorias next guy well, that was a worry for another day.Fine. Then were done here. Do not follow me any more than, I growled.Keep your promise to leave Baia, and I wont have to.I narrowed my eyes. I told you I always keep my promises.And as I hurried back to the Belikov house, I suddenly wondered if that was true. The romp with Abe and Viktoria was like cold water on my face. What was I doing here? To a certain extent, Abe had been right I had been deluding myself, pretending Dimitris family was my own in order to soothe my grief over him. merely they werent. This wasnt h demesnestone. The Academy wasnt my home either, not anymore. The only thing I had left was my promise-my promise to Dimitri. The promise Id somehow lost luck of since coming here.Some of the Belikov family was in bed when I got home, but others were still in the living room. I slipped upstairs to my room, waiting anxiously for Viktoria to get home. A half hour later, I comprehend footsteps on the stairs and the sound of her door closing. I knocked gently on it.Viktoria, I said in a loud whisper. Its me. Please talk to me.No came the response. I dont ever wan t to talk to you again.Viktoria-Go awayIm just worried about you.You arent my brother You arent even my sister. You have no place hereOuch. Her voice was muffled by the door, but I didnt want to risk a fight in the star sign and allow the others hear. Going to my room, my heart breaking, I stopped and stood in front of the mirror. It was then that I knew she was right. Even Abe was right. Baia wasnt my place.In a flash, my meager belongings were packed, but I hesitated before waiver downstairs. Viktorias make fulld door stared at me, and I had to fight the urge to knock again. If I did, it would only trigger another fight. Or, perhaps even worse, she would forgive me-and then I would want to stay forever, lost in the comfort of Dimitris family and their sincere life.Taking a deep breath, I headed downstairs and walked out the front door. I wanted to communicate the others rightbye but worried the same thing would happen, that Id look at their faces and change my mind. I nee dful to go, I realized. I was angry at two Viktoria and Abe. Their words had hurt me, but thered been truth in them. This wasnt my world. I had other things to do with my life. And I had a lot of promises to keep.When I was about eight blocks away, I slowed down, not because I was tired but because I wasnt sure where I was tone ending. Leaving that house had been the biggest step. I sank down on the curb in front of a neighbors silent, dark yard. I wanted to watchword without knowing why. I wanted my old life back. I wanted Dimitri and Lissa. Oh, God, I wanted them. save Dimitri was by deceased, and the only way Id see him was if I truly set out to kill him. And as for Lissa she was more or less gone to me too. Even if I survived this, I didnt think she could forgive me. Sitting there, note lost and alone, I time-tested reaching out to her one more time. I knew it was foolish, considering what Id seen before, but I had to try one more time. I had to know if I really could have my old place back there. I slipped inside her mind instantly, my runaway emotions making the transition easy. She was on a common soldier jet.If Jill had been stunned by meeting St. Vladimirs A-list students, deprivation on a trip with them made her downright comatose. She stared at eitherthing wide-eyed and barely said a word during the whole flight to theRoyal Court. When Avery offered her a glass of champagne, Jill could barely stammer out, N-no thanks. After that, the others seemed to forget about her and got carried away by their own conversation. Lissa find Jills uneasiness but didnt do much to remedy it. That was a shock. The Lissa I had known would have gone out of her way to make Jill comfortable and be included. Fortunately, the younger girl seemed perfectly entertained by watching the others antics.I excessively took comfort in knowing Jill would be okay once she met up with Mia. Lissa had sent word ahead to Mia to have it off pick up Jill when they landed, seeing as Lissa and the others had to attend to one of Tatianas functions right away. Mia had said shed take Jill under her wing for the weekend and show her some of the innovative things shed intentional to do with her water magic. Lissa was glad for this, skilful she wouldnt be babysitting a freshman all weekend.Even if Jill was totally off of Lissas radar, one person wasnt Averys brother Reed. Their father had decided it would be a entire idea for Reed to go with them, and seeing as Mr.-excuse me-Headmaster Lazar had played a key contribution in working with Tatiana to arrange this trip, there was little argument. Avery had rolled her eyes and spoken to Lissa about it covertly, just before boarding.Were all riding your reputation, Avery said. Part of the reason Dad let me come was because youre in good with the top executive, and he wants it to scratch up off on me. Hes then hoping Ill get in good with her, and then thatll rub off on Reed-and the rest of the family.Lissa tried not to over think the logic too much. Mostly, she was fazed because Reed Lazar was still as unpleasant as hed been the first day they met. He wasnt really mean or anything it just made her uncomfortable being around him. Really, he was the polar adversary of Avery. Whereas she was animated and could always strike up conversation, he stayed tight-lipped and spoke only when spoken to. Lissa couldnt really speciate if it was shyness or disdain.When Lissa had tried asking him if he was excited to go to Court, Reed had simply shrugged. W shunver. I dont share. His tone had been almost hostile, like he resented her for asking, so shed given up all other attempts at conversation. The only person, other than his sister, that Lissa saw Reed ever speak to was Averys guardian Simon. He had also come along.When the flight landed, Mia was as good as her word. She waved enthusiastically when Lissa stepped off the plane, her blond curls whipping around in the wind. Lissa grinned back, and they gav e each other quick half-hugs, something that never failed to amuse me given their former enemy status.Lissa made introductions for those who indispensable them as an escort of guardians led them away from the landing strip and toward the inner portion of Court. Mia welcomed Jill so warm that the younger girls uneasiness faded, and excitement glowed in her green eyes. Smiling fondly, Mia glanced away from Jill and over to Lissa.Wheres Rose? calm down fell, followed by uncomfortable glances.What? demanded Mia. What did I say?Rose is gone, said Lissa. Sorry I thought you knew. She dropped out and left after the attack because there were some things some personal things she needed to take care of.Lissa feared Mia would ask about the personal things. Only a few people knew about my wait for Dimitri, and Lissa wanted to keep it that way.Most thought Id just disappeared from post-battle trauma. Mias next question completely shocked Lissa.Why didnt you go with her?What? Lissa stammered. Why would I do that? Rose dropped out. No way am I going to.Yeah, I suppose. Mia turned speculative. You guys are just so close-even without the bond. I assumed youd follow each other to the ends of the earth and figure out the details later. Mias own life had gone through so much excitation that she took that kind of thing in stride.That weird, fluctuating anger Id been feeling pop up in Lissa every so often suddenly reared its head and turned on Mia. Yeah, well, if we were so close, then it seems like she wouldnt have left in the first place. Shes the selfish one, not me.The words stung me and clearly shocked Mia. Mia had a temper of her own, but she sat on it and simply held up her hands in an apologetic way.She really had changed. Sorry. Wasnt trying to accuse you of anything.Lissa said nothing else. Since my departure, shed beat herself up about a lot of things. Shed gone over and over things she could have done for me before or after the attack, things that index have made m e stay. scarce it had never occurred to her to go with me, and the revelation hit her like a smack to the face. Mias words made her feel guilty and angry all at the same time-and she wasnt sure who she was the maddest at me or herself.I know what youre thinking, said Adrian a few minutes later, once Mia had led Jill away and promised to meet up later.What, you read minds now? asked Lissa.Dont have to. Its written all over your face. And Rose never would have let you go with her, so stop agonizing over it.They entered the royal guest housing, which was just as sousing and opulent as it had been when Id stayed there. You dont know that. I could have talked her into it. No, said Adrian sharply. You couldnt have. Im serious-dont give yourself one more thing to be depressed about.Hey, who said Im depressed? Like I said, she abandoned me.Adrian was surprised. Since my departure, Lissa had been more sad than anything. Shed from time to time been angry at my decision, but neither Adrian nor I had seen such vehemence from her. Dark feelings boiled within her heart.I thought you understood, said Adrian, with a small, puzzled frown. I thought you said youd-Avery suddenly interrupted, liberal Adrian a sharp look. Hey, hey. Leave her alone, okay? Well see you at the reception.They were at a point where the groups had to split, girls going to one part of the lodging and guys to the other. Adrian looked like he wanted to say more, but instead he nodded and headed off with Reed and a couple of guardians. Avery put a gentle arm around Lissa as she glared at Adrians retreating figure.You okay? Averys normally laughing face was filled with concern. It startled Lissa in the same way Adrians maents of seriousness always startled me.I guess. I dont know.Dont beat yourself up over what you could have or should have done. The past is gone. Move on to the future.Lissas heart was still heavy, her mood blacker than it had been in quite a while. She managed a tight smile. I think th ats the wisest thing youve ever said.I know Can you look at it? Do you think itll impress Adrian?They dissolved into laughter, yet despite her cheery exterior, Lissa was still struck by Mias offhand comments. They plagued Lissa in a way she hadnt thought possible. What really bothered her the most wasnt the thought that if shed come with me, she could have kept me out of trouble.No. Her biggest issue was that she hadnt thought of coming with me in the first place. I was her best friend. As far as she was concerned, that should have been her immediate reaction to my departure. It hadnt been, and now Lissa was racked with even more guilt than usual. The guilt was all-consuming, and she would occasionally transform it to anger to ease the pain. It didnt help much.Her mood didnt improve as the evening progressed, either. Not long after the groups arrival, the queen hosted a small reception for the most elite group of all visitors who had come to the Court. Lissa was quickly discovering that the queen always seemed to be hosting some party or another. At one point in her life, Lissa would have considered that fun. She no longer did, at least not when it came to these kinds of parties.But charge her dark feelings locked up, Lissa stayed good at playing the role of nice royal girl. The queen seemed happy that Lissa had a suitable royal friend and was equally pleased when Lissa impressed other royals and dignitaries she was introduced to. At one point, though, Lissas resolve nearly faltered.Before you leave, said Tatiana, we should see about your guardians.She and Lissa stood together with a group of admirers and hangers-on who were keeping respectful distances. Lissa had been staring vacantly at the bubbles in her untouched champagne and looked up with a start.Guardians, your majesty?Well, theres no delicate way to put this, but now, for better or for worse, youre without any protection. The queen paused respectfully. Belikov was a good man.My name naturally didnt come to her lips. I might as well have never existed. Shed never liked me, particularly since she thought I was going to run off with Adrian. As it was, Lissa had detect Tatiana watching with some consideration while Avery and Adrian flirted. It was hard to say if the queen disapproved. Her partying aside, Avery seemed a model girl-save that Tatiana had wanted Lissa and Adrian to eventually get together.I dont need any protection right now, said Lissa politely, her heart clenching.No, but youll be out of school soon enough. We think weve found some excellent candidates for you. One of thems a char-a lucky find.Janine Hathaway offered to be my guardian, said Lissa suddenly. I hadnt known that, but as she spoke, I read the level in her mind. My mom had approached her not long after I left. I was a little shocked. My mom was very loyal to her current assignment. This would have been a big move for her.Janine Hathaway? Tatianas eyebrows rose nearly to her hairline. Im sure she has ot her commitments. No, weve got much better choices. This young ladys only a few years older than you.A better choice than Janine Hathaway? Not likely. Before Dimitri, my mother had been the gold standard by which I metrical all badassedness.Tatianas young lady was undoubtedly someone under the queens control-and more importantly, not a Hathaway. The queen didnt like my mom any more than she liked me. Once, when Tatiana had been bitching me out for something, shed made a reference to a man my mother had been involved with-someone whom I suspected might be my father, a guy named Ibrahim. The funny thing was, the queen had almost sounded like she had once had an interest in the guy too, and I had to wonder if that was part of her dislike for my family.Lissa put on a tight, polite smile for the queen and thanked her for the consideration. Lissa and I both understood what was going on. This was Tatianas game. Everyone was part of her plan, and there was no way to go against her. For a br ief moment, Lissa had that foreign thought again, of something captain Dashkov had once said to her. Aside from his crazy killing and kidnapping schemes, Victor had also wanted to start a revolution among the Moroi. He thought the power distribution was off-something Lissa occasionally believed too-and that it was wielded below the belt by those with too much control. The moment was gone almost as soon as it came. Victor Dashkov was a crazy villain whose ideas deserved no acknowledgment.Then, as soon as courtesy allowed, Lissa excuse herself from the queen and headed across the room, feeling like she was going to explode with grief and anger. She nearly ran into Avery as she did.God, said Avery. Do you think Reed could embarrass me any more? Two people have tried to make conversation with him, and he keeps scaring them off. He actually just told Robin Badica to shut up. I mean, yeah, she was going on and on, but still. That is not cool. Averys dramatic look of exasperation faded a s she took in Lissas face. Hey, whats misuse?Lissa glanced at Tatiana and then turned back to Avery, taking comfort in her friends blue-gray eyes. I need to get out of here. Lissa took a deep, calming breath. Remember all that good stuff you said you knew about? When is that going to happen?Avery smiled. As soon as you want.I returned to myself, sitting there on the curb. My emotions were still going crazy, and my eyes were fighting off tears. My earlier doubts were confirmed Lissa didnt need me anymore and yet, I still had that feeling that there was something odd going on that I couldnt quite put a finger on. I supposed her guilt over Mias comment or spirit side effects could be bear on her, but still she wasnt the same Lissa.Footsteps on the pavement made me look up. Of all the people who might have found me, I would have expected Abe or maybe Viktoria. But it wasnt.It was Yeva.The old woman stood there, a shawl draped over her narrow shoulders, and her sharp, cunning eyes look ing down at me disapprovingly. I sighed.What happened? Did a house fall on your sister? I asked. Maybe there was a realise to our language barrier. She pursed her lips.You cant stay here any longer, she said.My mouth dropped open.You you speak English?She snorted. Of course.I shot up. in all this time youve been pretending not to? Youve been making Paul play translator?Its easier, she said simply. You avoid a lot of annoying conversation when you dont speak the language. And Ive found that Americans make the most annoying conversation of all.I was still aghast. You dont even know me But from the first day, youve been giving me hell. Why? Why do you hate me?I dont hate you. But I am disappointed.Disappointed? How?I dreamed you would come.I heard that. You dream a lot?sometimes, she said. The moonlight glinted in her eyes, enhancing her otherworldly appearance. A chill ran down my spine. Sometimes my dreams are true. Sometimes not. I dreamed Dimka was dead, but I didnt want to belie ve it, not until I had proof. You were my proof.And thats why you were disappointed?Yeva drew the shawl more tightly around her. No. In my dreams, you shone. You burned like a star, and I saw you as a warrior, someone who could do great deeds. Instead? Youve sat around and moped. Youve done nothing. You havent done what you came to do.I studied her, wondering if she really knew what she was talking about. And what is that exactly?You know what it is. I dreamed that, too.I waited for more. When it didnt come, I laughed. Nice vague answer. Youre as bad as any scam fortune-teller.Even in the darkness, I could see the anger kindle in her eyes. Youve come to search for Dimka. To try to kill him. You must find him.What do you mean ?try? I didnt want to believe her, didnt want to believe she might actually know my future. Nonetheless, I found myself getting hooked in. Have you seen what happens? Do I kill him?I cant see everything.Oh. Fantastic.I only saw that you must find him.But thats a ll youve got? I already knew thatIts what I saw.I groaned. Damn it, I dont have time for these mantic clues. If you cant help me, then dont say anything.She stayed quiet.I slung my bag over my shoulder. Fine. Im leaving then. And like that, I knew where I would go. Tell the others well, tell them thank you for everything. And that Im sorry.Youre doing the right thing, she said. This isnt where you should be.So Ive heard, I muttered, walking away.I wondered if shed say anything else spank me, curse me, give me more mysterious words of wisdom. But she stayed silent, and I didnt look back.I had no home, not here and not in America. The only thing left for me was to do what Id come to do. I had told Abe I kept my promises. I would.Id leave Baia like I told him. And Id kill Dimitri, as Id promised myself I would.I knew where to go now. The address had never left my mind 83 Kasakova. I didnt know where it was, but once I reached the towns center, I found a guy walking down the street wh o gave me directions. The address was close by, only about a mile, and I headed out at a brisk pace.When I reached the house, I was glad to see that the lights were still on. Even as pissed off and raging as I was, I didnt want to wake anyone up.I also didnt want to speak to Nikolai and was relieved when Denis opened the door.His expression was all astonishment when he saw me. Despite his bold words back at the church building earlier, I dont think hed really believed Id join him and the other unpromised ones. He was speechless, so I did the talking.I changed my mind. Im coming with you. I took a deep breath, bracing myself for what came next. Id promised Abe Id leave Baia-but I hadnt promised to return to the U.S. Take me to Novosibirsk.
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